Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Ninety-six Zhang Heng's countermeasures

"What method?" Everyone looked at each other.

"We can perform operations in batches."

Joshua said, "For example, before a certain person performs an operation, first discuss a password with everyone. After the operation, if the person can't match the password, then everyone can be sure that this person was used by the Foundation in some way. The method is controlled, and even the memory has been modified by brainwashing!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and they all fell into contemplation.

"Not only that, but everyone has to monitor the entire surgical process. I think everyone has basically written down the previous surgical process, right? Once they make some different actions, we can immediately find out!"

"That's a good idea!" Everyone agreed, and Lawrence said solemnly, "Since that's the case, then the question arises, who will be the first to operate tomorrow?"

"Can we hire someone else to do the experiment first?" Stanney asked back, "Just as Lord Williams said, have a secret code with them."

"If it's someone else, the other party can do nothing." Before Joshua could answer, Lawrence retorted coldly.

Everyone breathed again and looked at each other, but no one spoke.

"If that's the case, then I'll be the first to come." Joshua looked around, looking a little confused, but he finally sighed and slowly stood up and said.

Everyone suddenly looked at Joshua in astonishment, and then some people showed signs of happiness, and some people fell into contemplation. At this time, they also understood that Joshua must also have his own ideas, but they did not conflict with their own interests. Therefore, no one opposed Joshua's proposal.

After the meeting was over and everyone left, Joshua sneered and snapped his fingers lightly.

Suddenly, the captain of the bodyguard on the side magically took out a cigar and handed it to Joshua, and then lit it respectfully.

As if worried about the safety of his boss, the captain of the bodyguard hesitated, "Boss, why do you want to operate in the first place? Isn't this paving the way for these cowards with life-threatening risks?"

"Because this is my only chance." Joshua seemed to trust the bodyguard and couldn't help laughing, "My previous guess was actually only a 50% chance, and a 50% chance that the other party was really not malicious. , united us only to expand our influence, so my own risk is only half."

"But half is too high."

"Of course, but you forgot one point." Joshua breathed out a cigarette ring and shook his head, "because only by jointly proposing this condition can we catch them off guard!"

"What do you mean?" The bodyguard on the side couldn't help but be moved.

"The Foundation probably didn't expect us to put forward such a condition. Under the surveillance of everyone, they would never dare to do anything in my brain without preparation. Therefore, it is the safest to be the first person to perform the operation. "

"It turns out that after the first operation is over, the Foundation is likely to come up with other countermeasures, and then this plan will be completely ineffective!" The bodyguard showed a surprised look, but he hesitated.

"I know what else you want to say." Joshua didn't look back at all, but smiled again, "You must be wondering why I would rather take a huge risk than come to do this experiment?"

The bodyguard quickly bowed his head.

"The answer remains the same, because it's my only chance." Joshua sighed. "I am fifty-five years old, and if I follow the historical trajectory, I have at most twenty to thirty years of life, but in these twenty to thirty years, the possibility of the emergence of life-extending medicines is infinitely close to zero! Therefore, the Foundation is my only hope!"

"So, haven't you considered other ways to get the Foundation's technology?" The bodyguard said his final puzzlement.

"If you really know the technology level of the other party,

There will be no such thought..."

Joshua sighed, revealing deep fear. He couldn't help remembering that he was in a hotel two months ago, but was taken to a conference room without warning, and then returned without warning. Weird situation.

Not only that, he clearly felt that he had spent nearly an hour in that conference room, but in reality, only two or three minutes had passed!

This incredible, almost supernatural power alone was enough for Joshua to fear. Moreover, even if he leaked the information of the Foundation, no one would believe it, right?

Even, even if the top officials of the country paid countless prices to really destroy the foundation and obtain these technologies, the chance of using it on their own is still very small, and it is even possible that they know too many secrets. , but was silenced by the wolves of the Freemasonry!

In short, being hostile to the Foundation will not produce any benefits, and although there is a certain risk in cooperating with the Foundation, what is the risk compared to the temptation of immortality?


The next day, just as the brain replacement surgery was about to begin, Zhao Qing suddenly knocked on the door of Zhang Heng's office.

"Please come in." Zhang Heng glanced at Zhao Qing at the door, and continued to hold the mouse with one hand and press the keyboard with the other to operate something on the computer.

"BOSS, the members of the council suddenly made a request just now. I didn't dare to agree without permission, so I can only come here to ask for your opinion." Zhao Qing walked into the office just now, his face a little ugly.

"What request?" Zhang Heng frowned slightly, still staring at the screen without blinking.

"They, they said, hope that the operation can be rotated, one person will be operated every day, and the rest will be monitored throughout the whole process like yesterday."


Zhang Heng frowned suddenly and slapped the desk hard.

Zhao Qing was so scared that he almost fell!

Since he's been under the young over-the-top boss, he's found himself more and more fearful of each other. Apart from the fact that he felt that there was a great power behind the other party, another reason was that Zhang Heng's aura of superiority was getting heavier...

Calm, calm, rational and almost cold, sometimes, Zhao Qing feels that he is not facing the chairman of a company at all, but a national leader!

"Damn, I'm dead again..." However, the uneasy Zhao Qing heard such a complaint in the next second. He subconsciously raised his head and looked at Zhang Heng's computer screen, only to realize that the other party had been controlling a Wearing only a brown-red coat, a villain who can fly and escape!

This computer game Zhao Qing has also played. It is an anti-hero game produced by Activision in 2009. The name is "Murder Prototype". It tells about a virus that is even more exaggerated than the T virus. I am the mother of the virus...

Suddenly, Zhao Qing's breathing stagnated, and his body trembled fiercely!

"It doesn't matter, just follow what they said." At this time, Zhang Heng finally responded, and he didn't even raise his head from beginning to end.

"Okay, I understand!" Zhao Qing then smiled bitterly and walked out of the office.

After Zhao Qing left, Zhang Heng gently pressed the ESC button to pause the game and rubbed his temples in distress.

"This game is too scary. The protagonist is the kind of monster that can fly into the sky, even planes and tanks can be destroyed in an instant. Even if it is me now, it is estimated to be a one-shot kill. I hope that the next plane mission will not require me and This monster is hostile."

"Hee hee, that might not be the case."

In my mind, Julian's voice rang out, "Don't use Julian's words, Julian is just a part of Dimensional Star, and Dimensional Star's real thoughts don't even know about Julian, why don't you go Worrying about the future, uncle, aren't you worried about the failure of your 'Foundation Binding Plan'?"

Hearing this, Zhang Heng smiled nonchalantly, "I do underestimate them. After all, they are legendary figures in the business field, and most of their IQs may be higher than mine. Unfortunately, the asymmetry of information is doomed. They will lose all their successes."

"Thinking that I can avoid the trap I carefully laid out by this method? That's too naive." Zhang Heng raised a sinister smile, "I can't imagine how they would die, and the way I control them is only a matter of time. A transparent chip the size of a fingernail and the thickness of a piece of paper, right? And I have already embedded these biochips on the artificial meninges in advance, even the attending doctor can't find it, let alone rely on them to monitor it by laymen."

"Brain replacement surgery, destroying the meninges and then replacing the artificial meninges is a necessary step. At that time, no matter what, the chip will be implanted into their brains, and maybe they will design some verification methods such as passwords to verify whether they are still themselves. , but how could they have thought that the ability of the chip is only to limit their betrayal and leaks, that's all."

Zhang Heng exhaled, no matter how cunning the other party was, he couldn't resist the temptation of 'eternal life'.

When there is desire, there is need and appeal. Even the most intelligent person will eventually step into the trap he carefully designed because of greed...

When these operations are over, the nine major financial groups will completely become their unbreakable and solid allies, and they will be tied to their own chariots of interests involuntarily!

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