Black Summoner

Chapter 498


―――― Rizea Empire, Capital Site


Sera headed under the Dark Dragon King with Dahaku, and Rion, who joined Gerard, would have visited the King of Thunder Dragon. I am Crazy ( Kyohyo ) Aiming to be a wind dragon king I just got to the west continent.


There is something to think about, and the movement between the continents takes over from Deramis to Lyzea Cross Bridge ( Cruz Bridge ) [ I was allowed to use . When I was going through Delamis, I was looking at this as if Collet was a great friend, but I didn’t see you as a busy habit. Okay, Collet is a saint with a steel spirit. Even if you feel so relentless, you will be patient.


“It was a very long bridge … in a good way”


“Even though I was able to save time and effort on the part of the riser side that was the shell of the shell, my sister is happy.”


It ’s Efil and Angers ’best friend to act with me this time. The two who started to line up on both sides of me near the fortress on the Delamis side still hold the right and left arms. Good thing that there is no eyes of Sera and Gerard, it is closely attached here and there. Angers, who has had difficulty connecting hands so far, began to stick with this feeling as if he had recovered the delay since that event. Efil is Efil, imitating Angers. As a result, I was walking in this position all the way across the bridge.


I certainly had a good feeling. But I wasn’t thinking about all the pink things while crossing the bridge. Cross Bridge ( Cruz Bridge ) I thought to cross Was to make sure I didn’t remember my memory during the Demon King.


】 An old story I heard from Melfina in my dream, where I crossed this bridge with Mel and Maizakura. Although it has passed through several hundred years, I thought it would be nice to visit here. As I heard, Cross Bridge ( Cruz Bridge ) The forts of both countries are on the bridge There was a space where you can camp every section. The only difference is that the Rizea fort was probably unleashed because the capital was destroyed. However, even if I visited this place, the harvest was equal to zero. There was nothing more memorable than the story of Melfina, and there is nothing that feels memorable even after careful observation. A long and terrible bridge, that is Cross Bridge ( Cruz Bridge ) Impressions.


Well, that’s right. I do n’t have any memories of previous life. There is no way to remember the memories of the previous life before the previous life.


“It was just a pity …”


“Kelvin, what was regrettable? I’m sure it’s regrettable compared to Efil,”


“… Wait, Angers, it’s a misunderstanding. I never said that, so please get the knife on your neck.”


“What does that mean? Sister Angers, don’t say anything specifically?”


Today’s super-practical mock battle starts with a little bit of that. As I excuses, I defend my neck from Angers’ knife, and Angers attacks my neck relentlessly. Oh, I ’m not saying that I ’m not fighting. If anything, it may be closer to the act of flirting more than putting arms together. I’m happy to fight Angers, and Angers enjoys my neck and is happy and win-win. The maid Efil that can be made in the meantime serves as a guard of the surroundings without saying anything.


“Foo …”


“Are you satisfied?”




Nutrition is complete, and then we will descend to the continent.


“This is terrible”


“Nothing remains …”


Cross Bridge ( Cruz Bridge ) There was an immediate capital. No, it was the capital city. The impregnable castle that is the symbol of the Lyzea empire, and the cityscape with splendid glory had spread to my eyes until just the other day. But now we can only see the earth burned by countless rubble, and I don’t think there was the largest country on the continent.


“Emperor Sakiel seems to have issued a massive evacuation order throughout the capital a few days before betraying Rizea. It seems that the whole country was confused by a sudden incident, but thanks to that, the victims were kept to a minimum That ’s why the building and the resisters were thoroughly done … ”


“Evacuation order, or … clogged, the purpose of Chromel and the rest of the apostles is separate from the massacre”


“It’s not just about reducing the continent’s strength,”


Is it the reason for thorough destruction so far? Is there something hidden in Lyzea that was in the way of Chromel? For example, a god pillar that has not yet been discovered-Ah, would you want Tristan to use it? It might be a good idea to talk to someone who knows the details of Rizea, but now Ryuo is the top priority. Because the wind dragon king is waiting for me.


“Master, there is a group armed there. It seems that they are working on something.”


“Is there still a person like this … Efil, I’ll borrow a little” Circle “”


Angers had already noticed before Efil pointed out, and was already facing that direction. Evil Evil ( Skill Eater ) Copy Efil’s skill Also see.




Soldiers equipped with black armor and helmet are fishing rubble? The number of people is quite large, hundreds. The person who seems to be a unit leader also wears a cloak, which is also black, and even the handle and sheath of the sword are unified in black. A little familiarity.


“That’s Lyzer’s soldiers. Lyzea’s uniforms are generally blackish.”


“I see, but there’s a guy who is dressed differently by one person. Look, just near the center of the unit.”


ど う It seemed that a non-military senior was taking command in the black uniform. The man should have a hairstyle divided into seventy-three hairstyles and glasses, a little plump? I have a body shape that I think. Only he is a white uniform-like garment.


“White uniforms are Rizaa civilians”


“Oh, are you grouping by color? It’s easy to understand”


However, when that happens, a new question arises as to why there are civilians among soldiers.




“What’s wrong? Efill?”


“I’m sorry. It seems like you’ve noticed over there. Several people are coming to here.”


Oops. Did you get too far away because there was no shield but the distance was quite good? There may have been soldiers specializing in Senri-Otochi or sensing skills over there.


“What are you going to do? Now you don’t know what our identity is, and can you escape with ease?”


“No, this is also an edge. I’m curious what I’m doing, let’s talk for a moment. It wasn’t because we were doing something wrong.” [19459002 ]


So, wait until the Rizea soldiers come here. Wait.-From here, let’s go over here. Tatter.


“You are there! This is a restricted area! What are you doing here?”


“I was screamed so far by the first soldier.” No, I do n’t know that no entry is allowed. I was able to pass normally from the bridge.


“Oh, we are Cross Bridge ( Cruz Bridge ) across the west continent I’ve just come to the world with no entry or first ears. ”


“Now, you came from Delamis !?”


“Did you come to open the fort that was blocked! Shit, this time …!”


Soldiers’ hostility is clearly increasing. Is n’t it wrong? 】 I don’t really want to fight these soldiers. But I have to pay off the sparks that fall. Next, we need to measure the strength of Rizea. He laughs at his intention to resist, but just prepares to speak.


“Wait, wait! Both sides should make a contradiction!”


However, the voice of the soldiers came up from behind the soldiers. It’s a plump clerk. I’m running lightly, regardless of my appearance.


“Are you sure, Agent ?? These guys are suspicious to see?”


“Good, please hold me down because I’m responsible. Oh, I’m sorry. You were surprised by a sudden thing? My name is Edward. Are you Kelvin? “


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