Black Summoner

Chapter 109


―――― Kelvin House


Sera and Lion return to the mansion and change clothes. It has been confirmed through communication that Kelvin is still in the underground training center. Don’t forget to put your weapons in Kroto’s storage and leave the mansion in a hurry before being told.


However, I will tell Efil a word. It seems that the laundry is now dried outside the mansion.


“Efil, beware of today’s dinner!”


“…? Yes, I understand”


Éfil fills his head with doubts. Sera went away at a tremendous speed.


“Did something happen?”


Soon, Efil resumed his work while thinking of a spirited menu.




―――― Crayworm Path


Sera joins Gerard in the city and heads for the destination dungeon “Crayworm Path”. Although it was a little farther than Parz, we were able to arrive at a sufficient level with the legs of Sera.


“It’s arriving!


Apparently, the entrance to the dungeon is a huge cave that seems to be 3m high. Is this the size of a monster that has been dug up? The sun’s rays did not reach, but torches were set up in places, whether they were set by adventurers who visited before. No wonder and flames disappear.


“That torch, I feel a little magical power”


“Maybe it’s a magic item. Every time an adventurer passes, he may have replenished his magic. This is my Fire ( ) is n’t there? ”


“Hum. This area doesn’t seem abnormal so far.”


Sera also confirms with her detective skills, but there are no suspicious places around the cave. However, there is certainly a strong sign in the dungeon.


“Nh? This isn’t the strength of class A. Maybe it’s an S-class monster …”


“Yeah! Sure, Sera!”


“I’m really motivated. I’ll keep you going!”


Teamed up with Gerard at the top, Serra, Alex, and Lion. Gerard moves forward with caution, and Serra tries to detect monster surprises and traps. The cave extended right next to the entrance, but it fell down at a certain point so as to dive diagonally below. From there, there are a number of forks, and it looks like a maze.


“… This is it!”


Sera chooses the way, relying on her sign. For now, it seems that all the correct answers have been drawn, and the signs are approaching smoothly. However, what is worrisome is that the target of the sign does not move at all. It seems like I’m waiting for something.


“Gerrard, a monster comes out of the ground five steps ahead”


“Oh, I understand”


As expected by Sera, a clay worm attacked from the ground when Gerrard approached the designated location. Gerrard divides the monster into two as soon as it appears.


(Isn’t there any specification even if I take it over?)


Sera was optimistic, hitting her back fist without looking at the clay worm approaching from above.




―――― Crayworm Path, New Dungeon Entrance


“A little unexpected”


Sera and others can see the cave passage extending straight. In the middle there is a large hole that seems to have been dug by the giant earth dragon that Heath said. And a huge shadow standing in front of the large hole was shaken by the light of torches.


sera concentrates on the sign of the shadow, with her back to the blind spot.


“… That might be stronger than me if I’m not good! I’m really lucky!”


“Oh … I would have been glad if there was a king”


“It’s not a laugh if you go to Sera, Gera. Well, if you’re in Kell, you’ll be pleased.”


While saying in words, Rion is also pleased somewhere in the sense that his heart is thrilling. Kervin ’s fighting madness may have been passed down by her respected brother.


At that time, movement appears in the shadow. The part that hits my head turned right here.


“I noticed!”


“Narrow road, eagle appears in front! Helping you!”


Geral set up Battleship Black Shield ( Dreadnought ) to protect the back Go ahead.


“Wait for me, Gera! That isn’t a person!”


“Nana !?”


When I looked closely at the shadow pointed by Lion, the shadow was indeed humanoid. A closer look at the previous Gérard put on a full-fledged pink women’s garment over the muscular muscles Great man ( ・ ・ ) I saw . The height is about the same as that of Gerard, and the hair is cut with a vertical roll of blonde hair. Gerard doubts his eyes in many ways.


“People, but …”


“Is she a transvestite?”


A kind of monster.


The monster suddenly takes a crouching start.


“You guys …”


A fat voice with a female tone oozes quietly.


“Here … I’m dangerous!”


The muscle mass that made a beautiful start as it came toward us with full power dash. Every time a big man kicks the ground, the ground is deeply beaten, and the dungeon shakes while dripping soil. Too much power, too much metamorphosis, Gerard can’t stop cooling and sweating.


(Dangerous is your appearance!)


¡Gerard was reflexively intercepted, but his muscles were approaching.


“Probably a human, but what to do! ? Slash? ?


“If you attack either way, it’s a legitimate defense! I will support you!


“Alex, lurk in the shadows!


Measures are determined based on high-speed communication through communication. Sera and others begin to act without a slight gap. Serra and Lion chanted magic, Alex died in the shadow of Gerard, and prepared for the next hand.


On the other hand, the great man keeps his position at the highest speed and keeps his posture low enough to be on the ground. Battleship Black Shield ( Dreadnought ] ) Rotates several steps before colliding with .


(Looks like a bare hand, a martial arts user! Interesting!)


Predicting that there will be a kind of kick using rotation, Gerard activates the mind. See what kind of attack it is and play it back. Gerard is aiming for a shield bash.


However, what Gerrard saw in the stretched thoughts was not an attack.


―――― Suga Gaga!


The trajectory is drawn on the surface of the earth while raising soil with the bulged legs of the great man. The leg of a big man who is buried up to the knee. The big man had stopped completely in front of Gerard without any attack.


(I used my foot as a brake and stopped just before …?)


While Rion is organizing the phenomena that occurred in front of him, the big man slowly stands up. My feet are still buried. Alex crawls out of the shadow and waits to jump out at any time.


A thick lip of a man opens while everyone stares.


“Now! You guys are saying this is dangerous! What are you waiting for?”


The man talked lightly, whirling his body.




From the conclusion, this man was not a monster. It seems to be a human being with a history.


“Surprised, please pardon me. I thought I was an adventurer who got lost in the dungeon. I was rude to a Class A adventurer.”


“Yeah, we were the only ones who misunderstood. Uh …”


“Oh, I didn’t introduce myself yet. My name is Goldiana Pritiana. S-class adventurer” Momoki ( ] Touki ) 』Goldiana is my name. Feel free to call me Pretia-chan!”


While introducing himself, Gordiana decides on a pose like an idol that often appears in magazines.


(This is a dark character, Jano …)


(I saw this for the first time as a Okama person, and an S-class adventurer, who is the opponent of Kell?)


Rion, who has modern knowledge, is still calm, but Gérard, who is not resistant to these things, was a little disgusting.


“Is there a family name, is PRETIA-chan aristocrat?”


“Oh, don’t you know? If you are promoted to an S-class adventurer, you are allowed to give your family name. I am a commoner.”


“Hmm, so what did Goldiana do here?”


Sera doesn’t seem to care at all.


“Look, it’s time for a new S-class adventurer to be born in Parse? It seems like a young man called the adventurer, Kelvin!” It ’s an event you ca n’t miss! ”


Gordiana raises one leg. Gérard is already a bit pale and pale.


“So I was on my way to Purse, but my” Sixth Sense “felt a strange event in this dungeon. “I can’t allow the cute chicks in the dungeon to be crushed, and I’ve been watching here until the guild moves.”


“I’m not a good guy, Goldiana! But don’t get out of Kelvin!”


“Aren’t you? Maybe you know Kelvin?”


“Oh, we still haven’t introduced ourselves”


 Make Alex appear in the shadows and finish in order.


“Well, Lion ’s brother is Kelvin !? Ufufu, this is more likely than expected!”


“Hahahaha … (Blood is not connected)”


Gordiana inflates Kelvin’s delusion while gazing at Lion’s face. It seems that he was rated as a cute beautiful boy in his head.


“That’s why you’re telling Kelvin that you can’t do it!”


“Sera-chan, I’m so beautiful that I’m jealous … Perhaps, is Kelvin-chan’s lover?”


“No, no! But no!”


“… I see. Yeah, I understand. I’ll support you, Sera. Good luck.”


Goldiana taps Serra’s shoulder. Perhaps because Sera was upset, she couldn’t recognize Goldiana’s movement until she was hit by her shoulder.


“In return, I wonder if I should have this uncle Dundee”


“… Huh?”




Gorarda’s shoulders were Gordiana’s ugly arms.


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