Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Four hundred and eighty-one shocking the world (2 chapters in 1)

This chapter is the concluding chapter, I feel that the water can not be ordered. Fastest mechanical update)

The time for the red carpet catwalk is one and a half to two slants, and the male stars in the hotel are nothing more than that. While watching the live broadcast on TV, the coquettish female stars are able to scold these peers on the TV. Whenever someone falls on a show, they will make a "cut" sound to express their disdain.

Wang Yuchun stared at the screen absent-mindedly, her thoughts were already flying out of the sky, she was thinking about it, what way did she want to win the audience's attention in the end? Some ideas were steeled one by one, but they were quickly dismissed by her. This method of falling has been used by three people just now. If you use it again, I am afraid that the audience will be able to detect something wrong, so it must not be used again, and revealing clothes is also a good method, but she looked down at herself. At this time Her clothing has basically reached the limit of exposure. If she exposes a little more, it is estimated that she will be banned by radio and television immediately.

As time passed, fewer people were in the hall, and the red carpet runway was drawing to a close.

"Yuchun, let's go." At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly came from Wang Yuchun's side, Wang Yuchun suddenly recovered, she bowed her head and smiled sweetly at the handsome man beside her, nodded and said, "Okay, heart. elder brother."

With that said, the two of them joined hands and walked towards the car that greeted them outside the gate. When he was about to get into the car, Wang Yuchun subconsciously looked back at the hotel lobby, but found that the lobby was empty.

"No, if we are in the penultimate group, then there should be the last group in the hall at this time, but why is it late?" Thinking of a certain possibility, Wang Yuchun suddenly felt a little gloating, after all, if the other party was late If you do, your group will become the last group, and the benefits are self-evident.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuchun was secretly proud, and then, under the urging of the staff, sat on the Phantom Rolls-Royce prepared by Stellar Technology for each group of guests.

At this moment, the red carpet has come to an end, but the crowd on the square has not diminished.

"Friends, now on the red carpet are the producers and creative teams from the old era of movies. They are Mr. Huang, Chairman of Huaxia Film Co., Ltd., Mr. Guo Xin, the director and creator, and all the leading actors. Welcome, there are Please come to our red carpet!"

"Wow heart!"


"Si Niang! I love you!"

On both sides of the red carpet, the crowd was almost crazy. Everyone kept shouting the name Xin, and some girls even cried out in excitement. Check out that handsome man on the red carpet.

At this time, everyone was playing together, and Wang Yuchun only felt that her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. After all, this was the first time she had participated in such a large-scale all-star gluttonous feast. Other than that, I don't remember anything.

"Don't be nervous, smile and say hello to those cameras, don't waste this great opportunity." The handsome man beside him reminded gently like a neighbor's little brother, Wang Yuchun just woke up like a dream, and she quickly turned red Both sides of the carpet stretched out their hands and waved gracefully, and showed a smile that had been practiced thousands of times.

Wang Yuchun never felt that the distance of 100 meters was so short. When she was still immersed in the well-being of everyone, she had unknowingly crossed the red carpet of 100 meters and walked to the event star where the host was. in front of the signature board.

"Thank you to the audience and everyone who supports me." Guo Xin took the microphone from the host and looked at the crowd of people under the stage, her eyes suddenly became rosy, "To be honest, I have always wanted to be your pride, So that you don't have to live in the shadows, so that you don't have to secretly like me, so that your friends will only leave contempt and ridicule because whenever you say your idols, I am Guo Xin."

"Is it because my name is Guo Jingming,

So what is wrong? Is it only because I am dead that you will not scold the old times? "Guo Xin moaned while wiping away tears.

"You can't cry, the bad guys will laugh!"

"No, let him cry, cry, it's better to cry!"

There was a lot of grief under the stage, and some fans couldn't help crying and comforting Guo Xin loudly.

Wang Yuchun also wiped away her tears, she took the microphone and sighed, "Xin is under too much pressure, because he is Guo Xin, so he doesn't do well, because he is Guo Xin, so many people will scold him, But he is a giant, he is a person who loves movies, and he hopes to bring more good works to everyone!"

After everyone played the sympathy card, they finally started to sign on the signature plate behind, and the host took the microphone, suddenly showing a mysterious color, "Thank you for the affectionate speech of the old era crew, I believe it is gold, it will shine sooner or later. , now it's nine o'clock in the evening, and the red carpet ceremony is coming to an end. However, there is another guest coming. Maybe you don't know her, but it was her appearance that opened the most glorious part of our international film feast. One page!"

The old-timey crew who were heading to the venue suddenly stopped, and everyone turned their heads subconsciously, showing a look of surprise.

To be able to make the organizer say such words, who would that 'he' be?

As one of the 15 international A-category film festivals in the world, the Haizhou International Film Festival can be described as a shortcut channel for Chinese stars to the international development route. Moreover, the large-scale efforts of this film festival shocked everyone. I am afraid that the viewership rate of the show has already reached hundreds of millions of people. Coupled with the host's incitement, no matter who the person is, she will be the biggest winner of this event!

"Is it one of the most famous kings and queens in the entertainment industry?"

"Impossible, the three or four kings and queens have already entered, and there will never be anyone in the entertainment industry who has a higher status and treatment than them!"

"Is that one of the world's kings and queens? Only they can press on the heads of those kings and queens in China."

There were also constant discussions in the audience. Everyone looked eagerly at the entrance of the red carpet, wanting to see who it was, and who could get such praise from the organizers of the film festival?

Just when Quanchen focused his eyes, a pure white car drove slowly and then stopped slowly. The next moment, the car door opened, and a elf-like girl in a white dress stepped out of the car. Almost the moment she came on stage, all the ministers subconsciously fell silent!

It was like a lily in full bloom. When seeing her figure, the word 'alluring the city and alluring the country' appeared in everyone's heart. The girl in front of her was full of youthful, reserved and reserved breath. It was almost an instant. The topics that Guo Xin created before were left behind by everyone and no longer exist.

"This is" Wang Yuchun suddenly felt that the girl who got out of the car looked familiar. She rubbed her eyes subconsciously, but she seemed to think of something, and suddenly her whole body trembled, and her expression was full of incredible!


As the girl approached step by step, the gentle figure was swaying, without any unnecessary movements, but that's it, in everyone's heart, there was an illusion that the other party was dancing, and the red carpet seemed to become a heavenly road , and she became a lily without the slightest flaw, blooming continuously on the road

"Zhang Xin!" Wang Yuchun stared blankly at all this, only feeling her mind roaring. As the figure got closer and closer to her, she could finally be sure that she was the one who didn't deal with herself in the class all the time. Zhang Xin, who has been ridiculed and ridiculed!

At this time, Zhang Xin was many times more beautiful than in the daytime, but on that face, there seemed to be no traces of makeup at all, and some, just a suffocating surprise!

Just as the white figure slowly moved forward, the background sound of a piano and bass ensemble sounded quietly, with a faint solemnity, and her pace increased from low to high until she reached the stage of the host. , the lily-like girl took the microphone directly from the host.

At this time, the three hosts were already stunned and stunned. Although it was mentioned that Stellar Technology would arrange a new person to walk the red carpet, when the other party actually appeared, the three were still shocked by the temperament carried by this figure.

Almost at the same time as the girl took the microphone, the lights at the front desk of the entire venue were completely dimmed, leaving only a white searchlight reflecting the girl, as if at this moment, she became the focus of the whole world!

The next moment, overhead, a dazzling starry sky lights up, and countless stars twinkle. The starlight is so bright that it even gives people a feeling of being in the vast universe!

There was also a flash of surprise in the girl's eyes, but as the music became more exciting, she immediately raised the microphone and opened her lips as if she was talking

here we are,

soaring through the sky,

Give the night sky the morning sun.

You and I are like bright lights,

shining like two flames,

Burn in another dimension!

The next second, the music fell into ups and downs, and the girl's whole body began to flash a magnificent picture of golden horses and flags waving. On a vast plain, tens of thousands of legions stood side by side. , Jagged blood and chilling roar like the wind!

At this moment, everyone seemed to be in the battle of ten thousand people, everyone sucked, just staring at everything in front of them, looking at the white figure in front of ten thousand people, their minds were all blank!

May my past be erased,

But I can't erase my sleeping memory!

I can't hug you with outstretched hands,

or soothe your soul,

Wake up this dusty memory for me!

The music continued to be high, and when it reached the highest point, the girl suddenly raised her right hand, and at the same time, a sharp sword with a cold light rose to the sky in her hand. The Buddha received an order, and countless knights on the battlefield began to gallop on their horses. , In the shadow of swords and swords, blood blooms like roses, and a spring breeze with a bloody smell is flying freely in this battle!

The girl stood quietly like a god, and countless bright reds exploded all over her body. The pure white dress was instantly covered with blood, making it even more poignant and heroic!

When the song ended, the epic holographic projection was also frozen at the last moment!

Until the epic mockery of this star-sky disappeared, the girl also bowed slightly to greet the camera, and then walked towards Hui Chi. Up to this point, everyone still has not recovered, the poignant but magnificent melody of the song continues to reverberate in everyone's mind, and everyone's face is full of shock!

"This red carpet and the opening ceremony are officially over"

I don't know how long it took, when the host spoke again, the entire denounced came back to his senses, and the next second, as if a blockbuster rose in the crowd, everyone applauded like crazy, and at the same time sent sky-high noises. The applause, everyone was asking each other about the girl's name, and the whole network was caught in a storm because of this scene, some people immediately edited this scene and hung it on the youtube website, while more people They kept posting and asking, asking if anyone knew the girl's identity and name!

"She will be the goddess in my heart from now on, who can tell me who she is! I offer a reward of 100 percent!"

"What happened to that mockery just now? Was it a computer post-production special effect?"

"No, there is no time for the global live broadcast to do special effects for you, it is obviously the holographic projection that Stellar Technology has been promoting and is preparing to launch in the near future!"

"Oh my God, I know, why did Stellar Technology suddenly buy the sponsorship of this film festival? Why did it buy the evening program slots of thousands of TV stations around the world? This is obviously going to create a god. A supreme god of the global entertainment industry!"

"I don't care what Stellar Technology wants, I just want to know who that girl in white is, I feel like I'm already in love with her!"

The whole world seems to be shocked by this scene. In reality and on the Internet, the click-through rate of this film festival has risen like crazy. On major video websites, "draw your sword!" "Pick up your head and fight for me. Let's go!" The barrage filled the entire screen, so densely packed that it was impossible to see the edge at a glance!

In the hive underground in Haizhou, Zhang Heng slowly closed the screen on the wall. At this time, there was a gratifying smile on the corner of his mouth. With the attention of the world and the help of holographic projection, Zhang Xin's small wish has been completely realized.

As for what to do next, Zhang Heng didn't think much about it. In his opinion, his sister is just a whim. After this baptism, it is estimated that he will soon lose interest in celebrities and go back to school obediently.

But then again, in the face of the catastrophe that will strike at an unknown time, it makes no difference whether or not to go to school. However, he is not going to tell Zhang Xin and his parents all this. is his ultimate wish.

In other words, the reason why Zhang Heng sent his neighbors to save the world is to let his relatives live in peace forever. After seeing the tragic situation of countless planes, only he will understand the whole world. How precious is a peaceful life?

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