Black Summoner

Chapter 108


―――― Paz Adventurer’s Guild / Reception Counter


“That’s why I’m looking for a dungeon with a lot of monsters of class A and above”


“There is no such dangerous place around here. There is no urgent subjugation now.”


Sera, who was enthusiastic about getting into the guild, discovered the first villager Angers. I immediately consulted a dungeon to get the desired food. By the way, the current Angers is in work mode.


“The dark purple forest of the B-class dungeon has just been destroyed, but beyond that, it’s only outside the country …”


“Yes, is that so?”


Sera regrets. On the other hand, Gerard and Leon are convinced that “Oh, that’s right”. If a Class A monster appears in the Parse area, a special request will be sent to Kelvin immediately. At present, such information has not reached the mansion. Even if you crawl and search for it, it’s just a hard time to get over.


“The destination is probably overseas. If the distance is about the coat of arms of the coat of arms, you can hurry without a break for half a day or a full day for a round trip. If you include the search time …”


Sera begins to make the next strategy without hesitation. There seems to be no way to give up food procurement.


“But today, the guild is busy”


¡Let ’s leave Serra, who makes thoughts and thoughts, and Rion looks around. The adventurers have gathered and are always noisy adventurer guilds, but today it was even more prominent. In the room at the back of the counter, there are many guild employees fighting against documents by placing care products next to the desk, a large number of adventurers visiting the delivery of items, and the corresponding receptionist of the guild is more than normal. It looks like Angers is a little tired.


“Since Kelvin ’s S-class promotion day is about to happen, we are preparing for that with mobilization. The whole city is festive and we ’re gonna see new S-class adventurers at a glance. There are also some famous adventurers, and the Rio Guild head is too busy here. The guild is also issuing work in the form of requests to the adventurers who belong to Perz. “


“Is that so? We didn’t hear anything”


“Because Kelvin and others are the main role of this time. You can’t send a request to prepare for the event. And depending on how many times you have completed this request, you will also have the right to get a priority seat for a mock match. Everyone is desperate to see the battles between the S-classes close up. Oh, please rest assured that Lions will have special seats. ”


“Wow, thank you! Are there any S-class adventurers who are fighting against Kell?”


Angers flips through the materials at hand.


“Um, I’m planning to arrive by tomorrow. My name is —”


— Ban!


It was the sound of the door that opened with a momentum that broke the words of Angers. Next, people who seemed to be party of adventurers came frantically. Everyone would have come here too quickly. Some fell down on the spot, and others were breathing on the shoulders with Zeezee.


“Huh, huh … it’s hard!”


A man who seems to be a leader shouts out loud. Is it a C-class adventurer as seen from the Mithril equipment?


“Hey, how did you get out of breath?”


“Da, it’s a dungeon! A new dungeon was discovered from a large hole opened by a monster!”


“What, what !?”


The inside of the guild is thrilled by unexpected reports. The discovery of a new dungeon, which means that no one has yet explored and is untouched. The new dungeon may be dangerous because it has no information on traversal, and you can get the rare items and treasures that sleep in the dungeon and aim for a thousand dollars. Of course, adventurers stand out.


“This is a big deal! Hey, where did you find the new dungeon !?”


“No, stop. That’s not the place we can manage …”


“Hey guys, are you willing to monopolize your handle?”


“No, let’s talk first–”


The man began to be blamed by the surrounding adventurers. Everyone is eager to try to get the first ride.


“Please calm down! Let’s listen to Heath first!”


Angers who moved sometime raised their voices and entered between the man and the adventurers to mediate. The man named Heath who found the dungeon was somehow freed from the adventurers’ questions.


“I’m sorry, Angers-chan, I was saved”


“No. And everyone, if you go exploring the new dungeon now, will you miss the mock match tomorrow?”


“Yes, that’s true. Bad, no thought”


Angers relieved to see the surroundings regaining their calmness. But here’s my job as a guild employee. You should seek out information about the new dungeon as much as possible and review the dangers. Even every day is busy. I want to have a head for the added troublesome work, but I can’t leave it alone. It may affect the promotion ceremony held two days later. Only on such days, Rio is out for the hand of the ceremony, and then the current staff must handle it.


“Heather, can you ask me about the new dungeon?”


“The place is the eastern C-class dungeon” Cray Worm Path “. When I was exploring, I found a giant earth dragon digging a hole. It was good until it was defeated, but the hole dug just before it was killed led to a large space, but I saw it for a moment, but there was an old building and a monster I had never seen! I lost my mind when I saw the status of the monsters at that time, and my danger detection skills kept on sounding alarms and dissipated without being noticed. ”


“No, no face …”


“If I don’t run away, that’s the time I’m going to be in the world?”


“” Class A …! “”


The highest level dungeon in the purse area has so far been class B. Tensions run on guild staff and adventurers.


“Another dungeon in the dungeon … It’s dangerous if you don’t announce it early, and there may still be other adventurers on the Clayworm Path”


“But we can’t beat it if A-class is the opponent? It’s also dangerous to fill the hole”


“That’s right … unavoidable, ask Kelvin”


The other guild officials agree with Angers’ proposal. Adventurers seem to have no objection.


“Hmm. So where is the new dungeon in the east?”


“Hey, didn’t you listen to Angers-chan? This is only for Mr. Kelvin, the strongest adventurer of Perth–”


Heath tries to turn in the direction of the voice while being afraid, but stops in the middle of movement. Sera, who was in good spirits, joined her arms and waited for a reply. Behind them were Gerard and Lion.


“Se, Sera-san! And Gerald’s husband to Lion-chan!”


“I’m in the mansion if I’m Kelvin, but I’m busy for the moment. Instead, we’ll go to the same party as Kelvin! There’s a special seat even if you don’t make a request! Give as much information as you can! ”


He is uninhabited. Although Heath is puzzled, he sends his gaze to Angers.


“Well, Sera-san would have no problem. The guild leader was absent, but we will issue a special request from all of our staff. Can you please?”


“Leave it, I will capture you today!”


“Ah, that’s encouraging …”


(Sera, I heard that there are special seats …)


While Heath is explaining to Sera, the whole group will be dissolved. The impending atmosphere disappeared like a lie, and the original bustle returned to the guild. Because everyone thinks.


Sera-san would do it.


“The information we can tell is this, is it okay?”


“If you know the place, there is no problem”


Sera receives the handwritten map and confirms the time.


“Aim the boss monster. Another S-class adventurer will come tomorrow, so you have to rush to secure food! Tonight’s supper will surprise Kelvin in time!”


“Sera, if you have an adventurer, don’t forget to rescue …”


“Jera, I feel like things are going well for Sera …”


“Sera’s fortune has already exceeded the hero. It may be inevitable in a sense ”


“Well, everyone will go!”


Rion stops Serra who is likely to charge.


“Sera, you’re dressed in plain clothes! You have to change clothes in the mansion!”


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