When Zhang Heng came to the gate of the command center, he saw that the separation wall of the command center was slowly rising.

The partition wall is about half a meter thick, and the whole body is made of a black alloy, and there are traces of scratches left by the alien shape on the partition wall, but it is different from the metal gates that are several inches deep and even completely pierced in other places on the spacecraft. , the scratches on the partition wall are very shallow, enough to see the extraordinary firmness of this wall.

"This is a high-offset armor. The main component is an isotope of aluminum. This isotope of aluminum is an artificial element newly developed by Wieland. A large number of neutrons are filled in the aluminum molecule, causing the element structure to shift." When the separation wall was completely raised, the voice of the young woman came from the gap in the separation wall.

"Because the neutron content is highly unbalanced, it is extremely insensitive to energy conduction. Because it does not conduct energy, it completely ignores thermal weapons and wave weapons. Coupled with the huge mass, kinetic weapons are not very effective. It is the strongest metal ever developed by man."

The young woman's words were full of admiration for the metal of the separation wall. At this time, the separation wall was completely raised, and in front of Zhang Heng was a young woman in her mid-thirties with well-maintained blond hair and blue eyes. .

At this moment, the blond woman was wearing a light-colored formal suit, staring straight at Zhang Heng with her arms folded, looking like a strong woman. It's just that although the former is very calm, Zhang Heng can still see the helpless panic deep in the other's eyes.

The corners of Zhang Heng's mouth were slightly raised, and he didn't care about his embarrassment covered in blood.

"My name is Jennifer, the captain of this spaceship." Jennifer tensed up when Zhang Heng approached, barely shook hands with Zhang Heng, and immediately took two steps back, "Sorry, it's really time now. It's running out, if you can, please come with me to fix the engine?"

"No problem, ma'am." Zhang Heng nodded and made a please gesture, letting the other party go first, while he followed closely behind the other party.

Along the way, even Zhang Heng did not dare to be careless. He stared at the detector to prevent aliens from attacking him, but after walking for a while, Jennifer suddenly asked, "Are you from China?"

"Oh, how do you know?" Zhang Heng asked absently.

"Because you are very cunning." Jennifer snorted softly, "Oriental people are notorious for their cunning, and Chinese people are the most cunning of the Orientals."

Zhang Heng smiled and shook his head, "It's not cunning, it's clever."

Fortunately, it seemed that Zhang Heng had already achieved the mission standard of the Dimensional Star before, and when the engine was repaired afterwards, no aliens ran out to disturb the repair work of the two, until three hours later, the engine was completely repaired, and then the two immediately The fastest speed back to the command center.

Not only Jennifer, but even Zhang Heng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the separation wall slowly fell again and sealed everything outside the door.

At this time, Zhang Heng was in the mood to watch the interior of the command center. The command center was located at the head of the spacecraft, with a huge floor-to-ceiling porthole in front of him. Outside was an endless black starry sky, and even a magnificent rose-colored nebula in the distance. , like a gem dotted in the boundless sea of ​​stars.

In the lower left corner, a fingertip-sized pulsar is slowly rotating, like a rotating beacon constantly releasing amazing light.

In the porthole, the design is extremely simple, with only a heavy Gothic-style conference table, which is a three-dimensional projection of a suspended spaceship body, and two sleeping compartments are placed in the corner of the command room. Other than that, there is no equipment.

"Have you seen enough?" While Zhang Heng was silently observing the command room, Jennifer was also observing Zhang Heng.

"Where is the medical warehouse?" Zhang Heng frowned, "There is no medical warehouse,

How can I have surgery? "

"My sleeping cabin is the medical cabin." Jennifer sighed in relief when she saw Zhang Heng asking about the medical cabin, "My sleeping cabin is the latest multifunctional sleep cabin produced by Wieland, except for sailing. In addition to sleep, it can also perform functions such as surgical treatment, driving the spacecraft, and delivering nutrients, and when the spacecraft throws off the alien warship, I can perform surgery on you."

After speaking, Jennifer spoke again, "Father, the engine has been repaired, and now a new round of acceleration is now performed."

"Understood, a new round of acceleration is on, everyone, please pay attention: the 30-second countdown..." Suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded from all directions.

"Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight..."

"...Three, two, one, start accelerating."

At the same time as the acceleration started, Zhang Heng only felt that the originally stable spaceship suddenly had a push back force. He took a few steps back and stood up, but when he looked at the porthole, he gasped.

I saw that out of the originally pitch-black porthole, there appeared one after another of colorful colored light strips. These light strips were as beautiful as a dream, and the colors were bizarre.

Such a situation is a symbol of the spacecraft approaching the speed of light!

Suppressing the shock in his heart, after about five minutes, the scenery outside the porthole returned to its original state. At this time, Zhang Heng heard the voice again, "Dear Captain Jennifer, the spacecraft has finished accelerating, and the alien warship has been destroyed. Throw away."

At this moment, Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief. The panic in her expression gradually calmed down, replaced by an innate noble gesture. She turned to look at Zhang Heng, and said coldly, "Next, I can operate on you, first you have to take off your gear and get into another sleeping compartment."

Zhang Heng nodded, but did not act, but looked at the other side expressionlessly.

"What are you waiting for?" Jennifer took a step back cautiously.

"Before the operation, I still need you to do something for me." Zhang Heng suddenly smiled brightly. He took two steps forward without any scruples, walked to Jennifer, and looked at the other party's eyes and tried his best to hide it. He was so flustered that he said calmly, "I need all the technology information on your spaceship, especially the technology information of the sleeping compartment, don't tell me you don't have it."

"What do you want these materials for?" Jennifer's face was pale, the moment the other party approached her just now, she almost thought that the other party was going to attack her, and hurriedly answered the question and took out her only weight, "Don't forget, if You wouldn't have survived twenty-four hours without me doing the surgery for you!"

Zhang Heng shook his head, his expression gradually becoming impatient, "I don't want to say it again, give me all the technical information!"

"Okay, but don't hurt me, please." Jennifer said with a pleading look in her eyes, "Father, make a copy of all the technology-related information on the spacecraft, immediately!"

"No problem, respected Captain Jennifer." The central computer of the spacecraft did not feel the helplessness of its hostess at all, but just mechanically executed the order. Then Zhang Heng saw countless English documents floating on the conference table. , these materials shrink rapidly to form a funnel shape, and are quickly and silently poured into a device similar to a U disk.

In just a few minutes or so, the three-dimensional picture on the conference table flashed again and disappeared completely.

"Data copying completed."

A flash of amazement flashed in Zhang Heng's eyes, and he immediately stepped forward to pick up the USB-like device filled with all the data, "Is this a 3D printing function?"

"Yes, do you need me to operate on you now?" Jennifer nodded and asked again eagerly. She had already planned in her heart that once Zhang Heng got into the sleeping chamber, she would kill him with surgical equipment. She was fed up with the feeling that her life was always in the hands of others!

Zhang Heng sneered suddenly, "When did I say I need you to do the surgery for me?"

"What? But if you don't have surgery..." Jennifer opened her mouth with a look of astonishment.

Zhang Heng did not continue to pay attention to the other party, but just raised his hand and looked at his watch. At this time, it has been twelve hours since he entered the alien plane, and he still needs to wait for another twenty-four hours before he can return. However, for insurance, Zhang Heng hesitated for a while, but resolutely pulled out the anti-refrigerant protective shell, exposing the injection needle, and then directly inserted it into his vein under Jennifer's astonished eyes!

Immediately, an indescribable tingling sensation spread from the arm, flowed through the heart along the blood, then passed through the whole body, and finally flowed into the brain!

Zhang Heng frowned, and when the anti-freeze agent flowed into his brain, he felt a nauseating dizziness, and he just wanted to lie down immediately and never get up again.

However, I don't know if it's an illusion, the alien embryo that was developing rapidly inside his chest seems to have slowed down rapidly because of this medicine, and it has become indistinct.

After doing all this, Zhang Heng took a deep breath, grabbed the sleeping compartment next to him with one hand, and slowly sat down on the ground, resisting the urge to faint, and closed his eyes to rest.

"I don't need you to operate on me, and I can't trust you. Don't think about doing anything that is not good for me, or I will break your neck a second before you do anything." Zhang Heng He closed his eyes and said lightly to Jennifer. Although he closed his eyes, he completely opened up all his perceptions. Once the other party changed, he would definitely kill the other party as soon as possible!

Although the anti-freezing agent was injected, the thinking ability and neural response ability were greatly reduced, but it was still possible to kill a woman who was helpless.

In this way, Zhang Heng persisted for a whole day and night with astonishing perseverance. He was seriously injured and tortured by anti-freeze agents. He had to stay awake to guard against Jennifer, an outsider, and even one. He grabbed the corner of the sleeping chamber tightly with his hands to ensure that he could bring the sleeping chamber back to reality before teleporting back.

In this torment, Zhang Heng didn't know how long it took, and as a dizziness appeared, in the haze, the scenery in front of him changed, and it became the scene in his warehouse...

"The time-space transformation is complete, start the scanning mission."

"The task of the alien plane is completed, the main task: delay the time of the alien embryo breaking, and bring the alien embryo back to reality - the main task is completed."

"Optional task: Get a medical surgery warehouse, or a copy of any technical data on the alien plane - the optional task is completed."

"Final judgment: Dead space mission completed. Host authority progress is two-thirds of E-level, current authority: E."

"Warning, warning! There is an urgent mission!"

"Emergency task is open: use the surgical chamber to take out the alien embryo before it is broken, and destroy or contain it."

"Hint: Complete the urgent task, the progress of the host authority will be increased by one-third, and the penalty for failure: death."

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