In the northeastern part of Africa, there is a small African country called Wakanda.

Wakanda used to be synonymous with poverty and ignorance like other African countries. The word civilization seems to have nothing to do with Wakanda. There is only starvation and desolation everywhere.

However, around the 1950s and 1960s, a king of Wakanda suddenly rose up powerfully. He discovered an extraterrestrial meteorite in his territory, the size of which was like a giant mountain. Among the meteorites, there was a kind of meteorite named The metal of 'vibration gold', relying on this metal, Wakanda finally got rid of poverty and ignorance in Africa, and became the only country in Africa to get rid of poverty!

In the Marvel world, Zhenjin, also known as 'sound-absorbing steel', is an unknown metal from outside the sky. It landed on the earth in this small remote country called Wakanda, and finally achieved the glory of this country. .

The vibranium that landed in Wakanda has the ability to absorb sound waves and kinetic energy. The energy it absorbs is stored in the chemical bonds that make up the substance, and the more it absorbs, the stronger the substance becomes. At the same time, it can also generate shock waves with unique wavelengths, which can break the metal bonds between other metals and liquefy them, that is, have the ability to dissolve metals, so it is also called "anti-metal".

During World War II, an expert accidentally discovered and refined this metal. Due to an experimental accident, vibranium and carbon alloy were accidentally fused into a new alloy, which was poured into a discus-shaped trough. The new alloy became Captain America's household weapon.

At the same time, this is also the only time that humans have created a material that is almost indestructible, but unfortunately this accident cannot be copied, so Captain America's shield has become out of print.

Moreover, Wakanda also has a magical plant that is almost ignored by the world-heart-shaped herbal medicine, a kind of thing comparable to the serum of the American team, it is with this herbal medicine, a superhero named 'Black Panther' Only heroes can have the strength and reflexes of Captain America.

That's right, Wakanda is the hometown of the superhero "Black Panther".

It is precisely because of such a unique advantage that when Zhang Heng invaded this seat, the first target was chosen here.

At this time, hundreds of Falcon fighters were quietly suspended in the mid-air of the mine in Wakanda. With Wakanda's air defense capabilities, they did not notice these hidden shuttles.

Inside the Eagle Falcon, Zhang Heng was wearing power armor and looked at the huge meteorite like a hill under his feet. Metal - made of vibrating gold, but it still can't resist the greed of people's hearts.

And around this meteorite, tens of thousands of troops are stationed all year round, and its surroundings are directly built into a huge war fortress. Even a fly cannot fly in. It is precisely because of this that Wakanda is a small African country. , was barely holding on to the means of the world.

But unfortunately, after today, this metal will no longer belong to them.

Zhang Heng sneered at the corner of his mouth. He had obtained a small piece of vibrating metal before, and wanted to see what kind of properties this metal had, but the test results surprised him. It is equivalent to shifting metal, but it has a far higher ability to shift metal - that is melting point!

High offset metals are isotopes of metals. Because neutrons are highly unbalanced, they are very insensitive to energy transfer. Thermal weapons are almost completely immune, and can even withstand high temperatures of 10,000 degrees. Slight melting will not occur until it exceeds 20,000 degrees. Signs, if it is ordinary metal, it is estimated that it has already vaporized.

However, this is not enough. For Zhang Heng's technology, it is very common for the temperature of thermal weapons to exceed tens of thousands of degrees, such as plasma weapons, etc. Therefore, Zhang Heng certainly hopes to have a more high temperature resistance. Metal.

And Zhenjin is like this. After Zhang Heng's test,

This strange metal can be melted and forged at a temperature of only 1,500 degrees during forging, but once it is forged, even a high temperature of 500,000 degrees will not cause any signs of melting. Moreover, natural vibrating metal can continue to work with Other metals fuse to produce alloys that are harder and stronger than high offset metals!

For example, Captain America's shield, according to Zhang Heng's speculation, the Mohs hardness of Captain America's shield is at least 50 or more, five times higher than that of diamond, which is rare in the world!

Therefore, after understanding the benefits of Zhenjin, how could Zhang Heng allow this precious metal to fall into the hands of others?

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng's eyes flashed decisively, and he turned around and ordered, "Prepare to execute plan a!"

"Understood, ready to implement plan a!"

Immediately, Zhi Shang, who was on the side, conveyed the order.

In the next second, the abdomens of all the Falcon fighters slowly opened, and at the same time, five metal squares one meter long and half a meter wide were thrown from the air on each Falcon fighter!

Suddenly, the entire sky was densely packed, as if it was covered by hundreds of metal squares!

"Look there!" Until this time, the Wakanda army guarding the vibrating gold vein discovered the abnormality in the sky. A black soldier standing on guard raised his head boredly, and suddenly found that there were countless more in the sky. He rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and then showed a surprised look. At the same time, he stabbed his companion beside him, "Hey, Hal, look at it, it seems that something is wrong!"

"Hey, slow down, you're going to stab me to death!" The companion called Howl pushed his companion's big hand away with some resentment, and then slowly looked into the sky, but at this time, the black sky in the sky The dots are already bigger, and the silver-white body is beginning to show.

"Oh, God..." Until then, the two of them gradually recovered, and Hal let out an exclamation, and suddenly his face changed greatly, "It's an enemy attack!"

"Woooo..." Almost at the moment when the two woke up, the entire military base suddenly sounded a bell, and a rush of alarm sounded, "There is an enemy attack! All soldiers immediately return to their posts and prepare to fight!"

"Repeat, all soldiers immediately take up arms and prepare to fight, this is not a drill!"

The faces of the two changed greatly. They ran to the camp and ran to the camp. At this time, the entire military base was in chaos because of the sudden alarm sound. Some soldiers were checking their firearms in panic, while others were Running around looking for his team, a middle-aged man with the rank of colonel saw the two who came back and shouted loudly, "Hal, hurry up and return to the team!"

"Sir Love! There is something on the top of the head!" The two of them subconsciously reminded loudly, but before they could finish speaking, suddenly, the three of them saw a flower before their eyes, and a silver-white metal block the size of a box fell on the three of them. before!


The three people's feet trembled for a while, and with the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, a cloud of dust rose up on the dirt ground in front of them...

Is this the intruder? (To be continued.)

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