"Yuehua, the whole process of implanting the clones' minds is up to you." In the clone lab on the outskirts of Mumbai, Zhang Heng grafted the network fiber and said into the microphone.

"No problem, Your Excellency Commander." On the big screen in the center of the laboratory, the pretty girl nodded vividly.

Immediately, the supercomputer equipment in the laboratory hummed and vibrated, and the images and information were converted into information codes that could be accepted by the brain, and then injected into the cloned human brains in the culture chamber.

Yuehua's information conversion speed is tens of billions of times that of ordinary people's operation efficiency. With a little help, everyone can be liberated from the heavy work of information conversion.

Looking at the stream of information that quickly passed by on the display screen, which could not be understood by ordinary people, Thompson, Zhao Qing and others stood there blankly, their expressions full of shock.

At this moment, they looked at the monitoring screen of the thought implantation device for a while, and then looked at the image of the girl in the center of the experiment hall, as incredible as they had seen a ghost.

"This...is this artificial intelligence?"

Minano Xiuyi asked in disbelief. At this time, his eyes were dull, looking at the image of Yuehua on the big screen, his expression was indescribably distorted, like excitement, frenzy, and more loss and madness.

"No, saying she is an artificial intelligence is an insult to her. She was secretly developed by the company, has feelings and thoughts, and is not inferior to the super AI of adult human IQ and emotional quotient, a real intelligent life." Zhang Heng raised his mouth slightly. , looking at everyone's incredible expressions with satisfaction.

"Her name is Yuehua. From today onwards, she will be fully responsible for the management of the entire laboratory. You are only responsible for the research. If you have any trouble in the research, you can directly tell her orally. She can help you analyze and even answer some questions."

"It's unbelievable. I thought we Japan had reached the forefront of artificial intelligence in the world, but I didn't expect that BOSS, you and your forces have already developed real intelligent life..."

Minami Shuuichi sighed sadly, but the next second his expression fell into a frenzy again, "Boss, can I study it in my spare time?"

"Then you have to ask her." Zhang Heng waved his hand and said indifferently, "Don't call it 'it', her name is Yuehua, just like you and me, she is a real life. And her body is not here, the one here The supercomputer is just her converter, she can only communicate with you through the Internet."

"Sorry, I was abrupt." Nanye Xiuyi hurriedly bowed to Zhang Heng, then walked to the microphone and couldn't wait to communicate with Yuehua.

As we all know, the Japanese have always had a strong preference for robots, intelligent life and other things, which can be seen from their various mecha, robot-themed film and television animation culture.

Now, the appearance of Yuehua has undoubtedly caused an irresistible temptation to Minano Shuichi, a Japanese. I am afraid that this guy will be reluctant to leave the laboratory when he sleeps at night.

Of course, although Zhang Heng gave everyone the right to communicate with Yuehua, he did not give everyone the right to use Yuehua's power. In order to distinguish everyone's authority, Zhang Heng set up a hierarchy for the company and the foundation.

First of all, the members of the company and the foundation must be divided into the outer world and the inner world. The world represents the members on the surface. This kind of person does not know the secrets of the company and the foundation, and only considers the company to be a larger multinational company. The first letter of the world member number starts with A.

The members of the table are divided into ordinary employees, directors (group leaders), managers, general managers (presidents), and chairman (bosses), just like the levels set by ordinary companies.

Because the company is not a joint-stock company, there is no such messy structure as a board of directors.

In order to be a hands-off shopkeeper, Zhang Heng directly gave Li Yiru the position of general manager of China. Since then, Li Yiru has been promoted again and again, from the position of the director of the personnel department to the position of the top person in charge of the Haizhou company.

The general manager on the Indian side gave it to Zhao Qing. After all, Zhao Qing is also from China, and Zhang Heng can keenly see that Zhao Qing is more obsessed with power than research. own role. As for the company in Singapore, Zhang Heng gave it to a more industrious anonymous person, and the following people were all assigned by him.

The members of the inner world are different from the members of the outer world. The members of the inner world are the candidates to contact the core of the company. The number of the members of the inner world starts with B.

The members of the inner world are much more complicated. Zhang Heng simply referred to the settings of the "SCP Foundation" and divided the company's secrets into four security levels: three, two, one, and special according to the digital level.

Moreover, in the company setting, members of the world can part-time as members of the world. For example, Zhao Qing served as the general manager of the Indian branch, but members of the world cannot hold any positions of the members of the world.

Among the company's secret levels, the security level is classified as level three: 'Alpha Immortality Project', 'Cloning Technology', 'Cryonics Technology', 'The Existence of T-2' and other information.

Confidential information with a second-level security level: 'Clone Corps Project', 'DNA Code Modification Technology', 'Thinking Implantation Technology', 'The Existence of Yuehua', 'The Existence of T-0' and other information.

Confidential information with a first-level security level: 'Foundation Binding Plan', 'Virtual Space Technology', 'Biochip Technology', 'Existence of Other Planes', 'Existence of Complete T Virus', 'Existence of Alien Embryos' and other information.

Confidential information with a special security level: 'Ultimate plan: protect mankind from extinction', 'information about the dimensional star', 'the storage location of Yuehua' and other information.

Member permissions are divided into six security levels from 1 to 6:

B1-level - members of the lowest level of the world, without the right to access any secrets, generally for various secret laboratory handymen or apprentice-level scientific researchers.

The current number of B1-level members: 0, the representative: none.

Level B2 - has access to some third-level secrets, generally junior researchers.

Current number of B2 members: 0, representative: none.

Level B3 - Has access to full third-level secrets or part of second-level secrets, generally mid-level researchers or members of the foundation council.

Current number of B3-level members: 9, representatives: Joshua and other nine council members (Warning: These 9 people have not been implanted with brain biochips, please implant them as soon as possible to ensure that the secrets are not leaked).

Level B4 - Has access to full second-level secrets and partial first-level secrets, generally senior researchers or clones.

Current number of B4 members: 8, representatives: Thompson, Zhao Qing, Minami Shuichi, Adam.

Level B5 - has access to full first-class secrets and part of top secrets, a level that only laboratory leaders and certain clones can reach.

Current number of B5 members: 1, representative: Yuehua.

Level B6 - also a level where only one person will always exist, and that is Zhang Heng himself. No one but him has the right to be promoted to the B6 level.

Note: Except for Yuehua and Zhang Heng, only members with biochips implanted in their brains can be upgraded to members of the inner world.

Originally, with the ability and strength of Thompson, Zhao Qing, and others, they could only become members of the B3 level at most, but after all, these people were the first members to join, and the level of confidentiality was too high, so Zhang Heng had to set these people to the B4 level. .

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