Ulla is recovering well.

This Indian named Ulla, after undergoing brain replacement surgery, was able to get out of bed and move around in only three days because of the effect of the wound adhesive glue.

Although the new body has never exercised, the coordination and flexibility of the body are somewhat poor, but this is only a temporary problem after all. Since the beginning, everyone has not found any irreversible side effects.

And the healing ability of wound adhesive glue is even more amazing. If the manufacturing method of this wound adhesive glue can be sold to governments of various countries, it is estimated to be enough to sell for hundreds of billions of dollars. Strategic-grade munitions for the lives of countless soldiers on the battlefield!

Of course, Zhang Heng is not that stupid. The appearance of an anti-freeze agent is enough to make the eyes of governments all over the world look at him. If he takes out the glue for the wound, it is estimated that the whole world will go crazy for it!

At least for a short time, Zhang Heng will not come up with any medical technology.

On the other hand, the cloned bodies required by the nine council members are also growing rapidly. Some of them require to modify their appearance, some do not need to modify their appearance, they just need to make themselves taller, and others All kinds of strange hobbies.

However, the most shocking thing is that one of the helms of a British consortium named Stanney actually asked to set the gender of the new body as female, and also greatly modified the appearance, turning his cloned body into a Blonde, hot body and beauty comparable to Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson!

For a time, his strange hobbies caused everyone to look at him strangely.

A week later, Ulla was completely healed, and everyone gathered in the clone cultivation room, holding Ulla's physical fitness report, showing unbelievable joy.

From the data point of view, the cloned body is not only physically superior to ordinary people, but also comparable to a soldier in terms of strength and quality. Once it is improved again through systematic training, it can even easily defeat a special elite!

"Everyone, this is inevitable. The technology of our foundation is enough to optimize the genes of your new body to the most perfect state. The enhancement of physical fitness is just a by-product."

Standing in front of everyone, Zhao Qing explained that after these days of training, he has achieved the point where he can chat and laugh with these world-class bosses.

"Then, can we immediately perform brain replacement surgery?" The Stanny asked eagerly.

"Dear Sir Stanley, although the cloned body has been cultivated, we still need to conduct a small test. We can only perform surgery on you after the test is up to standard."

"Is... an organ rejection test?" Joshua said suddenly as he turned the information in his hand to the next page.

"Yes, as we all know, different human organs and bodies meet, even if they are transplanted together, there will be rejection. Although we use the body cloned from your cells, we are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if the organ If there's a real rejection, then that's bad."

"Very good, so what are you waiting for, let's start quickly." Lawrence of Germany said, turning his head as he spoke, showing a sullen look.

The position he was looking at was a naked blond beauty clone suspended in a training warehouse. This beauty clone looked no more than eighteen or nineteen years old, with his eyes closed, and his appearance was the same as that of "Reunion". The Black Widow in 丨 The actors are nine points similar...

"Damn idiot! You dare to look at my body again, and I'll screw your head off!" Stanley on the side said angrily.

"Okay, old man, you're not her yet, are you?" Lawrence rolled his eyes, not afraid of the other party's roar.

"Stanny, after the brain replacement surgery, how will you make us feel good? I've admired Scarlett for a long time..." Everyone laughed and laughed.

After that, the organ rejection experiment was very simple. It was to cut off a piece of muscle from everyone, and then transplant it on these cloned bodies. Finally, observe that as long as there is no rejection, brain replacement surgery can be performed.

The final result was very smooth. All cloned bodies were completely consistent with the original body, and there was no rejection in the slightest. In this case, everyone reached a unified agreement with Zhao Qing, and the brain replacement surgery was officially started the next day.

That night, Joshua left the pharmaceutical factory in a luxury car prepared for him by Zhang Heng and returned to the hotel.

However, today was different from usual. Joshua's expression became a little more serious, and he kept looking at his watch. When the pointer of the watch pointed to seven o'clock in the evening, he immediately gave a color to the bodyguards who were inseparable beside him.

Several bodyguards nodded solemnly, silently took out the metal detector, and began to scan the room in a carpet manner, not even letting go of the walls and ceiling. Once the detector sounded, the security would remove it. Look inside for electronic devices such as monitors and bugs.

"Boss, the inspection is over, everything is normal." After more than 30 minutes, several bodyguards scanned the presidential suite.

"Very good." Joshua nodded, sent a few group text messages on his mobile phone, and then sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

"Ding dong!" After a while, the doorbell rang.

Joshua opened his eyes slightly and made a gesture to the bodyguard. The bodyguard immediately took out his phone and confirmed after a while, "It's John Heller, Stanley and other eight Your Excellencies."

"Let them in." Joshua sat up, and the next moment the door opened gently, and a large group of people filed in.

"I said, Joshua, why did you call us here?" Lawrence of Germany sat down on the sofa beside him, "I've already called a massage girl, in this magical country of India, don't you enjoy it? Is it an artistic thing for an exotic girl to massage you? You're wasting my life!"

"Massage can be done at any time, but what I'm about to say is likely to affect our future." Joshua ignored the other party's complaints and spoke directly to the crowd.

Everyone's expressions suddenly froze, and they became completely solemn. Lawrence said, "Joshua, have you found something?"

"No, but I have a rather bad hunch." Joshua said solemnly, "Don't you think this is going too smoothly?"

"We each contributed a billion dollars." John Heller said with disdain, "and, if they want to do something to us, what good is it? Does killing us get us our wealth? It's not possible!"

"But what if their purpose is to control us?" Joshua asked coldly, "For example, some kind of device that can control the brain, we will even be brainwashed and completely become his puppets!"

Everyone was startled, looked at each other, and some dared not believe, "This is impossible, the current level of science is not yet able to control the brain, at least not in a few decades or even a hundred years!"

"Others may not be able to achieve it, but this mysterious foundation must be impossible to achieve?" Joshua asked rhetorically.

This sentence may be too much, and even completely deified the Stellar Foundation, but after hearing Joshua's rhetorical question, everyone was completely speechless.

That's right, this mysterious organization has too many terrifying things - gene optimization fluid, automated surgical instruments, and mature DNA coding modification technology, etc. Take out each of these things, Can subvert a field!

Even the Silicon Valley of the United States, which claims to maintain the most cutting-edge technology on earth, is simply not comparable to the endless black technology of this foundation!

Yes, it may not be possible for others, but for this mysterious foundation, what else is impossible for them?

Just when everyone's hearts were shaken, Joshua suddenly smiled, and the light in his eyes flashed, "However, I thought of a way to prevent us from being plotted by the other party."

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