"... In Leonard, have you been mad because of the empire for a long time, making you think that the universe is all your madness because of the empire, and you are so mad, why don't you defend against the Protoss and run away instead."

After hearing Inlenade ’s words, Yue Bing said with a strong sullen face, and he was also kind enough to speak. In her opinion, Inlenade had a problem with IQ, perhaps in the madness of the empire, Staying for too long, has not been attacked by war at all, and has no idea that his universe is converging in the universe.

"Have I been mad because of the empire, I don't know ... but I know he will die ..."

In Leonard was stunned, as the top nobleman of the madness empire, after Yue Bing spoke, it was reacted, knowing that this is indeed not the madness empire he did whatever he wanted, in the top five nobles, killing civilians A country without any punishment.

But his face is very important to him. No one dared to violate his meaning in the madness of the empire. Now that the fire has been fired, especially in Yuebing, he is even less likely to accept this in front of the person he regards as a forbidden person. hand.

"Nade, look ... you're going to watch."

McCann suddenly pulled Rain Leonard's hand, with a disbelief on his face, pointing to a scene that appeared in the screen of the battleship's control room.

"This, how can ... a ceasefire, a ceasefire soon."

After Leonard turned his gaze, his eyes suddenly glared out. He could n’t believe he saw a scene. I saw that in the universe, I do n’t know when it started, and there were many human influences. He felt ridiculous, as if he flew directly in the universe.

In particular, when I saw a figure, looking up and lifting my feet, it seemed that a light curtain appeared, letting the gunfire of the battleship vanish in the darkness of the universe, which caused a lot of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Wang Hao ... actually flying directly in the universe without any auxiliary tools."

Yue Bing also froze, staring blankly at Wang Hao's appearance, as if the focus appeared, making her eyes a bit dull.

"His grandma, Lao Tzu normally flew to the earth star, these guys suddenly attacked me, right? Hao brother, if you are not coming soon, I guess it will be turned into cosmic garbage."

Fang Bing said cursingly, there was some gratification in his heart, and there was a trace of the rest of his life on the face.

"I know."

Wang Hao nodded gently, his eyes full of intense anger. When he came, he had already used Fang Bing's mecha system to see what had happened.

Now in his mind, although it seemed calm, his eyes turned silently to a dozen warships with strange styles.

"Listen to me to explain that the other party entered the security alert range of our warship, so we attacked him."

In Leonard is not stupid, but the madness is used to domineering within the empire. It has not been transformed for a while. The previous method is in the madness empire. His most common method is as long as an unknown aircraft approaches his. Spaceship, he will fire casually.

It was also because of this before, and even more because after applying for communication, Yuebing angered him and made him lose his mind, but looked at a few who could fly in the universe without relying on foreign objects. People, he immediately reacted.

This civilization seems to be weak in science and technology, but it is very likely to be a cultivation civilization. It has even reached the strength of standing in the universe. This civilization is very terrible ...

"Crazy because of the empire, right? It seems that your mad because of the empire are all overbearing elements."

Wang Hao's eyes were cold, but after the words came out, because Leonard suddenly had a bad feeling, which made his eyes slightly stunned, and because of the other party's words, after receiving it, his eyes changed suddenly.

"You don't need to explain to me, you don't need to ... go to **** and explain."

Wang Hao was really angry this time, his temper was no better, but this time Fang Bing was almost dead, which made him keep calm.

As the master of the source star, he has experienced many planets, and the battle has never been less. Even if Wang Hao is kind to the Chinese, he will never be kind to the people outside.

"Wei Hongzhuang ... fire."

Wang Hao's cold eyes, after looking at the spaceship, said without hesitation.

With Wang Hao's opening, because of Leonard's eyes, there was a moment of confusion, especially in the spaceship, where countless alarm sounds attacked.

"Alarm ... Alarm ... The battleship is locked by a powerful laser weapon, the risk factor is determined, and the star is full."

Due to the dramatic change in Leonard's gaze, McCann's side also changed greatly.

"Go, get on the lifeboat and leave quickly."

After hearing the danger level of the alarm, Inlenade said without hesitation, because it would be too late to leave.


Just after In Leonard stepped on the escape ship, his spaceship was instantly pierced by a light spear, completely devoid of any defensive ability.

"This is no ordinary laser weapon."

In Leonard glanced back, a strong flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and he felt lingering in the heart, but he was only thankful in his heart. Fortunately, he responded quickly, or he was already dead.

There are also many kinds of laser weapons. UU reads www.uukanshu.com. They have a lot of laser weapons in the empire, but there is absolutely no weapon that can achieve this level. One gun can stab his battleship wore.

"Where to go."

Ling Zhan saw that after several explosions, there were a lot of wreckage in the universe, and a black spot turned into a Changhong flying towards the distance, so Ling Zhan did not hesitate to fly out and chase this Black dots.

"Lingdian is back, you can't catch up."

Wang Hao waved his hands without hesitation. After all, the escape ship was much faster.

"It's ... who is this guy ... I'm with him endlessly, and never die."

Fang Bing roared with impatience, this time it was really dangerous, but also let him see the dangers that may appear in the universe at any time.

Mad because of the empire, interesting ... If you have a chance to meet, this enmity cannot fail.

Wang Hao glanced coldly. All of this came out of emergency and did not do detailed security. However, he knew that as soon as possible, he would meet this mad empire because they fled. There is only one direction, and that is the core line of defense established by the Hengyuan Empire.

"Brother, do you know who he is?"

Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao somewhat disappointedly. He was not directly stood in the universe by Wang Hao, but was shocked. After all, he already knew Wang Hao's strength.

"Who is the exact person, I don't know, but I know that these warships are mad because of the empire, they will meet again as soon as possible, this hatred must be reported."

Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing and saw that Fang Bing had nothing to do, and he was slightly relieved.

"Yes, leave it to me at that time."

Fang Bing also spoke with a trace of anger, he was almost dead.

8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college

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