Black Summoner

Chapter 427


―――― The heart of the evil god


Time goes back a little. After meeting with Sylvia, Sena was aiming for a sanctuary. If you have three monsters that were struggling, you can destroy them without difficulty. However, the large cavity was vast. Sylvia and Emma also didn’t know where the entrance was. The only reliance is Nito, who originally belonged to the enemy side —


“… I’m sorry! Uncle, I only know the entrance on the east side! It’s the opposite side from here!”


The knowledge was quite odd. The place that Nito knows is far from where it is now, and is a time-consuming road. However, if you get lost like this, you will not be clear. Should I choose the right path even if it takes time? When the three were thinking like that, I heard the voice.




A howling wolf. The huge body and the trimmed fur was never forgotten, and I understood that Sena was Alex instantly. Go to where Alex is and ask about the situation.


“… Oh, Nana was over there”


There is no interpreter in the rain. At that time, something pops out from the shoulder of the moment. It’s a small, small size that can’t be recognized without careful attention.


“No, Kuroto”




As Silvia, who casually answered correctly, said that Kelvin was secretly drowning in the body. When the tiny Kuroto descends in front of Alex’s eyes, it instantly expands its volume and transforms its appearance. The moment, when nothing was heard, was even more surprised at this event. Kuroto, who has expanded his body to a decent size, bows to such moments and behaves as if he apologizes.


“Oh, no, it’s okay”


Pure Japanese momenta bowed reflectively.


“You, Kelvin and Slime, aren’t you? Why are you here now?”


Kuroto responds to Emma’s question by converting part of her body.


“This is a letter?”


“No, Kuroto is smart”


“Uh … Alex tells me the way to the sanctuary. It comes with.”




Yes, Alex asks. Kroto literally seems to give me an interpreter. At the tip of Alex’s guide, there was a cave formed so as not to be seen from above. Apparently, this is one of the entrances to the sanctuary. The boundary of the sanctuary has already been lifted and is ready for entry.


“The future is the apostle’s territory. If you take a step, you don’t know what will happen …”


“Let’s decide”


“Yes, there is a mom ahead …!”


They proceeded to the sanctuary. There is no reason to know that those who waited ahead are the strongest guards and pleasant (former) friends.




-Heart of the Evil God Holy Grail Sanctuary ( Holy Chalice )


“This is again … Yeah, yeah. A high-level camp gathered.”


Serge seemed a little surprised at the sudden visitor, but the expression was immediately changed to something else. The moment, Sylvia, Emma. The expressions of Serge who looked around them seemed to be strange and happy.


“Don’t be wary, Tsuna-chan and others. The guardian has such a cute face and the hobby inside isn’t much different from that of his uncle.”


“… What do you mean?”


“I’m sorry, please be quiet. It seems unexpectedly that I can’t afford it.”


“No, I have to be recognized as a strong enemy.

“Oh, sorry”


It is inevitable that Nito’s advice will not be noticed. Rather than that, Satsuna and others were so eager that they tried to keep their gaze away from the overwhelming strong people in front of them.


“That? That sword you have, is it a survivor?”


“Yeah, I realized … I can’t help it. Hi, ah, it’s been a long time. How are you doing?”


“I was depressed until a while, but I have just recovered, so why is the survivor on that side? Isn’t the survivor already an apostle, but I don’t have any support for that?”


“No, I don’t think the uncle’s purpose was in a surprisingly close place. From beasts to humans and now enjoying life as a sword.


“Ahaha. Well then, let’s take it away with all our efforts”


“Ha ha ha ha, don’t be a thief”


Serge and Nito talked to each other, but it seemed that some words were mixed with the power of seriousness, and those who were here could not stop their cold sweat.


During that time, Leon and Alex in the shadow were checking the current situation through communication. The three and Alex are helping out from Kelvin, working together to defeat the Serge Floor. That was the message from Kelvin.


“Is it good to have defeated Kell?


“Gururu (because I will be alive again, then I will be responsibly responsible)”


“Oh, that’s so. Either way, it’s still difficult, but the battle situation is completely different. The strength of Sethchan is also different, and if this is —- “


―――― Bachibachi!


Rion holding a magic sword and a black sword moves while thundering lightning in front of three people. Let’s unite. When she was allowed to dwell in her eyes, Sena and Sylvia et al. Also set up their swords in the same way, following Rion.


Lion’s Black Sword Akrama, Demon Sword Karadoborg, Sena no Sword, Sorrowlessness [ , and Sylvia’s ice sword Noble Orbit, Emma’s Great Sword, Solar scraps ( Solform [ 19459031])) . Aside from the user, all of the products that can be carried in the hand are S-class super-class products. It is the best camp that can compete with Serge’s Holy Sword Will.


“No way, I didn’t think there were so many heroes here. The former hero is a modern hero, a stranger hero who was not originally supposed. See you soon — Going to go?

“Oh wait a minute”


Sylvia waited for Serge who tried to pull out the sword. This wasn’t what I expected, and Serge seems to fall forward, breaking the serious atmosphere. But somehow pick up.


“What, what?”


“Did you come here in sister clothes and this long haired woman?”


“There are silver-haired women. See, there.”


Collet pointed by Serge. However, she now seems to be on all fours. Sylvia also shook his head and complained that he was different.


“… I don’t know if it’s a sister’s dress or a person you’re looking for, but maybe there’s a silver-haired woman in the back.

“… Yes, then push through”


The white floor is covered with icy earth in an instant with a banging noise. Frigid Earth ( Ground Shiva ) An ice territory was formed. The range extends to the moment.


“Wow !?”


“Calm down. This ice will only harm enemies. Reina asks for an example support attack.


Sylvia and Emma jumped forward as if they had a meeting in advance. The goal is of course Serge. Her feet are now fixed on the ice ground.


“Wolf One, Three Swords — The Completed Form, Shadow Wolf ( Kagerou ] Mode. Go, Alex!




蠢 Landing the shadows on his body, followed by Lion. The remaining moment put his hand on the handle of the sword and set a tip on Serge who lowered his eyes happily.


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