Zhang Heng's face was dignified, and he saw his hands turn into two afterimages, pulling the trigger from various unimaginable angles. Countless firearms training had already integrated the firearms into instinct, and the two Desert Eagles were as accurate as the weapons of death. , every bullet will take away an alien life!

All fourteen bullets were fired within five seconds, but Zhang Heng didn't stop at all. He quickly pressed his thumbs on the magazine button, and the two empty magazines fell immediately. At the same time, two new magazines were loaded into the pistol in an instant. , paused for less than half a second, and the Desert Eagle spit out the flame of death again!

After the alien group lost more than 20 companions, they finally succeeded in breaking through Zhang Heng's firepower defense circle, but at this time the number of aliens was only about four or five. Zhang Heng connected his hands and three companions fell. , but the remaining two aliens finally broke through Zhang Heng's firepower circle. One of the aliens flicked on the back foot, and the powerful explosive force made it leap high and rush directly towards Zhang Heng!

At this speed, even if Zhang Heng shot the alien in the air, the impact of the opponent would still make the opponent fall on him. If an ordinary person encountered this choice, he might hesitate for a moment, but Zhang Heng. Without the slightest pause, he just bent down, swiped his foot, and appeared strangely at a position half a meter away, dodging the opponent's pounce by a tiny distance, and at the same time, the desert eagle in his hand sent forward, It just hit the alien's head, as if the alien deliberately sent his head to aim at himself!

However, in the snap of the fingers, the last bullet was sent into the attacking alien brain, and the left hand threw away the pistol that shot the empty bullet. Alien upper jaw!

This alien let out a miserable neigh, and its tail, which was two meters long, was like a whip, and it slammed towards Zhang Heng fiercely!

The special-shaped tail whip is very powerful, especially at the tip. It can exceed the speed of sound like a finger, and it is not a problem to penetrate an alloy steel plate of tens of millimeters. Zhang Heng was seriously injured!

But Zhang Heng seemed to have expected it a long time ago. The nerve reflex speed faster than Alien made him take a step forward while the opponent waved his tail whip. At the same time, he threw the empty gun with his right hand and pulled out the second army thorn. Stabbed from the opponent's Tianling cover, the huge force directly nailed the opponent to the ground!

It's a long story. In fact, from Zhang Heng's first shot to killing the last alien, but eleven or twelve seconds have passed. For ordinary people, it is enough to call a desperate situation, but for Zhang Heng, it is like drinking cold water. It's as simple as that, if it wasn't for the danger of melee combat, Zhang Heng would even be confident that all the aliens could be successfully eliminated by just relying on the thorns.

Zhang Heng VS more than 30 aliens, a complete victory!

After doing all this, Zhang Heng let out a long sigh and pulled out the military thorn on the alien's body. He saw that the surface of the military thorn was still dark and smooth, and there was no sign of corrosion, so he nodded with satisfaction.

These two military thorns were specially made by Zhang Heng at a high price. They were made of the most advanced special alloy steel. At the same time, they were coated with a thick layer of high-density anti-corrosion paint at his request. above.

After passing the first level, Zhang Heng understood the difficulty of the Alien Plane. This was only the first wave of attacks entering the Alien Plane, and he had already consumed half of his ammunition.

It is an impossible task to spend thirty-six hours safely.

But this is just a simulation after all. When the Dimensional Star sends itself into the Alien Plane, it may be another situation. In short, the Dimensional Star will never send itself to a mortal situation. This is Dimensional The most fundamental rules of the star.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. The sound of gunfire and the smell of blood after the death of the alien will attract other aliens to come. Zhang Heng must leave here before the new alien troops arrive.

After half an hour,

Zhang Heng successfully came to the ruins of the city after eliminating a small number of aliens again.

This ruin should be the United States or the United Kingdom. English words are occasionally seen on the ruined walls, but it is obvious that this is the location with the highest nuclear radiation concentration. Before the destruction of human civilization, at least four or five high-yield nuclear bombs were detonated here, forming a A dead zone where even aliens can't enter.

Relying on the advantage of the special service protective suit, Zhang Heng bored around the ruins. Sure enough, there was no trace of alien activity here. Zhang Heng couldn't help but look up at the sky, but saw dozens of black shadows above his head. Circling thousands of meters away.

These black shadows are completely black, with fleshy wings like bats. Obviously, they are a kind of flying alien that has never appeared in the movie.

Zhang Heng couldn't help shaking his head. It was obvious that he had nothing to do with the opponent. Unless he had a long-range weapon such as a Remington sniper rifle, it would be impossible to eliminate these 'eyes'.

Looking down at the watch, this watch is a mechanical watch bought by Zhang Heng at a high price. It comes with a compass, timer and a series of wild survival functions. At this time, the time has only passed one hour, and there are still thirty-five hours before completing the task. time.

Zhang Heng simply chose a low-rise building that had not collapsed, and checked the surrounding environment and possible escape routes, and then settled in with confidence.

Soon, evening came. Originally, the sky was covered with a thick layer of radiation dust. It was like dusk in the daytime, and in the evening, it was even more invisible.

Zhang Heng's right eye combat module itself has night vision capabilities, and the high-tech protective clothing from the dead space plane also has night vision capabilities such as infrared, thermal imaging, etc., not afraid of possible attacks at night, the only thing to worry about , is the problem of rest and sleep at night.

Even if Zhang Heng has been transformed by the T virus, he is not a superman. If it is normal, let alone thirty-six hours, he can still be alive and strong even if he does not sleep for seventy-two hours. But at this time in the alien base camp, you need to maintain a high degree of vigilance at any time. When the spirit is tense, it will consume a lot of energy and physical strength, so it is difficult for Zhang Heng to support it for thirty-six hours.

Especially after 24 hours, Zhang Heng's energy and physical strength will drop significantly, which will undoubtedly make matters worse for the battle that may come at any time.

The light in the sky gradually dimmed, and the night surrounded the earth like a huge pocket. Deep in this dead silent world, Zhang Heng secretly sighed, and an indescribable sense of loneliness lingered.

This is the plane of the end of human beings. Unlike the plane of Resident Evil, there can be no survivors on the earth of the alien plane. That is to say, if you are really in this plane, then it is very likely that you are the only one. Humanity.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng had an indescribable fear that almost made him shudder!

For the first time, Zhang Heng was shaken by his beliefs.

"If this day comes in the real world, do I really have the courage to abandon all human beings? Can my parents and sister really endure the pain of human extinction and only my family living?"

Zhang Heng only felt a breath of air in his chest. He couldn't help but open the mask of his protective suit, unpacked a pack of cigarettes from his backpack, and took a deep breath.

Immediately, a burning sensation lingered in the lungs, and the drowsy mind was also cleared.

Zhang Heng smiled slightly, and sure enough, no matter how much he exercised his mental endurance, he couldn't ignore the demise of his homeland...

Humans, after all, are social animals.

In the deep and lonely night, all sounds are silent, and there is only a bean-sized fire in the whole world. It is as lonely as the owner at this time.

Zhang Heng smoked cigarettes silently one by one to force himself to stay awake. But when he pulled out the eighth cigarette, his stomach suddenly twisted, and an uncontrollable feeling of nausea shot straight to his forehead. Zhang Heng immediately lay on the window sill and vomited.

After vomiting for a long time, he only spit out some sour water. He wiped his mouth with a wry smile and closed the protective clothing mask again, which made him feel more comfortable.

Obviously, the radiation intensity here is far beyond Zhang Heng's expectations, and may even be more than ten sieverts. After all, this is a nuclear bomb in the future world, not as simple as an ordinary nuclear bomb in the real world.

Ordinary people who are exposed to radiation of more than six sieverts will die in a few minutes, but Zhang Heng was exposed to radiation levels of more than ten sieverts for more than half an hour. Fortunately, his physique is amazing, otherwise he will be the first. The simulation training is about to end immediately.

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