Black Lotus

Chapter 13 - Meet At The Concert Again

Tang Shuo had arrived at the agreed location early. He fixed his hair and tidied up his clothes as he looked around for Niannan.

“Tang Shuo.” 

He immediately turned around and saw Wen Niannan, who had called his name, and looked at him with a smile. 

“Niannan, you came!” Tang Shuo said with a silly expression.

As soon as Niannan arrived, he spotted the man in the distance who was laughing to himself. After a while, he would fix his clothes then laugh to himself again like a crazy person, making people around him think that he was actually crazy.

The concert would start in a bit, so the two sat in the waiting area and talked for a while. After the time came, they went in.

After the concert began, the audience fell silent in an instant. Just like everyone else, Wen Niannan had also held his breath and immersed himself in the music. 

After the first song ended, Wen Niannan noticed that his face felt cold, only to realize that he was crying.

Tang Shuo noticed Wen Niannan’s tear so he quickly handed him a tissue. He turned his head around and was about to say something when he suddenly noticed a familiar figure sitting in the front row. 

It was Gu Yansheng!

Another familiar person was sitting beside him, who happened to turn his face to speak. Tang Shuo squinted his eyes for a closer look. It was Shen Luoan. 

Gu Yansheng was also listening to the concert with Shen Luoan!

He saw Shen Luoan leaning on Gu Yansheng like a baby, and the two talked close to each other from time to time. Their affectionate behavior was very noticeable. 

Tang Shuo didn’t want Wen Niannan to be sad if he ever saw them, so he turned around and whispered, “Niannan, I just remembered that I have to do something important. Let’s leave for now.”

Then he got up and walked outside. Wen Niannan was a little confused but still followed him outside. However, he accidentally walked too fast and tripped.

“Niannan, are you okay?” Tang Shuo wanted to help him but then placed his hand back down.

“I’m fine, I walked too quickly and didn’t notice the stairs. Let’s go.”  

Wen Niannan stood up and fixed his clothes. As he was about to walk out, the concert had started to play the second piece and the familiar piece that slowly made Wen Niannan pause in his steps. 

It was the piece Gu Yansheng had played when they first met at the banquet. 

At that time, the boy was dressed in a white suit as he proudly stood, the piano keys played smoothly between his slender fingers. The light that shone on him created a halo, accentuating his delicate profile, making it impossible to look away. 

He had only regained his senses after the last note of the performance was played. Time passed, hearing the piece being played once again suddenly made him feel an unspeakable bitterness in his heart. 

After the song finished, Wen Niannan looked away from the stage and noticed the two people in front. Then he turned around and saw Tang Shuo’s nervous expression and left without another word.

Seeing that Wen Niannan had left without even turning his head, Tang Shuo quickly followed. 

“Niannan, I was planning to tell you, but I was afraid that you would be sad. Are you okay?” 

Tang Shuo was scared that he would get angry. In the past, Wen Niannan would easily lose control as long as Gu Yansheng was involved. He didn’t know what he should do and how to comfort him. 

“Do I look like an abandoned stray dog? Huh?”

“What? Why would… Why would you describe yourself like that? You shouldn’t be so mean yourself.” Tang Shuo couldn’t bear to see the low-self-esteem in this person. 

Wen Niannan’s eyes were stinging, but the tears refused to flow down. He didn’t want to complain anymore. 

“Young master Tang, didn’t you say there’s a very good restaurant nearby? Would you like to have dinner with me?” asked Wen Niannan as he forced out a relaxed smile. 

“Huh? Oh okay, I’ll go reserve a seat right away.”

Seeing that Wen Niannan wasn’t mad, Tang Shuo let out a sigh of relief.

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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