Amubu, the old smuggler, is a well-known human trafficker in Mumbai.

Forty-year-old Amubu is in his prime. His signature look is a big Indian beard, with a dark and shiny beard, showing a strong masculinity. Always wear a navy blue shirt, don't like to button up, revealing a strong and greasy chest and inferior tattoos.

Amoub has a higher caste class, and he took over the work of human trafficking from his father in his early years. Up to now, he has successfully entered the upper class of India by relying on this occupation. He has a group of subordinates and controls the There are several slums in Mumbai, and the government of Maharashtra is linked.

However, the character of Indians who are content with the status quo is not suitable for Amubu. Under his philosophy, becoming a member of parliament or even chief minister is his ultimate goal.

A few days ago, little Jacob, his subordinate, suddenly reported a clue that a Chinese boss of a foreign company had come to Mumbai, who spent 200 million US dollars to buy a large factory in the suburbs and brought more than hundreds of millions of US dollars of scientific equipment. I don't know what secret thing I'm doing.

After hearing this news, Amoub's heart suddenly itch.

In these years of hard work, Amubu has also accumulated a lot of rupees, but basically all this money is used to support the government's gang of bloodsucking vampires.

These greedy politicians, their office is always proportional to their appetite, and no amount of rupees can satisfy their growing appetite.

In order to allow himself to go further and to allow his gang to have more territory, Amoub decided to gamble once to see if he could take away the equipment worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and kidnapped the rich Chinese businessman to threaten ransom.

It's not the first time that Amoub has done this kind of thing. As long as he does it cleanly without leaving any traces, and does some work afterward, there will be no trouble.

Of course, Amoub would not be stupid enough to do these things with his true colors. He made a special investigation. The other party's company is affiliated to Bermuda, British, and it is a serious foreign-funded enterprise, and the owner is also a Chinese. Not good, but there is a diplomatic accident, and no amount of rupees can save him.

However, it is not impossible, at least he has a tried and tested method, that is - pretending to be a local armed force.

The local armed forces in India will always be a pain in the heart of the government. There are about 20 armed forces that do not belong to the government in the whole of India, which are distributed in the inaccessible jungles. The Indian government calls them terrorists, and the Indian people call them bandits, robbers, and so on.

As long as everything is done cleanly, and then push this matter to the head of the rebels anywhere, then you can sit back and relax.

Thinking of this, Amubu began to gather people with great interest, and finally took three days to pull in a team of more than 100 people. Except for some of these people, the rest were mostly slums in the slums. Rogues, although they are rabble, are also good to be used as cannon fodder.

At this time, under the cover of the night, Amubu quietly came to the so-called foreign factory with his subordinates who were not much better dressed than the refugees.

After the factory was acquired by the Chinese, it has been officially renamed as 'Star Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'. Amoub specially checked it. This company is just an ordinary company that is not well-known. It will never be a company with a deep background. pharmaceutical giant.

Over the years, countless foreigners have valued India's lucrative pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, and they have come one after another to get a piece of the pie, but they have never thought about it. Without personal connections and connections, how can the pharmaceutical industry be a deep-seated industry that ordinary people can control. Understand?

Amubu alone has heard of countless wealthy businessmen who came here in high spirits, and eventually lost their fortunes, and some even lost their lives here.

At this time, more than 100 people have quietly parked outside the factory. Under the moonlight, only seven or eight towering factory buildings can be seen.

There is also a dark factory area, the whole factory is like a huge burial mound, without the slightest light.

"Jacob, are you sure that the owner of the factory lives here even at night?" Amoub asked solemnly.

It was already early in the morning, even if someone guarded him, he should have gone to bed early, but in order not to be busy, Amubu still wanted to confirm.

"Sir, don't worry, my brother is an employee of this factory. He has a thorough understanding of the factory for a long time." Jacob hurriedly pulled out a swarthy boy of sixteen or seven years old from behind him.

The teenager nodded in fear, pointing to the tallest building in front of him and said, "That building is where our boss and foreign researchers study things. I personally went to the wharf to carry a large number of machines that day. Delicate, I have never seen such a delicate thing, I wanted to steal some decorations for the house, but the other party looked closely, and finally failed."

"That is to say, the big boss and those goods are in that building?" Amoub squinted and asked.

"Yes, that building was specially reinforced with steel, the windows were blocked, and the door was so thick that it couldn't be penetrated even with a gun." The boy said, looking at the AK47 in Amoub's hand, fearful but yet again He swallowed enviously.

"It doesn't matter, there is no door in the world that can't be opened by one kilogram of explosives. If there is one, use two kilograms." Amoub nodded with satisfaction and glanced at the two brothers with fierce eyes, "If this time is successful, Jacob, you and your brother should take the lead."

"Don't dare, it is our duty to serve you, Sir." Jacob's eyes flashed with surprise, and he hurriedly bowed to show humility.

"Okay, there's nothing to dare." Amub said with a smile, suddenly turning to look at the people behind him, "Brothers, we've always been playing small things, but this time we're going to make a big deal. , If it succeeds, it is absolutely indispensable to eat delicious and spicy food in the future, but if it fails, do you know what will happen?"

Everyone looked at Amubu blankly, and only some of them who had followed him for many years responded, and one of them said loudly, "If it fails, everyone will go their separate ways, but no one is allowed to take Lord Amubu. Leak it out, or be careful of your wives and daughters!"

Amoub looked at the clever little brother with admiration, and said to the crowd, "Yes, remember, we kidnapped the wealthy Chinese businessman in the name of the Resistance Army, you just need to remember this. , If anyone leaks my name, even Vishnu can't bless you!"

Everyone shrank their heads and nodded one by one. These people are all slum gangsters, and it's okay to fight bravely, but in the face of a real gang force like Amoub, they still don't dare to make trouble.

Then, under Amoub's eyes, one of his subordinates handed them weapons one by one. Most of the weapons were cold weapons such as machetes, and real hot weapons such as pistols and rifles. Only Amoub and his More than 40 subordinates can have it.

Then, everyone cut off the barbed wire around the factory and rushed into the factory like a swarm, towards the building in the distance!

However, these people never thought that from the moment they entered the factory, their every move had been exposed to each other's eyes...

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