Black Lotus

Chapter 73.1 - He Started Caring (12)

Sternly looking at the door being closed, Wen Niannan stepped back as Gu Yansheng walked past him to get back to his room.

The hallway quieted down. Looking at the pieces of the broken cup, Wen Niannan bent down to pick them up. Accidentally, his fingers got cut by the sharp edges, and blood dripped down onto the ground.

Looking at the blood on the ground, Wen Niannan’s eyes were a little dazed, remembering that night when he was in the alley.

The person beside him was covered in blood and unconscious. Outside, the kidnappers were still searching for them. He pressed hard on the person’s wound trying to stop the bleeding, but blood still came out.

As the person’s eyes were about to close, Wen Niannan could only shout to not let the person close his eyes.

He called 1201Hotline for the ambulance in China in a rush.

Hearing the curses not far away, Wen Niannan went to check in fear.

As he saw the kidnappers were getting close, he looked back at the unconscious person. He came up with a plan, one that could make sure the person could live…

But he never thought that because of that plan of his, he would suffer from a restless night, beaten cruelly and endlessly.

Painfully laying on the bed, he touched his neck and found the thing on there to have disappeared. After being tortured for so long, the tension he kept snapped, and he collapsed in despair.

If that year, Dr. Li didn’t show up, he might have gone crazy…

Wen Niannan looked at the blood on his hand and he smiled, “I thought I lost it… I thought… it’s lost… But it’s not… It’s still here… It’s great…”

Why did Gu Yansheng keep this necklace for so long, and why did he seem so longing when he looked at it…?

Wen Niannan’s body froze, and an unbelievable thought came up to him in his mind.

Is he… thinking about the person who saved him…?

The piece in his hand fell, and Wen Niannan quickly picked it up and threw it into the trash.

He stood up and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. 

Does he still remember me? How…

Suddenly, he remembered how Gu Yansheng was staring at him just before fainting. It was the necklace.

Thinking about this, Wen Niannan covered his eyes with his hands and murmured, “So that’s what happened…”

Gu Yansheng finished brushing his teeth and sat on the sofa with his eyes closed. He was troubled by why Wen Niannan suddenly changed in attitude and Wen Niannan’s carefree expression.

He contacted Xiao Li from his laptop and asked to check the company’s recent information.

The door opened. After seeing that it was Wen Niannan that came in, he looked back down again.

Wen Niannan sat on the bed and closed the main lights in the room. leaving only the night lamp. He lay down on the bed with his back facing the person sitting on the sofa.  There was only the sound of keyboard typing left in the room.

The bright moonlight slipped inside as the two people were submerged in their thoughts.

The person typing on the laptop didn’t have his thoughts focused on what he was typing, and the person on the bed still had his eyes open.

After a long time, steady breathing added to the sound in the room.

The typing sounds stopped. Gu Yansheng rubbed his temples, closed his laptop, and stood beside the bed.

He stared at the person sleeping for a long time, and finally pulled over a blanket and slept on the sofa.

The next day when Wen Niannan woke up, the first thing he saw was Gu Yansheng on the sofa. The blanket was on the floor.

Wen Niannan went to open the curtains. The sunlight landed in the room, and he went to put the blanket back onto the sleeping person.

Seeing the delicate face, he was dazed for a second.

Gu Yansheng had a handsome face, but with his impatient and aggressive attitude, normally he gave a scary impression.

Wen Niannan signed and went into the restroom.

As the restroom door closed, the person on the sofa suddenly opened his eyes. Clearly, he had been awake for a while now.

Gu Yansheng looked at the blanket that was placed on him with an unpredictable look in his eyes. Gu Yansheng woke up as soon as Wen Niannan opened the curtains, but he didn’t open his eyes when he heard footsteps approaching. 

When he felt that a blanket was placed on him, he seemed to sense that Wen Niannan was staring at him before going into the restroom.

Rubbing his sore arm from sleeping on the sofa, Gu Yansheng walked to the floor-ceiling window and looked outside.

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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