? Zhang Heng, who was on a mission, did not know that there was a crater tens of kilometers away from the spaceship of Elysium. The crater was not high, but it could well withstand the attacks of hurricanes and tsunamis.

On the cliffs on the inner side of the col, there are hundreds of cave dwellings, which are well concealed and difficult to notice even if they fly from a high altitude.

The bottom of the col has been artificially opened up into pieces of corn fields. The whole is like a basin surrounded by a circle. From time to time, cooking smoke rises from the col. Street lamps and drying racks of various shapes can be seen everywhere. Clothes and bacon are hung to dry, and there are artificially dug shafts in the corners, creating a harmonious image of a paradise.

At this time, hundreds of people were working in the small square, some were fetching water, some were washing clothes, and some were going in and out of the cave, exchanging the wild vegetables in their hands for other people's extra daily necessities. There is an air of peace and tranquility in the hills.

At this moment, in a cave with windows and gates installed, Ball and Nadir were leaning against each other, with satisfaction written on their faces. They were the hero and heroine who lost their memory in deep space.

Since escaping from the Elysium a few years ago, more than a thousand people have developed along the coast. After all, the coastal area has been the location with the most variety of food since ancient times. If you want to survive smoothly, the coast is a very good choice. .

The inhabitants of Elysium climbed ashore toiled ashore and began to explore the planet in primitive flesh, but a new journey always entails sacrifice, and within a few days to weeks of these survivors arriving on the new planet, This led to the phenomenon of microbial infection, and a large number of residents fell ill.

Humans have lived on the earth for millions of years, and have already evolved antibodies to the bacteria and viruses of the earth, but the planet Tanis is different. Humans have no resistance in the face of these new microbes.

Fortunately, human beings have the existence of 'adaptive evolutionary enzymes'. Relying on this magical evolution-promoting drug, most people start to recover after only a few days of high fever, but there are still more than 500 people who cannot withstand the new environment. die.

Bauer and Nadir were lucky to survive and slowly adapted to this planet. They began to hide their strengths and bide their time, and slowly developed this paradise-like town with a few machines.

And Ball, as the hero who saved everyone's life, naturally became the leader of the town. Now that six or seven years have passed, the two of them have also harvested the crystallization of love. The newborns are more able to adapt to the life of this planet than they are. The entire human race has begun to get on the right track, silently multiplying on this new planet and starting a new life. Civilization journey.

However, just when the two were snuggling together, suddenly, the pager on Ball's body suddenly made a chi-chi sound. Ball stretched out his hand, took the pager out of his pocket, and pressed the answer button, "You it is good,

Here is Ball Glass. "

"Mr. Mayor, I'm Harry, I have something to report to you." A dull male voice came from the pager.

"I hope it's good news," Ball said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor, I don't know if this news is good or bad. When the second hunting team was hunting today, it seemed that they saw something amazing. They also shot a video specially. I hope you can come to the defense department. One trip."

"Understood, I'll be there soon." Ball hung up the pager and kissed Nadir's lips lightly, "I'll go to the security office, the hunters seem to have found something. Unacceptable things."

"Be careful." Nadir didn't say anything, just gave him a kiss, and then got up and sent Bauer out of the cave.

"I want to eat red-haired hoof soup for dinner." Bauer waved his hand and smiled.

"Wait for you to come back." Nadir also smiled and nodded.

The defense is located 500 meters away from the west side of Bauer's cave. It is a huge cave that can only be reached by walking along the spiral walkway on the inside of the mountain for seven or eight minutes.

When they arrived at the gate of the security office, there were two soldiers with energy guns guarding the gate, and they saluted immediately when they saw Bauer appear. "Mr. Mayor!"

Bauer nodded and pushed the door directly in, only to see that the light in the cave was very bright, and there were seven or eight sitting energy-saving lamps above his head emitting a bright light.

"Mayor, you came just in time." Everyone seemed to be arguing about something, and seeing Ball's arrival, Harry, the director of the security department, stepped forward, "Come and watch this video, I suspect that Planet Tanis is not only us. Besides, there are other guests."

"Other guests? What the hell?" Bauer frowned. As everyone moved away, he came to the monitor that played the video. He saw that the video was a blue sky and white clouds, but it was in a freeze-frame state. A little bit lower, there was a black dot that seemed to be blazing blue light suspended in the sky.

Bauer's expression became completely serious, and he continued to play the video, so that he could barely see that it was a shuttle-shaped object, moving at an average speed in the sky, and the bottom of the shuttle-shaped UFO was flickering. A piece of orchid light, as the flying object flew into the distance, a faint blue light was continuously drawn from behind the buttocks.

"See?" Harry's voice was a little heavy. "Obviously, this is an aircraft, but I swear to God, this aircraft is definitely not made by us."

"I know." Bauer's brows suddenly wrinkled, he looked at the orientation sign on the screen, and hesitantly said, "Could the other party be facing..."

"That's right, Mr. Mayor." Another old man said solemnly, "It flew in the direction of the Elysium, but it didn't seem to be fast, only 70 to 80 kilometers per hour to do fish. After this picture, the hunting team sent the video back, and now there are more than a dozen people silently watching the movements on the coast."

"Let's go and have a look." Bauer stood up decisively, "Go to the arsenal, we must get those old friends, the rest of the residents stay in the cave, and no one is allowed to come out without my order."


The small town of Tanis is like a precise machine, slowly turning under the orders of Bauer. Over the years, Bauer has accumulated enough prestige, as long as it is the order he decides, no one will object.

Everyone quickly came to the arsenal, which was densely packed with weapons brought from the spacecraft, most of which were laser energy weapons, but there were also kinetic energy weapons such as antimatter grenades, riot guns, howitzers, etc. Ball hesitated for a moment, and finally I still chose a silver-white sniper rifle. This is a Gauss sniper rifle. The range is far enough to destroy the satellites in the sky. Of course, the premise is that there are satellites in the sky of Planet Tanis.

At this moment, Harry's pager, the director of the security department, rang again. The director listened to the report in the pager for a while, and his face became more serious, "Everyone, I think we need to speed up, the previous investigation of the situation. The hunting party has engaged with the group of uninvited guests."

"What!" Bauer was startled. "What's the matter, who allowed the fire?"

"It was the other party who opened fire first," Harry replied. "Our men saw in the binoculars three members of the other party who were staying there. Those creatures were definitely not human. They were at least 20 feet tall, and they were at the same time we found them. We also found us, our people tried to approach each other to see if they could communicate, but when they approached each other for five kilometers, they fired directly at the convenience..."

"Damn it! Who allowed them to approach!" Ball scolded, "What's the loss?"

"In the hunting team of thirteen people, only one person escaped because he was on guard at the end of the team, and the others..." The head of the security department said with a wry smile.

Everyone's faces turned pale.

"Damn, the town turned on the highest alert and moved all the women and children to a more hidden black canyon. Let's go to the front to check, hurry up!" Bauer scolded and rushed out of the arsenal with a dead sniper rifle. , the crowd followed after.

After everyone left, in the small town of the Col, a piercing alarm sounded under the order of Bauer, and all the women and children were escorted by a small number of security team members to another more hidden area...

And Bauer and the others, they still don't know what kind of terrifying thing they are facing...

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