Black Summoner

Chapter 426


— Heart of the Evil God Holy Grail Sanctuary ( Holy Chalice )


The former companions who were closed. Fu-chan pulls out the Holy Sword Will from the sheath and holds it. Although it is a slender than Toyan’s holy sword, it is a spear with the same performance, but it was wrapped in a tremendous holy spirit that could not be compared.


“Well, that’s okay. I don’t change what I do. But I don’t think I’m the same as before. I’m a little awkward when I was an apostle?”


“That line, Fu-chan is not the only thing you can say. Everyone here has evolved from human beings and has made efforts to line up with you. Pope Philip, The Cardinal goes to the Devil, and both of them who were revived have been helped by the predecessor Guru Ryuo Murmur, and have become super-humans and high elfs. Isn’t there a suitable person to meet her? “


“Huh, how about it?”


“Uhufu, will you try?”


Scary! ’The two people are scared of laughter!


“” “Serge, please accept this feeling!” “


And the heroes are desperate. Philip summons two dragon stone statues, and Sai takes out a red wand and casts magic. Mr. Ragat unfolded the barrier on the whistle shield, and Mr. Solondir set up a silver bow and arrow with engraved emblems. All the points are directed to Fu-chan in the center of the temple.


“If you don’t like me, this is my ideal .– Gather”


フ ー A sword set by Fu-chan was pushed into the temple. Then, the pillars of light stand up from the white floor with a dazzling glow. The number is 4 and it is positioned so as to surround the four sides of the temple so that each faces the old heroes.


“This is …?”


The light of the pillar eventually disappeared, and something in the shape of a person appeared. Humans, yeah, because there are shadows with pointed ears, do you mix elf? ¡Fluffy skirt and cute equipment like a girl. Since everyone was wearing them, I understood that the figure was a woman. A silver-haired little sister, a brown-skinned princess, a heavy-equipped female knight, and an adult elf woman——


“Well, I don’t think so …”


“Ryuu is Rion, quick to understand! They are the ideal party created by my last unique skill,” Gathering, Eiji “. Absolute gospel was a disappointing child, but this skill is amazing? My ideal gender, appearance, and strength! It will give me the best party that will do my best forever! It is difficult to chat without intention, but if you defeat you, this is enough


This time Feminization ( Nyoka ) has come out Chat … But well, if you believe Fu-chan’s words, this will let you pull out the contents of the drawer. Starting with “Absolute Gospel”, which is the compulsory hero attribute, “New Journey” that sets save points, and finally “Gathering, Eiji” that also generates friends. Well, it feels like pushing the hero skills up to the foul. I have to write it on my network.


―――― Gakiin!


“Wow, I don’t like fighting myself in the mirror.”


“Koo! However, the ability is real …!”


“Why isn’t my partner Lori Elf? I want to make a request with that silver-haired lady”


“… Solondeel, don’t be alarmed”


The battle between real and fake has begun. As long as you see the first strike, it seems that both have the same tactics and compete with each other. It ’s not strange to win or lose.


“Now, I don’t like the trouble of luck and trouble, and I’ll let Rion and Collette partner.”


And Fu-chan flew down in front of me. There seems to be no decline in Fu’s own power just because he used the skill to make friends. Moreover, the absolute gospel is still unresolved. As long as there is that power, we will be attacked by unreasonableness more than when we fought. Even that mel niece was kneeling in front of absurdity. I don’t think the geopower is winning, and the chances of winning a normal battle are infinitely low. At least if Alex is there …


“Collet, I’ll tie my stomach. I’ll hit my whole soul”


“That’s right, but before that–Dad, now!”


Collet gave a signal to Philip.


“Wow, if I really wanted to fight Serge, I wanted to activate it, but if it was copied to my subordinates, I wouldn’t help it. Everyone will do the minimum work as planned!”


“Huh, I really knew. Serge never hated that skill!”


“Love to rush in is not true love!”


“So we …!”


“We will invalidate that power and aim for a healthy relationship in a decent state!”


Philip, who was fighting with the female version of the old brave, began chanting, never seen or heard. Is this one thing? I mean, I haven’t heard of Fu-chan at all, these people!


“Lion, this is the true value of the anti-Foo-chan-like siege squad. The siege border that the Fathers invented Fu-chan-sama’s absolute gospel — its name!”

“” “ Destroying ( Predespoils ) !” “” ]


More light from four people in the middle of the battle. The light becomes the four points of the rhombus, and the lines run toward other points to form boundaries. That was my first impression of the Pyramid of Light.


“… Fun. I admit that force, but my absolute gospel hasn’t been sealed?”


“Yeah, I can’t lock down my unique skills, but there are ways to prevent it from being activated. As long as this border is present, the luck of those who are here will be added together and distributed equally— ―Clogged and lucky status is averaged. ”


“Oh, yeah! Absolute gospel is not activated unless you have the highest luck …”


“Yes. This border, while in this space, the absolute gospel is completely disabled”


Invalidation of the absolute gospel. Probably, but I think that the conclusion that Philip and his colleagues thought about and managed to break through somehow came into shape. Although the sad fact was hidden in the reason for the beginning, yeah, this chance that we made, we should make use of it!


“… Yeah, it wasn’t a lie, so I thought so obediently. I didn’t expect to get sealed to the absolute gospel after gathering and using heroes. However, it isn’t.]


“Foo-chan seems to be able to afford it”


“If it’s over to this degree, colette, are you still hiding something? It looks like you’ve been using the shrine maiden’s art from a while ago.”


The tip of Fu-chan’s line of sight, Colette had a slightly surprised face and immediately smiled with a smile.


“Did you notice? Yeah, yes. Because I can’t help in the battle, I can only contribute by doing this in the shadows. Fu-chan’s employer, Iris, Holy Grail sanctuary ( Holy Chalice ) I was just a little confused, and I was stunned by the difference in power. Just connecting the entrance and this space a little, it took me so much time and most magical power.


And if you look closely, you had a pale face.


“But it was worth it and things went as expected. Mr. Lion, I’ll ask you later”


— Zac!


“I see. Yeah, this may certainly be a 50/50”


At the same time that the collet turned back and kneeled, multiple footsteps came into the ear. And the main people of the footsteps are the people I know well —


“Who is that person?”


“Serge Floor. The hero of the predecessor, Sylvia-chan. Former uncle colleague”


“It’s a big game”


“Lion, are you all right?”


Sylvie, ecchan, setchan — and the sword that hits …?


“Guh, Gururu (It seems to be the uncle of the survivor)”


《Alex came back in my shadow.


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