Black Summoner

Chapter 499


―――― Rizea Empire, Capital Site


The name of the plump man is Edward, and he seems to know my name again. However, I have no memory of meeting this man. No, I remember hearing the name Edward somewhere …


“Excuse me, have you ever met somewhere?”


“Oh, I’m sorry. If you suddenly call your name, you can’t be overwhelmed. I am a politician in Rizea.


“Are you a Rezea?”


“Yes. I know to some extent the appearance characteristics of S-class adventurers. Furthermore, from Delamis, the Emperor Cross Bridge ( [ 19459013] Cruz Bridge ) I think that only Kelvin Celsius, who was recently named “Reaper”, could be given permission to cross … … Is it right? ”


Lyzea’s Parliamentary Secretary Edward seems to be quite out of mind. But where did you really hear it? Edward, Edward, Rizea’s Parliamentary Officer–Ah.


“You seem to have a pretty difficult face, what did you do?”


“No, no, I’m sorry. I’m Kelvin Celsius, S-adventurer on the eastern continent, as Edward guessed.”


When I admit so, a buzz occurs from soldiers who guarded Edward’s surroundings.


“Shinigami, that god of death?”


“I was rumored to be a cruel woman crazy with a heavy poem,”


“Is that an adventurer’s directory? Certainly, the girls have slave collars!”


“Is the rumors true?”


Yeah, someday let’s go to the creator of the adventurer’s directory. Let’s go.


“Please be quiet and quiet! Uh, I’m sorry. For some minutes, the west continent was only known to the extent of wind rumors, and gossip-like stories quickly spread. Some of you may be rude, but please forgive me… ”


“Some parts of the eastern continent do not have any problems, and there is one more thing I want to check …”


“Yes, what is it?”


I finally remembered being caught on my head. Was that the time when you talked to Sylvia about Melfina and Sister Ellen in the father-in-law’s castle? At that time, Emma’s mouth came up with the name Edward. Something like an older brother who left the orphanage before Sylvia. He said he was a politician in Lyzea, so the information is consistent with him now.


“Did Edward know Sister Ellen?”


“Oh … do you know my mother?”


It seems that Edward was from an orphanage founded by Sister Ellen, like Sylvia and Emma. He would have his position now, so the word “Delamis” was correct without giving it. Also teach Efil and Angers through a tale.


Then we were led by Edward and visited a nearby base in Rizea. They have set up a tent here and are working to rescue those left behind in the destroyed capital. Because the range of the place is a range, it takes a considerable amount of time just to remove and call for debris. Edward said bitterly that the situation is that it is not possible to turn that many people here because of the movements of neighboring countries aiming to weaken Lyzea. However, the corpse of a non-combatant who has missed the escape seems to have not been discovered so far.


“— I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. There’s a lookout soldier outside the tent, but I’m sure you won’t be asked what the story is about here.”


When we sat in a tent near the center of the base, Edward brought us a tea-like drink from Rizea. Although it is appraised once, it does not contain poison.


“Is the word Delamis a taboo in the current Rizaa?”


“Embarrassed, I’m more sensitive than before the capital was destroyed. My position is difficult now, so it’s a continuation of the previous story.” ]


Although I omitted some details, I reported to Edward that I found Sister Ellen with Sylvia. Edward seems to have received a letter from Ellen, and he himself was investigating himself.


“Yes, with Sylvia of the same S-class adventurer” Himehime “…. Thank you for treating my mother’s illness. Sylvia is investigating her mother. I knew, but I wasn’t blessed with the opportunity to meet you directly because of a mistake. Now I have to go thank you. ”


What? It’s a way of saying something to someone else about Sylvia. Isn’t Edward the big brother?


“My husband. Maybe Edward doesn’t know that Sylvia is Renoir.


“Yeah. If you leave the orphanage first, you won’t know that Renoa changed his name after that. ”


“Oh, I see”


I was misunderstood because it seemed to be familiar with S-class adventurers. If you look directly at each other, you’ll know right away, but from the appearance and name, did you grow up together in an orphanage and connected with Renoa and Ashley?


“Mr. Edward, I’ll continue to ask you questions, do you know Renoa and Ashley?”


“Yes, I know. Renault who is a big eater even though she’s a girl, isn’t she always angry and angry Ashley? No, nostalgic. But did you know about the two of you, did you meet somewhere? “


“Haha, uh. That was also mentioned in the previous story …”


“Eh … Eh?”


聡 Edward, a brilliant man named Pokan. I think his situation is being organized at high speed now.


“No, no, but at last I heard that they served some country …”


“Surely, Renoir and Ashley served Trisen and went up to the position of the general. However, they received letters from Ellen.”


«Then we abandon the general, change his name and tell Edward that he became an adventurer. Edward seemed to have reached the point, and he struck me frequently.


“What is it. Until I abandoned my position in the great powers, I was looking for my mother … I was embarrassed because I was tied up in my position and only looked like a survey … … ”


“No, they were saddened by their friends, and as a result, they were angry with Ellen. Edward, who did her job, was too good I think. “


“Thank you. If you say that, I will be saved. So where are my mother and Renoa now?”


“Everyone is in the eastern continent, but in a separate place for translation … Uh, Ellen is in the beastland gown, and Renoa and Ashley are both in the water country traj I think you’re doing something different now. “


“Yeah … because it’s this time of day. It’s impossible to meet right away, but let’s just send a letter. There are many things I want to say”


I took a letter from Edward and made a promise to give it to three people. He was suddenly moved by such a letter, and he was spending his days hurting his heart. If it is about that, it is the point to give consent.


“Oh, yes. Mr. Edward, I would like to ask you one more question —”


Well, let’s start with an important story.


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