Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO.Three hundred and forty-two plundering vibration gold

At the moment when the heavy object fell to the ground, Hal seemed to feel that the time became extremely long, and he subconsciously wanted to fall to the ground. In his opinion, what could be put down from a high altitude other than bombs?

However, the expected explosion did not come. Around the huge camp, there was a constant banging sound of metal objects falling, but strangely, there was no attack.

The colonel named Love slowly moved to the metal object and kicked two tentatively, but the object did not respond.

"What the hell is this..." Seeing this, Colonel Love was about to yell, but suddenly, there was a buzzing sound from the metal under his feet, he instinctively ducked back, and then saw a metal object, a Only a complete golden-white metal skull emerged from it, and there was a faint red light in the eyes, then the limbs, then the torso. In just two to three seconds, the metal box in front of him turned out to be like a Transformer. It became a huge metal skeleton two meters tall!

"My God..." Hal and Colonel Love were completely stunned, standing there dumbfounded, until the other party raised his arm and a powerful gun appeared in his hand, the three made a sound. A brief exclamation...


A low gunshot came, and the three of them were torn to shreds by a majestic force in front of everyone's eyes!

With the first gunshot, the entire camp seemed to finally be aware of it. For a while, the gunshots were loud, and countless guns were aimed at the machine skeletons that fell in the camp. War was about to break out!

"Five hundred Terminator t-800s have been launched." High in the sky, Zhishang looked at the chaotic scene on the ground. Facing the sudden war, it was just the beginning, and the military camp of tens of thousands of people lost one-tenth of the battle. above.

"There is something to attract firepower. Now it's time for us to play." Zhang Heng said indifferently, "Pass my order and destroy the target within half an hour. I don't want any survivors."


Immediately, hundreds of Falcon fighters turned their noses at the same time and quickly fell down. At the same time, hundreds of small holes with a diameter of only a few centimeters protruded from the belly of the fighter. The flying stick was released, and a large area of ​​black pressure was like a plague of locusts, covering the entire sky in an instant!

"Where is the armored regiment, we need help!"

On the ground, it has long since become a sea of ​​death. Numerous corpses torn by pulse rifles are scattered all over the ground. In front of pulse rifles with dozens of times the speed of sound, human beings are as fragile as pieces of paper. Being hit, all the blood in the body will evaporate in an instant, leaving only the corpses that have been roasted by the huge kinetic energy and covered the ground.

Like hell on earth!

The five hundred Terminator t-800s are like a division from the sky, and they beat the entire army to pieces, but even so, these Wakanda warriors have not flinched at all. They are all elites in the country, even in the face of Sudden blow, but still stick to the front line!

It has only been three minutes since the raid began. Until this time, Wakanda's armored troops finally reacted. One after another Rhino tanks appeared on the battlefield like giants. One of the tanks' main guns turned with precision, and suddenly , The strong smoke and water mist overflowed out of thin air, and a t-800 facing the main gun did not rush to dodge, and was blasted into tens of millions of pieces by powerful tank shells!

Until this time, the huge sound of the tank's firing came out!

"Thank God, the armored regiment is finally here, we are saved!" Until this time, the soldiers who were so suppressed that they couldn't raise their heads did they cheer, but the cheers hadn't died out. Suddenly, everyone's heads appeared. There were shadows, and in the next second, countless finger-sized strips of material with orange-red flames burning at their tails flew down from the sky, and their targets were mostly the armored chariots heading to the battlefield.

In the next second, hundreds of Rhino tanks turned into huge fireballs at the same time!

In an instant, the armored regiment that was just about to reverse the battlefield was devastated by the sudden attack!


All Wakanda warriors were like ducks strangled by their necks, stunned as the chariots of the previous massacre turned into balls of fire, everyone's eyes flashed with anger and panic, and at a loss for what to do , until now, they haven't even seen the enemy's face, and the entire Wakanda's most elite division has been almost completely defeated by the opponent!

After annihilating all the chariots, there are still countless flying machine insects patrolling the sky, as if showing their own force, standing under these countless unknown flying insects, everyone has a feeling of trepidation , This kind of mechanical flying insects does not seem to be large, but its power is stunned. If they rush towards themselves, let alone death, it is already a question of whether they can leave corpses.

However, just when everyone was at a loss, suddenly, countless giant flying shuttles appeared in the sky again. These flying shuttles seemed to be invisible. Between transparency, these shuttles descended rapidly until they landed less than ten meters above the ground. Suddenly, a robot larger than the previous metal skeleton jumped out of it. These robots were black without reflection. , before they fell to the ground, the weapons in their hands burst into an unparalleled metal storm, and a new round of attack began!

All this seems not to be a battle, but a complete slaughter!

Zhang Heng also jumped off the Eagle Falcon fighter. After he left the fighter plane, the Eagle Falcon fighter plane took off again, but it flew towards the distance automatically. Zhang Heng turned his head and saw that there were hundreds of people in the distance. The formation of the Wakanda fighter jets appeared. Obviously, the target of the Eagle fighter jets was there.

It has only been four or five minutes since the start of the war, and a group of fighter jets appeared. It seems that Wakanda has used the power of the whole country to protect it for the vibrating gold ore vein.

Unfortunately, all this is of no use.

In the face of the Falcon fighter jets whose performance has completely exploded, the fate of those fighter jets is already doomed. Zhang Heng no longer pays attention to it, but turns his head like no one else, looks at the huge meteorite a hundred meters away, opens his mouth at the same time, and suddenly The billowing black mist spread out of thin air, rushing towards the meteorite!

Zhang Heng wanted to rely on the ability of the interstellar beetle to eat everything and directly divide the huge ore vein into countless small pieces, and then bring it back to reality. (To be continued.)

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