Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Four hundred and eighty-two transformation of the magic furnace

The plane of the Avengers, the Pacific Rim.

On the southeastern side of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench, the Fichards Deep.

Here, it is the lowest point of the global ocean and the deepest trench known to human beings. The total length is 255okm, the average width is 7okm, and most of the water depths are above 8ooo meters and the depth can reach 11o95 meters.

Maybe some people don't quite understand, in fact, the relationship between 'Mariana Trench' and 'Fichats Deep' is just like the relationship between 'Himalaya Mountains' and 'Mount Everest', Maluana Trench is rated as The deepest ocean trench in the world, and the Fishers Deep is the deepest trench and the deepest area in the world.

Here, it is a pitch-black world where sunlight cannot penetrate. It is so dark that even the most powerful searchlight in the world cannot illuminate ten meters away in this environment. The husband brought it, but there is a city of steel that is too huge to be added, standing in the deep sea

This is a huge majestic city with a diameter of more than five kilometers. It stands proudly in the water pressure of thousands of atmospheres, and the surface of the building is coated with various invisible layers to prevent it from being detected by human sound waves and other detection technologies. now.

The shape of this steel city is very strange. It is like a solid discus. The protective device more than ten meters thick makes it the strongest defense facility in the world. In the center of this steel city, there is also a The huge 'grinding disc' device that occupies four-fifths of the city's area is slowly stirring. In the center of the 'grinding disc', there is a huge drill bit with a length of more than one kilometer, which is constantly drilling into the depths of the ground. At the crack where the drill bit and the ground meet, a faint green fluorescence overflows from the crack from time to time, dissipating in an instant.

Here, it is the giant magic furnace that Stellar Technology spent tens of billions of dollars secretly built in the Marvel plane, which can extract tons of magic energy from the depths of the leylines every day. In short, this facility is like a syringe, pierced deeply into the weakest part of the earth, constantly disturbing the life of this planet.

And there are several such magic furnaces in this world.

At this moment, inside the core of this huge melting furnace, a huge factory is set up here. On the large molecular conveyor, shaped steel is continuously being transported in, and thousands of T-8oos are constantly operating in the factory. Transport these steels out of the magic furnace.

In the outside world, there are deep-sea robots researched by Skynet, the Terminator plane, that shuttle back and forth. After they get these steel materials and equipment from a fixed location, they move them to the location that needs to be replaced and repaired, and they are constantly transforming the city. .

When Zhang Heng came to inspect, he saw such a scene of ridicule.

"Di Di Di!" A metal ball about the size of a football whizzed from the counter-cage, and finally hovered in front of Zhang Heng's eyes. At the same time, the screen on the ball flashed, and it quickly formed a small ball. Dr. La's appearance.

"Your Excellency Commander, welcome to the Alpha Magic Furnace Factory." The high-pitched voice came, and Dr. Zora said attentively with a look of flattery on his face.

"How's it going, how's the progress here?" Zhang Heng looked at the porthole on the wall. Outside the window was the deep sea with the worst environment on earth, only pitch black.

"The transformation of the Mohuang furnace has come to an end, and the new mining device is about to enter the trial phase. If the results are good, other magic furnaces will undergo similar transformations." Dr. Zola said attentively.

Zhang Heng nodded, which is similar to the actual process. With various high-tech technologies, Stellar Technology has controlled the financial system of the Marvel world at an extremely fast speed. Starting from Tony Stark, Stellar Technology has continuously lured major heroes to implant electronic chips, including Iron Man, Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Magneto, etc. With Magneto's help and a lot of money, these projects It's going so fast.

However, compared to reality, Stellar Technology's activities on this surface are undoubtedly much more low-key.

After all, there are still a few superheroes that can be controlled, and most superheroes are still in an uncontrollable state. These guys are like a group of shit stickers. They mess up wherever they go. Once the evil plan of Stellar Technology is discovered, I am afraid it will be a game for "Justice" and the never-ending battle

To this end, Stellar Technology has killed more than a dozen superheroes who almost discovered the conspiracy of Stellar Technology, such as Wonderman, Wasp, Man of Steel, etc. At this time, the Hulk and Wolverine are still imprisoned in this magic furnace. , super-heroes with undead physique like them are definitely not something that can be controlled by a brain control chip.

For this reason, Yuehua-2 simply used gamma ray absorption and persuasion, disturbing the gamma rays generated in Robert Bruce Banner's body all the time, so that he would never be able to transform into the Hulk again.

And Wolverine Logan is even better, pouring the melted vibranium directly on his body, sealing him inside the vibranium forever, and then exiling into the vast universe.

The transformation of the so-called Moko Furnace was also made by this genius doctor named Zola. As one of the greatest scientists in human history, a genius-level researcher in the Marvel universe, his intelligence is even comparable to that of steel. Xia and Doctor Doom are of the same level of genius. It seems that in order to show loyalty, he spent three months thoroughly researching the structure and mining theory of the Moko Furnace, and modified the design to create a A new type of Mako Furnace.

The new magic furnace has ten times the mining power of the previous magic furnace. According to this rate of improvement, within half a year, the magic of the entire planet can be completely drained!

Thus, the scene that Zhang Heng came to inspect in person appeared.


At this time, an alarm suddenly sounded throughout the entire factory, and at the same time, the voice of Yuehua No. 2 came, "The Alpha Magic Furnace has been remodeled and is about to enter the trial operation stage. Work, return to the casting hall immediately, repeat, all the staff who are still working return to the casting hall immediately!"

Zhang Heng looked at it subconsciously, and saw that countless robots began to appear in the hall, and then stood in his own position like the most accurate soldier, the red light in his eyes slowly went out, and he entered the shutdown state by himself.

"The Mohuang Furnace is about to start three, two, and one!"


With the distant sound of metal friction, Zhang Heng could feel that the whole furnace factory began to vibrate slowly, and the 'grinding plate' with a diameter of more than four kilometers began to rotate. Located at the top of the grinding disc, as the huge grinding disc rotates, it is also constantly rotating.

Zhang Heng showed an interested look. He waved his hand slightly, and a holographic projection screen appeared in front of his eyes. On the screen was a cross-sectional view, which seemed to be the shape of a pushpin stuck to the ground. The side structure of the Mako Furnace has been completed.

The circular part of the pushpin is the grinding disc, and the part that is driven into the ground is the mining drill.

The huge drill bit bearing kept rotating and digging deeper into the earth veins, as if bloody water had been drilled out. Countless green liquids were continuously extracted by special instruments during the rotation. This liquid seemed to carry a light source in itself, and it was green and gleaming. Dispersing the dazzling light like diamonds, even if you observe it with the naked eye, you can feel a special active atmosphere

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