There were inexplicable vibrations on the ground. Zhang Heng, who had just vomited, had no time to relax, so he lay on the ground and pressed his ears to the ground, and then he heard a rumbling sound.

Zhang Heng squinted his eyes and looked up again towards the source of the sound. He saw that the black and white image was completely dark in the distance. However, the sight detection function of the special service protective clothing took effect immediately, and the distant scenery was continuously enlarged and drawn closer. Huge creatures like hills come into view!

In the dark, thermal imaging technology is ineffective for the aliens. The thick silicide shell of the aliens can block all heat from dissipating. Only infrared technology can barely see their existence. What Zhang Heng saw at this time was the number of Ten aliens as huge as tall buildings!

These aliens are on all fours, rushing towards the ruins of the city at a high speed of 100 meters and 7 seconds. Because of the influence of the host genes, they have abandoned flexibility and concealment, and replaced them with the power of wild beasts and can't even kill RPGs. The amazing defense of death!

Is the host alien to elephants and rhinos?

Zhang Heng only felt his throat dry. Without thinking, he picked up his backpack and ran towards the depths of the ruins. Although the radiation from the ruins can block the entry of ordinary aliens, it cannot damage such huge aliens. In front of them is a high-rise building, and they can crash through it regardless, and then climb out of the ruins unscathed.

However, no matter how Zhang Heng escaped, the dozen or so flying aliens above his head would keep an eye on him. In the face of such surveillance, any escape would be meaningless. In desperation, Zhang Heng simply stayed In the ruins of the building, I found the sewer cover that had not been buried by the soil, and then jumped in without thinking!

But the moment Zhang Heng jumped into the sewer, he knew that he was wrong, and he was so wrong. He saw that the sewers that used to be as spacious as a tunnel in the United States were now covered by wet and firm alien secretions, countless The size of a mouse, with no hind legs and only two front claws, was crowded into a nest of dozens of square meters. The moment he saw Zhang Heng, he rushed up like a tidal wave!

Even mice can't escape the claws of aliens?

This was Zhang Heng's only thought before he lost consciousness.

Zhang Heng stood up abruptly from the seat, and the cold sweat on his forehead couldn't stop falling. The feeling of ten thousand snakes eating his heart in the last second was too strong, and it took a long while to suppress the palpitations.

"Your Excellency Commander, you have survived in the simulated alien plane for three hours and five minutes, do you still need to continue?" Yue Hua's voice sounded in Zhang Heng's heart.

"Let me rest." Zhang Heng rubbed his temples, propped himself up and walked towards the bed, then lay down on the bed, took out a cigarette and lit it, staring blankly at the ceiling.

In the simulated alien plane, he officially thought about his future for the first time. He once thought that if humans were really helpless, as long as he escaped from this plane with his family and went to low-difficulty planes such as Resident Evil It was enough to continue to survive, but it was only now that he realized that this idea was too naive.

If my world is really destroyed, that kind of psychological pressure cannot be afforded by my parents and relatives. After all, my parents are just ordinary people, and they are more dependent on this world than themselves. Once that day comes, the long-term loneliness is enough to make Anyone go crazy for it.

Zhang Heng only felt that the pressure in his heart was heavier, and his responsibility was far greater than he imagined.

However, in any case, Zhang Heng had no intention of telling the government about the existence of Dimensional Star. If the country knew about the existence of the dimensional star, no matter what, it would not allow itself to survive in this world, and what awaited him would only be an extremely tragic end.

Not only the government, but also his biological parents and possible future wife and children, he can't tell, this can only be a secret unique to him.


Time goes by day by day,

In the end, the three-month period was completely over, and it was time for Dimensional Star to release the next mission.

On this day, Zhang Heng also received a package from logistics. This is a half-human tall bronze metal statue carved with a flying eagle.

Zhang Heng looked at the mailing address, it was blank, but obviously he was not surprised at all, just moved the statue into the warehouse that he hadn't come back to for a long time. At this time, the warehouse was empty again. Yuehua and Super Computers and other equipment have been moved into the secret experimental base that is under construction.

Returning to the warehouse, Zhang Heng tapped a certain position on the statue, and in the next second, a tiny gap opened in the eagle claw of the statue. Zhang Heng held the eagle claw and turned it gently. Suddenly, a hole with a diameter of 30 centimeters was cut open in the thoracic cavity of the eagle, which was tightly seamed!

The sophistication and complexity of this kind of mechanism is enough to make people stunned, but Zhang Heng still did not show the slightest expression. He just looked into the cave and saw that inside this space, there were ten Type 56 Mitsubishi thorns, and two thorns. Silver Desert Eagle, next to the Desert Eagle, there are also six magazines fixed, and hundreds of bullets are full.

Zhang Heng took out a triangular army thorn, groping for the black lacquered anti-corrosion paint and the sharp but not gleaming blade, suddenly flipped his wrist, and the army thorn stabbed straight at the wall of the warehouse!


A faint sound came, and the five or six-style three-edged army thorns had completely submerged into the surface of the wall, leaving only a section of the handle exposed.

Zhang Heng nodded, then pulled it out again, and then looked, only to see that the shape of the military thorn was not damaged at all, not even a layer of paint was scraped off, and then nodded with satisfaction.

The thorn was very good. Zhang Heng took out another Desert Eagle and looked inward towards the muzzle. He saw that the rifling on the inner wall of the gun barrel was as bright as new, and there was no damage at all. There was a faint smell of oil on the gun, very Apparently new from the factory with no traces of use.

These weapons were all smuggled in by Zhang Heng from overseas arms dealers at a huge cost. In order to get through this line, Zhang Heng sprinkled nearly one million dollars back and forth.

But this is only a temporary strategy after all. After Zhang Heng brings back the technology of other planes, he will build his own secret arsenal.

Putting on the Earth Secret Service protective suit, inserted two Mitsubishi Army thorns into the thighs on both sides, put two Desert Eagles and a lot of bullets into the backpack at the same time, and put in a few compressed biscuits and mineral water, Zhang Heng felt deeply. Taking a breath, he suddenly said, "Julian, the time will come soon. If you don't show up, I won't go to the mission."

"Haha, is it time to execute the mission again?"

At the same time as Zhang Heng opened his mouth, a soothing Japanese song resounded in Zhang Heng's mind again, and at the same time, Julian's shrill childish voice followed. At this time, she was wearing a black suit. Tights, posing a seductive posture, although it is very inconsistent for a three-headed Q version of the two-dimensional loli image, but it really does so.

Zhang Heng almost spit out a mouthful of water, and he coughed quickly to cover up his gaffe, "Cough, I said Julian, you haven't been around recently."

"Because the magnetic fields of Yuehua and Dimensional Star repel each other, if the two of us use the mental magnetic field to contact you at the same time, I'm afraid your brain will crash, right?" Julian pouted, "Uncle host, can you imagine Can you figure out the consequences of running two antivirus software, Kingsoft Internet Security and 360 Internet Security, on an old computer?"

"I'm just asking casually." Zhang Heng waved his hand quickly. Compared with Yuehua, Julian's virtual personality has more personality, although in terms of overall function, it can travel between planes at will and has no energy problems. The stars are enough to blast Yuehua hundreds of streets, but in terms of practicality, Yuehua's ability to manipulate the human spirit and the Internet's pervasive ability are also incomprehensible. It can be said that Zhang Heng is now indispensable for both.

"It's almost time to calculate, if that's the case, let's start the third mission." Julian made an OK gesture again, and a mechanized woman's voice followed, "The main mission is officially opened, the mission Goal: Obtain valuable technological information on nearby planes, and start searching for nearby planes..."

"The search is complete, there are four valuable exploration planes near the host plane."

"Plane A: Resident Evil Plane, (this time cannot be selected)"

"Plane B: The plane of dead space, (not selectable this time)"

"Plane C: Alien Plane, Danger Level: ★★★"

"Plane D: Prototype Plane of Massacre, Danger Level: ★★★★"

Zhang Heng moved in his heart and looked at the last two planes, "Sure enough, once my strength increases, the danger level will decrease. I remember that when I entered the Resident Evil Plane, the difficulty of the Alien Plane was still four stars. When entering the dead space plane, the difficulty of the alien plane was reduced by half a star, and now it has dropped to three stars..."

Zhang Heng lowered his head and muttered, then seemed to have thought of something, and asked Yulian again, "I have always been a little puzzled, what standard does the Dimensional Star system rely on to evaluate the degree of danger? If the alien can even enter space, then it is far better than the dimensional star system. Is it more dangerous to kill the prototype plane?"

"The system is limited and cannot be answered." Julian replied without waiting for Zhang Heng to finish speaking, "These all need to be explored by you, Uncle Host, Julian is just an intelligent auxiliary program of Dimensional Star, and these core issues are not at all. I know."

"I just asked casually, and I didn't expect to get an answer from you." Zhang Heng nodded and suddenly took a deep breath, "This time, I choose Alien Plane."

"Understood!" At the moment Zhang Heng made his choice, the soothing BGM in his mind suddenly changed, and it became bloody again.

At the same time, Julian transformed into a host in a black tuxedo and sunglasses. She stretched out a simplified version of her little hand and pointed to the sky under the illumination of the stage lights, while using a cadenced tone. Sing out loud:

"Uncle host has once again made a crucial choice in life! Come on, boy! One day, you will find that your power is extremely powerful! One day, you will find that you can create miracles!"

"Beautiful angels are calling you from afar, brave boy, go and create miracles!"

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