Black Summoner

Chapter 428


— Heart of the Evil God Holy Grail Sanctuary ( Holy Chalice )


Emma’s love sword Solar scraps ( Solform ) It is a relic of the previous era that was discovered from the ruins. The encapsulated energy emits a high fever that melts everyone, and it is just like the sun’s incarnation. Instead of touching you, you will be burned by the heat generated by a large sword, so even if you are not a strong man who can handle flames, you cannot even have it. The mass of sun that shatters the ground was shaken from the top with a clear murderous will.




―――― Gee Queen!


Serge quickly pulls out the Holy Sword Will from the scabbard and catches the onslaught with one hand. The impact of a super-powerful lump that resembles a roaring sound similar to an explosive sound was tremendously freezing the legs of Serge Extremely cold earth ( Ground Shiva ) The whole floor was crushed.


Egret ( Cedence ) !”


Immediately after Serge received the big sword, Iron scraps of the sun ( Solform ) 燦爛 ( sanran ) As the color changed from red to white and covered the whole space At the same time, heat spreads over a wide area, and hot air that burns and burns the skin attacks Serge.


(―――― What’s wrong?]


Emma had a sense of incongruity. As usual, the amount of light and heat emitted is not that much. The more you touch Serge’s holy sword, the stronger your sense. Power is weakened so that it is disassembled from the tip of energy. Egret ( Cedence ) When using , the discomfort turned into belief.


The sword of light used by Toya, the current hero, The god of heaven ( Divine Saber ) . Those who touched the granted sword can cancel various grant effects, and if it is an attack, their characteristics will be weakened. It is a traditional heroic technique that has been passed down since ancient times. Serge handled it skillfully at a different level from Toya, and surpassed Emma’s fierce fire lightly.


(No, it ’s darkening)


However, Emma is not the only one heading to Serge. While the fierce fire from the top was conspicuous, Sylvia was approaching Serge in a low attitude as he crawls the ground. The entire floor is frozen, which has become a Sylvia territory. Ice Pillar ( Icicles ) A spear is formed in the air.


Steel ice strike ( Icicle Storm )


The number of traps cannot be grasped very quickly. Moreover, Serge is now in the light created by Emma. The vision was the same as being killed. But if you have Sylvia with “double magic armor” that is absolutely resistant to magic, the story is different. Accurately grasp the position of Serge, fly through the kite and pierce himself.


“Will, let’s just show a scale of power”


And Sylvia certainly saw the same holy sword in both hands of Serge. Emma ’s Solar scraps ( Solform ) Is greatly pushed back, and the line of sight is directed to Sylvia. I can’t speak. Paying attention to one corner of the head, Sylvia himself also in one arm Ice princess shield ( Fahrenheit Aigis ) ] was formed.


A large group of moths released from all directions. The sword of the brave will hit you. In the light left by Emma, ​​the holy sword and icicle clash collide. Sylvia’s magic is ice, but its hardness is more than steel. In addition, the witch chases the ice princess with a fine sword. From the fact that the scaffolding and posture are broken, it is obvious that Serge is disadvantageous from anyone’s eyes. However, her smile did not disappear at all.




In the storm of a raging mage, she was swept away with a holy sword to dance. Divide the icicles that continue to be released from the surrounding area, sometimes separating the butter, and occasionally boil the child away. This is still the same as Koji, and the gaze continued to be poured into Sylvia, as if to urge the next.


“Separate your hem!”


One of the icicles struck by Serge changed its trajectory, and the tip of the spear was directed to Sylvia’s face. Do not avoid. The unique magical double magic armor works automatically with or without Sylvia’s consciousness and turns the witch into harmless water.






Emma, ​​who was pushed back, returned when there were only a few icicles attacking Serge. At the same time as Sylvia, they attacked from above and below. Solar scraps ( Solform ) is the next form, dyeing the entire large sword in crimson Hot metal ( Zorb ) . Noble Orbit has a chill out of its blade. Purgatory and frigid, two of them are assaulted. Emma’s big sword splits her head, and Sylvia pierces her heart.




“–Ah !?”




Surely, Sylvia was kicked and blown away. After beating the fine sword with the holy sword, from the side. Fortunately, the handle of the sword was not released and at the moment of being kicked Goddess of Ice Princess ( Fahrenheit Aigis ) [ The damage was shallow because it was prevented. The impact sounds to the core of the bone, but it is still a good person. Goddess of Ice Princess ( Fahrenheit Aigis ) Serge by touching the kick I was able to freeze my kick leg.


(But what is Emma’s attack …?)


When Sylvia last saw Serge, he had only one sword in his hands. I certainly had two when I played Sylvia’s piercing. Moreover, if you concentrate only on Sylvia, you will eat Emma’s attack from the sky. But Serge is not under attack. why?


“This is …!”


¡A thing that prevented Emma’s onslaught, it was a huge shield. Hot metal ( Zorb ) Easily catches a single blow and cools down the heat of the sword. Still Hot metal ( Zorb ) is starting to melt the surface of the shield. However, it is not likely to be destroyed as it is. The same as when received by the Holy Sword, no, more robust because it is a shield. Moreover, this shield reminds me of a wonder and a long time ago.


Listening to the sound of freezing my feet and the other side of the shield, I heard the voice of Serge.


“Your real name is Ashley? Because it was quite an attack, I defended it with a shield instead of a sword”


“Not a sword but a shield …?”


“Yeah, it’s pretty amazing just letting me use this …”


A few icicles suddenly jumped on Serge, but they were all done. Since the shield is not in the hand of Serge, but in the state of floating in the air, there is no feeling that the light body is loaded.


“No, the intuition is still sharp”


“No, no, I’m always fighting with tension because I’m always silent, so I’m fighting with tension …”


Serge makes a big smile while looking down at the ground. Her frozen feet were entangled in many praises as a jet-black shadow reached out. The shadows were born from the light of Emma’s great sword, extending from Sylvia’s icicles, herself, and even Serge’s shield.




lion appeared from the shadow arm, one that hit Selge’s blind spot, and slashed Serge’s arm holding the holy sword. Empty jaw ( Agito ) Black Thunder ( Kokrai ) is released from Rion’s unique skill “Slashing Marks”.


“— Zangyo ( Zanro ) Closed”


The moment he moved from shadow to shadow, Rion said so.


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