"This ... is Wang Hao's strength so powerful? He can actually use his own strength to fly directly into the universe. How is it possible that people can really reach this level?"

The terrestrial Tao Hongguo also discovered some changes, but after seeing a few figures clearly, his heart jumped slightly, and Wang Hao actually flew directly into the universe. In fact, there were still a few figures, which actually flew the same. Into the universe.

"Almost all of the cultivation system is made by Wang Hao. Now, many of China have already broken through the eightfold of the realm. In terms of strength, they have already flew into the sky. There is a starland, maybe it can fly into the universe. "

Ye Lao thought that it was more than Tao Hongguo. He thought of the cultivation system formulated by Wang Hao, and there was a touch of emotion on his face. The current China has too many colors of Wang Hao in it.

Even the reason why Huaguo has the current situation is because of Wang Hao ’s credit. Without Wang Hao, they probably do n’t know the Protoss, and they will be directly killed by the sudden foreign civilization Protoss ...

Sometimes ignorant people are fearless, but some ignorant people don't know how to die. For example, although the earth star has entered the era of escape, at least it knows what kind of enemy it is facing.

If you change to the previous earth star, it is estimated that it is still within the planet, and you are intrigued. You do n’t know how to die.

"Wang Hao has really created too many miracles and is pushing the advance of the earth star with all his strength."

Tao Hongguo also had some emotions, but compared with Tao Hongguo's emotions, some people looked at it indifferently.

"Yuebing, this is what you call Wang Hao, will it be too scary."

After Qi Feiwu communicated with Yue Bing, he secretly swallowed a lot of saliva and stared blankly at the universe, where the airless place had no effect at all.

"The previous strength should be comparable to mine, but I don't know why it became so scary."

Yue Bing also shook her head a little, showing a shocking color on her face. After all, she had been with Wang Hao before, knowing Wang Hao ’s strength, and not much different from herself, but did not expect that it has changed so much now. terror.

When he saw a signal access, Yue Bing immediately changed his expression and carefully entered.

"The more ice, the long time no see."

Wang Hao looked at the spaceship that crossed the ice. This spaceship was familiar to him before, and after learning about the recent events through the dragon brain, he immediately remembered who the spaceship belonged to. , The ice that had entered the earth star before.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I dare not admit it now ... I didn't expect you to have changed so much."

Facing Wang Hao's hello, Yue Bing responded immediately, and immediately conveyed it through the voice of the battleship.

"In a while we will recount the old ..."

Wang Hao smiled slightly on the face. He naturally knew of his great changes, but now is not the time to reminisce. One is that Fang Bing will take it back, and the other is that he will send Ling Zhan Ling to leave.

"Okay, we will recount the old ones later."

Yue Bing has undergone tremendous changes to Wang Hao and her role status. Now Wang Hao makes her see through, and the change of the earth star makes her wonder, and Qi Feiwu is not very familiar with Wang Hao. I didn't say hello. I thought about the other party and Yue Bing's reminiscence for a while.

"Mech is here, you wear it, and since you have come out, then you should start your journey as soon as possible ... safe to Tianyan world earlier."

Wang Hao nodded gently and said calmly, there were two streamers in the distance, and dozens of silhouettes came quickly behind him.

"Please be assured that the teacher and the patriarch will definitely reach Tianyan World safely."

After Ling Zhan and Ling Clan wore Tianhao optimized mecha without hesitation, they nodded solemnly, but Wang Hao didn't say much, just nodded gently, so did Ling Yan, but his face was a little heavy , Along the way, dangerous and unpredictable.

However, the conversation between Wang Hao and Ling Zhan, the Ling tribe, was instantly dumbfounded by others who followed Wang Hao.

"Tianyan World, is this the planet that Wang Hao owns? There are these Yanhuang Guardians who can actually fly in the universe with their own strength. Every time I see it, I feel too incredible, especially these two people, It seems that the strength is more perverted than before. "

Fes can see the ins and outs in his eyes. He was not surprised by Wang Hao's determination. Others were not very clear, but he was very clear. He knew more clearly that when Wang Hao went to his warship, When I came back, I brought a lot of powerful people.

"Wang Hao is bottomless ..."

Fike said something silently, and looked at Wang Hao with a strange look, because this man was like a fan, and he opened a layer, only to find out that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"These are the guardians of the yellow and yellow that Wang Hao said to Fez. They are really powerful ... what is hidden in Wang Hao's body."

Tao Hongguo's eyes showed a hint of curiosity. He did not have the idea of ​​forcing Wang Hao. After all, Wang Hao had already done enough.

"Do n’t try to find out what ’s hidden. Now the earth star has entered the path of no return, and can only rely on Wang Hao ’s ability. As Wang Hao said to Fez, these are the guardians of the Yanhuang, then I believe The force in Wang Hao ’s hands actually protects the Yan and Huang tribes. "

Ye Lao was silent for a while, and he could not help saying.

Before, they heard an unexpected name from Fes, that is, the guardian of the Yanhuang, because they did not know the specific situation, and they just found a reason to cover up Fes ’s problems, but now Seeing these people who can fly in the universe on their own abilities, they immediately confronted the Feiyan Guardian of Flames.

Compared with other people's marvels, Wang Hao was a little ignorant. He just looked at Ling Zhan and Ling Clan dumbly and left the Earth Star around with the clone of the Zhan Clan in the direction of the world of Tianyan. go with.

Of course, this is not the reason why Wang Hao is sluggish. The reason why he is sluggish ~ www.readwn.com ~ is because the speed at which the war tribes leave is inconsistent with his own calculation.

"This ... how is it possible, Xiaolong ... what happened, and this speed completely exceeded our estimated speed of travel."

Wang Hao looked at Ling Zhan and Ling Clan dumbly, and took all the Zhan Clone clones from the Earth Star to the Tianyan World, but soon after he set off, he found something wrong, because it was faster than he estimated. A lot of it, and now with the powerful data, what degree of speed can he design, how could he not know.

But precisely because of this, this abnormal speed immediately aroused his attention.

"Hello brother, good thing ... when Ling Zhan flew, for some reason, a gravitational force was generated. Under this gravitational force, the speed was at least twice as high as we originally planned."

With a touch of excitement, Dragon Brain spoke towards Wang Hao, but Wang Hao stayed in an instant.

"Ling Yan, take Fang Bing back to Earth Star, I have an urgent matter."

Wang Hao said a few words, a eager look on his face, which instantly turned into a long rainbow, flying towards the earth star and toward the vast island.

As for what he promised to narrate for a while, he had long forgotten his head. After Wang Hao headed into the vast research center, his expression became more and more fanatical, and he was not moved by the outside world at all.

Traction ... is traction ... if you can use the traction of the universe ... the speed will increase to a terrifying level.

Wang Hao screamed in his heart. After discovering this gravitational force, he researched madly, and also made him feel some ways, and even produced an extremely bold idea.

Traction spaceship ...

Wang Hao thought that once the traction spacecraft is developed, it means that the speed will develop by leaps and bounds.

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