At the same time that Amoub's group stepped into the factory, there was a sudden alarm from inside the closed cloning laboratory building!

"Warning: Armed personnel entered the factory, now on alert level 3."

"Warning: The other party holds a thermal weapon, all researchers please enter the isolation area, and all security personnel immediately go to the lobby to gather."

The alarm sounded throughout the experimental building. At this time, Thompson, Zhao Qing and other seven people in the building were cultivating the second batch of clones. The first batch of clones was successfully born two days ago, and they are now undergoing physical recovery training.

Hearing the siren blaring in the building, Zhang Heng was the first to walk into the hall. He looked at the huge screen above his head and took a microphone, "Yuehua, what happened?"

"There are unidentified armed personnel approaching the building, the number is 113, 46 of them are holding hot weapons, and the rest are holding cold weapons. From the direction of the opponent's attack, their target is exactly us. Clone R\u0026D Building."

Saying that, Yuehua's figure disappeared from the screen and turned into small squares. These squares are surveillance pictures. On the picture, a large group of Indians are holding various weapons, swarming like a swarm. Rush to the building.

These pictures are the surveillance cameras installed by Zhang Heng in every corner of the factory. These surveillance cameras all use ultra-high-definition automatic tracking cameras. After Yuehua took over the master control system, every picture of the cameras was under her surveillance. Since we hired those security guards to watch the surveillance, the efficiency has increased tenfold.

Human beings are lazy, and even professional personnel cannot concentrate all the time, but Yuehua, as an intelligent life, does not have such a problem. Her computing power far exceeds the most advanced modern supercomputers, even at the same time. It will not be difficult to monitor hundreds of millions of pictures.

At this point, Zhang Heng could see that screenshots were continuously listed on the screen, and red boxes automatically appeared on the screen, circled the faces and weapons of the characters in those pictures, and then continued to zoom in, with lines flashing next to them. Text, marking the type and performance of the weapon and other data.

"Can you confirm the identity of the other party?"

"It can be done, I am hacking the Indian government network...please wait."

"According to the pictures from the surveillance cameras, I compared them with the Indian government database, and identified 75 people on the other side, the most important of which is a high-caste Hindustani named Amubu Kshatriya. , is engaged in human trafficking, has multiple criminal records, and is now the leader of a larger black force in Mumbai." Yuehua's voice continued to come.

"While the others were inconsequential, mostly ghetto people, no higher-level figures were found."

"What's the reason for attacking the factory?" Zhang Heng frowned. There is no love or hate for no reason in the world. The other party's behavior must have a purpose.

"The 97% chance is for money, and the remaining 3% chance is due to being instructed and other factors." Yuehua continued, "I checked the communication of Amubu Kshatriya. Records, no relevant clues have been found, the chance of making money continues to rise, and it is now 99%."

"Tucai? I didn't expect that the law and order in India has become so chaotic. Since that's the case, let's take them for the actual combat training of the first batch of clone corps."

Zhang Heng clapped his hands lightly, and suddenly, sixteen men in camouflage uniforms filed out from the room beside him, standing in a row in front of him, all of them staring straight ahead.

There was still a flash of exclamation in Zhang Heng's eyes - these clones have the physical fitness after strengthening the T virus, and their strength, agility, and reflexes are not inferior to their former self. After erasing all emotions and implanting countless killing skills, they It has almost become synonymous with killing machines!

Compared with ordinary soldiers, the clones in front of Zhang Heng have stronger lethality because they have no emotions.

A firmer will to prohibit. There is no hesitation and doubt, and there will be no hesitation even if you know that you will die!

This is the real Predator!

Although it was not the first time to see the demeanor of clone fighters, Zhang Heng had the illusion of facing the wolves every time he stood in front of this group of clones.

Zhang Heng took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and ordered to everyone who didn't look at all, "Goal: Kill or capture all the intruders outside the building, and capture a man named 'Amub Kshatriya' alive. Indians, any weapon is allowed."

"Now, go!"

There is no need for mobilization, no passionate slogans, or even reasons. Everything is based on Zhang Heng's order - this is Zhang Heng's clone army!

After receiving the order, the hidden door on the side of the building opened instantly, and sixteen figures quickly swept out, instantly blending into the thick darkness, as if they had never appeared...


The moon is bright, and the night sky is exceptionally clear tonight. In addition, it is located in the suburbs, and you can only see the twinkling stars twinkling, and the stars are arching around the full moon.

The ground was unobstructed under the reflection of the moonlight.

Amubu watched everyone rush forward like a pack of wolves, and a wicked look flashed in his eyes. At this time, Amoub was walking like a walk among the four men holding AK, and he seemed to have seen rupees and dollars beckoning to him.

These four people are his most trusted and effective subordinates. They are both his bodyguards and the supervising team. If this group of people deserts, the AK in the hands of the four people will be useful.

However, before Amubu could think of which method to use to torture the wealthy Chinese businessman, suddenly, a slight scream came into his ears.

"What's the sound? Contact with the other party's security so soon?" Amoub looked into the distance, but because the distance was too far, he could only see a cloud of gray, and he couldn't see what was happening in the distance.


But next, there was another sound of a knife piercing into the flesh, and then another scream. This scream was much faster than before, and Amubu immediately heard it. It was the cry of one of his own men.

"Wait, something's wrong!" Amub suddenly narrowed his eyes, showing a vigilant look like a fox. He raised his hand lightly to signal the four people in front of him not to move forward, then took out the telescope on his neck and looked forward go.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, a series of gunshots rang out one after another, and Amubu was almost startled, and then only heard a plop, and a human body in front immediately fell to the ground, making a dull crashing sound.

Then, there was another sound of breaking wind, and the head of another figure who was rushing forward suddenly lifted its head back, and then slowly fell to the ground, twitching twice, and then completely motionless.

"Who is it!" The team of more than 100 people suddenly became chaotic. Among them, the seven people standing at the front quickly took out their firearms and shot at the dark place in the distance. Light up where everyone is.


There was another burst of air-breaking sound, but attentive people could hear that this time the air-breaking sound was not just one sound, but multiple sounds that completely overlapped together!


Of the seven people who shot, five of them fell down, and one of the remaining two let out a scream. Everyone hurriedly stepped forward to take a look, and suddenly gasped!

I saw that on the heads of the five people, there was an extra black Mitsubishi thorn that was only more than one foot long out of thin air! These military thorns were nailed to the foreheads of the five people, and the sharp bayonet pierced the brain, leaving only most of the blade exposed!

"It's a hidden weapon, everyone be careful!"

One of the well-informed middle-aged men hurriedly shouted. At the same time, he pulled the bolt of the gun and lay on the ground like lightning. At the same time, he raised the rifle in his hand and aimed at the dark shadow part not far away.

Those military thorns were shot from behind the bushes in the green belt in the front factory!


A shot was fired, and the middle-aged man only saw a figure who was bending over and running in the distance slammed to the ground. He sneered suddenly, but before the curvature of the corner of his mouth dissipated, the next second was another sound that broke through the air. Come on, the middle-aged man only felt a flash of light in front of him, and immediately lost consciousness!

A military thorn was inserted directly into the middle-aged man's eye aiming at the crosshair, penetrating his brain!

"Run! There is an ambush!"

This middle-aged man seemed to be a small boss-level figure. Seeing that the middle-aged men were all dead, everyone's momentum plummeted. Everyone who was not much different from the mob hurriedly turned around and fled!

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