Black Lotus

Chapter 73.2 - He Started Caring (22)

When he heard the restroom door opening again, Gu Yansheng looked back.

Wen Niannan was drying his hair while walking out, and when he saw the person standing next to the window, he paused slightly.

Their eyes met and didn’t move for a long time. 

Wen Niannan looked away and went to the drawer and took out a blue sweater to put on himself, he said plainly, “Aunt Lan put your clothes in the drawer. The second one to the left is yours.” Then, he left the room.

“Good morning, Aunt Lan.”

“Oh, good morning, sir.”

Wen Niannan greeted Aunt Lan as he walked into the kitchen. He then took the spoon in Aunt Lan’s hands. 

“I’ll help him.”

Seeing Wen Niannan coming to help her, Aunt Lan felt a sense of relief. 

I’m so glad… that he returned to the way he used to be…

After the food was set on the table, the other two also came down from upstairs. Lu Yun was talking to Gu Yansheng with a hateful yet helpless expression on her face.

Gu Yansheng felt someone was looking at him, and he suddenly turned and squinted at Wen Niannan.

After breakfast, Lu Yun and Wen Niannan were watching TV, while Gu Yansheng read a magazine. Gu Yansheng glanced at his watch and said, “Will Yuanfeng come today?”

“Yeah, he’ll come around noon. Your Aunt Zhou wants him to rest for a bit this morning.”

Gu Yansheng became even more irritated when he heard Lu Yun’s voice, “Do you rather let Yuanfeng take a break with no one managing the company than to let me go?”

Lu Yun looked at Wen Niannan and said with a cold tone, “I said that the company doesn’t need you right now. Your job is to take care of Nian Nian until he recovers, got it?”

“Ah, alright. Fine.”

Gu Yansheng stood up and stomped up the stairs. 

Lu Yun pretended that she didn’t hear and continued to chat and watch TV with Wen Niannan.

Wen Niannan looked at the time and said,

“Mom, I have to leave for something right now.”

“Mm?  Why do you have to leave again?”

Seeing that Wen Niannan didn’t want to go into any details, Lu Yun’s eyes darkened and said, “It’s fine. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Don’t forget to wear a warm jacket and bring a hat, or else your head is going to start hurting again.”


Looking at the car pulling out of the driveway, Lu Yun sighed and went to her room.

On the balcony upstairs, Gu Yansheng, who was smoking, saw Wen Niannan leaving. A flash of confusion flashed in his eyes.

His hands held tightly on the railing. Where is he going now…

“A Sheng, come to the study room.” Lu Yun’s voice came from outside. Gu Yansheng put out his cigarette and went out of the room. 

He opened the study room door and said gloomily, “Mom.”

Lu Yun took out a stack of files onto the desk and looked at the person who was still mad at her and said, “These are the documents about the recent operation status of the company. Take a look. Yuanfeng will give you the rest.”

“I don’t need it. You don’t want me to intervene with the company for now, so there’s no need for me to look at those.”

In fact, he already asked his secretary Xiao Lu for those. He trusted Zhou Yuanfeng, but it became a habit of his already to check up on the company.

Zhou Yuanfeng did a great job managing. He was not worried about Zhou Yuanfeng’s abilities at all, just that he wanted to rebel against his mom.

“You should still take a look, just in case something happened. ”

Gu Yansheng took the documents and sat down, glancing at his mom sitting next to him.

This was the first time in a while that the two of them could sit together peacefully without arguing. 

Lu Yun looked away from her computer and glanced at Gu Yansheng flipping through documents. 

Although the kid was rebellious, he never let her down on his work. For a large part, Gu Yansheng’s hard work supported the rapid growth of the company over the years. 

Downstairs came the sound of a car horn. Gu Yansheng forgot to close the study room door before coming in, so the sound was loud and clear. 

The moment he heard the sound, Lu Yun saw that Gu Yansheng looked up from the documents in his hand and turned to the door. 

This kid.. is starting to care about him…

A slight smile came across Lu Yun’s eyes, but she still pretended to frown and said, “I think someone’s here. Go check out who it is.”

Gu Yansheng went out and closed the door behind him. 

He stood at the top of the stairs and didn’t go down for a long time.

Is it Wen Niannan that came back?

Gu Yansheng pretended that nothing had happened, and looked at who was at the door. Then… his face suddenly changed.

Translated by: Summit

Edited by: UnderTheMoon

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