A few hours later, Zhang Heng hid in a corner covered in blood, gasping for breath.

At this time, the special service protective suit on his body was already riddled with holes, and even the mask part was penetrated by a special-shaped high-voltage ejection from the inner teeth.

If it wasn't for the protection of an extremely hard mask at that time, I'm afraid it wasn't the mask that penetrated at this time, but Zhang Heng's skull!

However, these hours of pressing battles were not without results. At least the number of aliens who died in Zhang Heng's hands had reached double digits, and he had successfully obtained the anti-freeze agent.

Looking at the tube of fluorescent medicine in his hand, Zhang Heng smiled slightly. The anti-freeze agent was stored in the warehouse next door where the Alien Queen lived. , the more severe the alien's obstruction.

The most dangerous time was when three aliens attacked him at the same time!

Although in the end, relying on the defensive power of the special service protective suit, he killed all three aliens, but he also paid a heavy price.

At this time, Zhang Heng's ribs were extensively shattered, his left arm was fractured, his head suffered a slight concussion, 20% of his body was burned, and he may have internal bleeding and other symptoms. His strength dropped by 60%, and his two Desert Eagles Also all scrapped, leaving only a three-edged army thorn.

"You are very strong." Jennifer's exclamation came from the cabin again, at this time she said in an unbelievable tone, "I have never seen a warrior as strong as you, the weapon you use is still Traditional gunpowder weapons, if you have a powerful electromagnetic weapon or energy weapon in your hand, I believe that the aliens in the entire ship can be killed by you!"

Zhang Heng shook his head, ignoring the admiration of the other party, and just laughed at himself, "I have basically lost my combat effectiveness. If another alien approaches at this time, I guarantee that it will be me."

"Don't worry, I'm monitoring the surveillance. At this time, the remaining living aliens have returned to the lair to protect the frightened alien queen. As long as you don't die and destroy the alien queen's spawner, the alien queen will not attack you."

"That's good." Zhang Heng nodded, and a smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth, "Since the aliens are no longer moving around, can you come out of the turtle shell in your command center and fix the damn thing? Spaceship engine?"

"What did you say?" The voice in the horn suddenly rose an octave. "Isn't this part of our deal? You said you'd fix my spaceship engine as long as you got the antifreeze!"

"But I've changed my mind now." Zhang Heng sat down with some difficulty, took out a bottle of water and a compressed biscuit from his backpack, and ate and drank, "I've already helped you kill more than two-digit aliens, Beat to death. But what about you, you're just huddled in your poor turtle shell and giving orders, what else would you do?"

"You..." The young woman in the loudspeaker seemed to be in a hurry and said loudly, "Don't forget, there is an alien warship chasing behind us. If you don't repair it, we will still die."

"That's your problem." Zhang Heng sneered and said indifferently, "I've done everything I need to do, you don't think that if you just provide me with a few pieces of information, you can ask me to give it to me. Are you desperate? Give you two options, first, don't repair the ship, wait for the alien warship behind you to take you out of the turtle shell like a cat. Second, you go out of the command center now, repair the engine and then Speed ​​up and escape the pursuit of alien warships, life or death is your choice."

"You're a despicable villain." The loudspeaker screeched, "In short, I will not leave the command center, don't even think about it!"

Zhang Heng shook his head and ignored the other party's scolding.

You need to stay in this plane for thirty-six hours, that is to say, even if you repair the spaceship yourself and let the spaceship escape the threat behind you, it is not enough to sit back and relax.

The aliens on the ship can still kill themselves at any time.

Then, finding a safe location and injecting anti-freeze is the best way.

And for the entire spaceship, where is there a safer place than the command center? There is a thick wall to protect it, and it is not connected to the ventilation duct, even aliens are difficult to break through.

Zhang Heng didn't trust the other party, let alone inject anti-freezing agent and then let the other party perform surgery on him, it was no different from handing over his life to the other party.

Therefore, Zhang Heng's second plan after obtaining the anti-freeze agent is to force the other party to open the separation wall of the command center, and then hold the other party hostage, at least to ensure that the other party will not pose any threat to him in the remaining time. To resist, Zhang Heng will even kill the opponent without hesitation!

At this time, poor Jennifer didn't know Zhang Heng's plan at all, but her instinct made her immediately vigilant. Because she knows that once she leaves the protection of the command center, her personal safety is likely to be threatened by the other party.

Looking at Zhang Heng who was eating and drinking on the surveillance video, Jennifer swallowed subconsciously. Although the command room was solid, there was no food left. Usually he couldn't feel it when he was sleeping, but once he woke up , the feeling of hunger that can make people panic hits like a wave.

"By the way, if you are afraid that I will hurt you, you don't have to have such concerns at all." At this moment, Zhang Heng, who was on the monitor, suddenly spoke again, and saw that he took a gulp of water and wiped it off contentedly. After wiping his mouth, he said slowly, "You should know that I'm still counting on you to help me perform surgery to remove the abnormal shape in my body. Based on this, I won't do anything to you, right?"

Jennifer was stunned for a moment, then frowned, and asked with some concern, "But I have promised you to operate on you, why do you still force me to come out?"

"Because I don't trust you." Zhang Heng pointed to his head and said without hesitation, "Think about it for yourself, if you were me, you would put all your weights on a place where you didn't even see a figure. , the person who only shrinks in his tortoise shell?"

Jennifer fell silent for a moment.

"How is it, do you understand?" Zhang Heng said perseveringly, "Before you operate on me, unless I am tired of living, hurting you is equivalent to hurting myself. This is your most effective defense weight. code."

"Besides, when you operated on me, I didn't have the slightest resistance. Once you have any crooked thoughts, the only thing waiting for me is death. Therefore, I would rather die with you than be you. If you want to survive, you have only one option, and that is to fix the engine yourself and put me in the command center, and all you have to bear is the risk of aliens attacking you."

Jennifer was silent for a long time, struggling inside.

She didn't want to die, so she could only follow Zhang Heng's words. Obviously, the other party asked her for something, so she would not have any motive to hurt her. She also carefully analyzed whether the other party's words had some other traps, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't think of a reason for the other party to hurt her. .

The loudspeaker was silent for about half an hour. During this period, Zhang Heng was just resting to recover his strength while watching the detector vigilantly. It seemed that the aliens were really frightened by him. For such a long time, there was no one alien. Run to attack yourself.

Half an hour later, Jennifer finally spoke again. At this time, she said with this slightly trembling voice, "I agree to your request, but I have one condition."

Zhang Heng lowered his head, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "What conditions?"

"You must repair the engine with me. I'm afraid that aliens will come to attack me. You know, I have no fighting power!"

"make a deal."

(ps: Thank you for your recommendations and rewards. I will compile a list of recommendations and rewards at the end of the month. I would like to thank the readers who supported me. I can’t really thank you for anything, but I can only use my works to thank you for your support. By the way, continue to ask for recommended tickets! There are a lot less recommended tickets this week. TAT, I have been trying my best to save the manuscript recently, and there will be a few big outbreaks when it is ready to go on the shelves!)

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