"Lao Ye, this time the visit between the Apocalypse Empire and Mei Wen Alliance informed Wang Hao."

Tao Hongguo now feels in control of the earth star. Although he has reached an extreme, he still feels a little weak in the face of the unknown of the universe.

"Notified, but Wang Hao only answered one sentence, and he was very busy. Let us not disturb him. This was the case three months ago. I just sent a message to Wang Hao, and the reply was the same."

Ye Lao and Tao Hongguo didn't have much difference in their ideas. They also felt small in the face of the unknown of the universe, but now Wang Hao doesn't go out, they can only cling to the scalp.

"That can only be received by us ... the other party will be there in three hours. Be ready to meet you."

Tao Hongguo's eyes took a touch of caution. After all, this time, in the face of the Apocalypse Empire that came to visit, and the Alliance with Mayvin, he even heard that some other civilizations have also come, and there is also a powerful mad empire. access.

Although he did n’t know the details of the madness of the empire, he heard a message from the visitor of the Meiwen Alliance and the news revealed by the friendly friend Yue Bing, that is, the madness of the empire was stronger than the combination of the apocalypse and Meiwen Let him be very careful in an instant.


"Ling Zhan, this is the equipment for you. The speed of the warship is not as fast as you are wearing mechas, and your strength does not need to eat at all, you only need energy to supplement, so I will only give you Has produced Tianhao optimized mecha, this mecha can enhance the triple strength of the starland, and also installed the signal receiver of the cosmic dust proton. What will happen when the time comes, timely feedback, and, certain be careful."

Wang Haoyu said with a long heart, if he can, he really does not want Ling Zhan and Ling Clan to leave, but just like Ling Zhan and Ling Clan, there is always something to be done.

Both Tianyan World and Yuanxing are producing clones imprinted with the blood of the war tribe, and both need a war tribe to guide their souls and add new tribes.

"Teacher, you can rest assured that we will pay attention to safety."

Ling Zhan and the Ling Clan naturally knew what Wang Haoyu's long-focused account was for, nothing more than worrying about their safety, which gave them a deep gratitude.

"Well, since that's the case, you can say goodbye to Ling Yan and go."

Wang Hao nodded gently, since he decided to let Ling Zhan and the Ling clan leave, he didn't have to struggle too much.

"Take care .. The glory of the Zhan Clan will be opened from your hands, don't die on the road .. Otherwise, I will nail you to the column of shame of the Zhan Clan."

Ling Yan's face is also heavy, just like Wang Hao, even if they do not want to leave the two, but after all, the two have their own ideas, and want to work hard for the war tribe to grow.

"Understand, patriarch, we will carry forward the war tribe of Tianyan World and Yuanxing, wait for our good news."

Ling Zhan nodded heavily, a vow on his face.

Bell Bell Bell Bell ...

Wang Hao just wanted to open his mouth and let the two wear mechas to leave. Suddenly, an urgent alarm sounded and immediately rang.

"Hero, no good, this is Bingye's mech siren. Bingye's mech has appeared broken ..."

Dragon Brain spoke with a sudden voice.

"What position..."

After hearing the voice of Dragon Brain, Wang Hao instantly shuddered, with a trace of extreme anger on his face, immediately looked down at the position in the smart bowl table, and directly flew up without hesitation. His strength, even It's not as good as Ling Yan based on Ling Yan and the metamorphosis of Ling Clan and Ling Clan.

But it has also reached the double of the stars. In the universe, flying in the flesh is nothing ...

"Go, be sure to protect the teacher's safety."

Ling Yan was stunned, and she also flew into the sky in an instant, her eyes showing a cold color. Although she did not have an earth star on her body, but she who has been challenged in the world of Tianyan all the year round is also experiencing countless murders. Heart, has long been accustomed to killing.

"Wei Hongzhuang ... transfer the laser rail gun to Laozi ... to recharge, ready to start at any time."

After Wang Hao flew, he did not completely lose his calmness. Under the anger of the sky, he arranged everything with calmness.


Wei Hongzhuang was stunned, but he knew that there might be an emergency happening. Without hesitation, he began to mobilize, relying on a huge battleship, immediately lit up the energy light and began to accumulate energy.


"This earth star doesn't look like technology ... how can it move the planet ..."

Because of the strong doubts on Leonard's face, since he came with Yue Bing, he was also received by the leader of the earth star, but after returning, he found that the technology strength of the earth star was nothing.

"Actually, I'm thinking about whether I can grab this earth star."

McCann stood among his battleships and watched the emergence of a huge azure planet, with a strong expression on his face, as if he wanted to take the planet as it is.

"Alarm ... alarm, within the safe range, an unknown flying object suddenly appeared."

At this moment, an alert appeared suddenly among Inlenard's battleships, which made him stunned, waved his hand indifferently, and said indifferently.

"Direct fire, kill."

There was a scornful color on Lenard's face. He didn't care about the earth star at all. This was just a planet. Although he didn't know what technology was used to make this earth star move, it was a mad empire. , With dozens of executive stars.

Although these planets have given up, but in the face of the civilization of a planet, he really has a strong contempt in his heart, and even he can't understand it.

The Apocalypse Empire behind Qi Feiwu and the Meiwen Alliance behind Yuebing are not as strong as the mad empire. But when facing this earth star, they showed a different attitude, and he did n’t understand it. For what.

"Fuck, who TM beats me ... stand up for me."

It was here that after Inlenad gave the order, he suddenly heard a voice and shouted in the universe, which made his eyes slightly stunned, and no one shot killed the other party.

"Sister Bing ... this is Fang Bing's voice ..."

Xiao Zhuan's complexion changed instantly after he heard the sound transmitted in the universe, and said quickly, for Fang Bing, a cheap guy, she was really hard to forget, and she wanted to give her a special meal.

"Contact Inlenad immediately."

Yue Bing's eyes flicked, and he instantly saw the warships firing. Because of the placement, the Apocalypse Empire, or the Mervyn Alliance, were all placed in an area ~ www.readwn.com ~ is a temporary suspended warship for them The place.

"The more ice, what's the matter."

Due to the communication connection of Yuebing, Inlenad's face showed a hint of surprise.

"Stop attacking that person immediately ... hurry up."

Yue Bing came to the Earth Star. Although he had contact with the people of Earth Star, he did not see Wang Hao. When he asked the leader of Earth Star, he did not get any useful news.

However, Yue Bing knew that Fang Bing was a person close to Wang Hao, and his voice was still familiar.

"Go on firing, firing one by one, I want to see how many times it can be blocked."

Because Leonard's eyes were slightly cold, he did not put his eyes on the earth star, and in the madness of the empire, no one dared to violate his intentions.

The woman was even recruited. Even if Yue Bing didn't wait for him, he believed that Yue Bing was always his own, but Yue Bing's eager look was like a stone smashing into the calm lake in his heart. .

It caused him a lot of waves. The woman he wanted, from small to big, this was the first time he encountered a situation that worried about others, which caused a strong anger in his heart. Cap's anger, so he wanted to torture the other party well, it is best to break the breathing circulatory system and let the other party die in the universe.

"Fuck ... Your uncle, come back TM ..."

Fang Bing looked at another round of artillery shells and attacked himself, and immediately flashed his figure. The first shot he just hurried off, did not pay attention, and did not think and guard too much. Will also be attacked.

So, when he saw firing at him again, he instantly realized that the other party wanted to kill himself.

8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college

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