"I won't send you anymore."

Wang Hao looked at Yue Bing and said something, with a broad smile on his face.

But the more she left, the more she thought of Wang Hao's smile, the more she felt not right ...

"Do you feel that when Wang Hao sent us away, it didn't feel right."

After a long period of ice, he could not help raising his head to connect with Qi Feiwu's starship, and said with a touch of doubt.

"I haven't felt it before .... When you said it, I didn't feel right, as if ... it was like being wronged ... but this time, we had 400 warships each, which was very rewarding. Oh, what ’s wrong with us ... "

Qi Feiwu didn't feel it yet, but after being said by Yue Bing, he suddenly said hesitantly.

He also felt that when he left, Wang Hao looked at his face as if he was injustice, which made him hesitantly, but the thought of the four million battleships he had harvested was far beyond his original expectations. Fortunately, there are too many resources, or you can't buy them.

"Injustice ... injustice."

Yue Bing seemed to think of something, but she didn't catch it. In a flash, she suddenly remembered it ...

"Yes, it's the wrongdoer. Wang Hao definitely treats us as the wrongdoer."

The more she thought of Wang Hao's expression, the more she felt that way, which made her involuntarily reveal a certain color.

"In addition to buying warships, we didn't do anything else at all, wait. Are you talking about warships? But warships, what do we suffer from, these warships are very advanced."

Qi Feiwu was still happy on his face, but after hearing Yue Bing's words, he suddenly stayed and looked at Yue Bing.

"It must be a battleship. The battleships we bought are advanced in our opinion. But you find that there are not many battleships around Earth Star. These are not produced in advance, but are the original battleships of Earth Star. Place, you look at the one I just shot back, because Wang Hao developed a new type of warship. "

In the face of Yuebing, there was a word of silence. She was sure that she definitely bought a battleship and lost it. It was not like what the earth star said. She just needed it. She is now reacting. The earth star is estimated to have been long ago. Want to sell battleships in exchange for resources.

The biggest possibility is that when leaving, the Earth star suddenly flew out of several starships. Looking at the huge size of these starships, and having a very strong feeling, she knew that this is definitely a new type of warship of the earth star.

Seriously, it should be a new type of warship researched by Wang Hao.

"This ... new type of warships, you mean that Earthstar will start to replace new equipment before we give these warships to us, all at a high price."

Qi Feiwu looked at the photo sent by Yue Bing, his face was blank, and he instantly realized that he felt helpless on his face. This business really does not seem to suffer from how it looks.

When Earth Star wanted to deal with warships, he said that the ceiling was falling. In the final analysis, he wanted to convert these warships into resources, but he was waving resources and showed the eagerness to buy warships. This is not a big deal.

"It's highly possible, anyway, this time I feel business is lost."

One second before the ice, before thinking about it, I thought that this time the business could be done, which made her very happy, but after figured it out, she had no sense of accomplishment at all, she and Qi Feiwu were among the earth stars, buy Of the 800 warships, one person bought 400 for their respective forces.

This business was originally a bargain in her opinion, but now it seems to be miscalculated.

"No, I want to ask Wang Hao, the situation of the new battleship, not reconciled."

Yue Bing thought for a moment and felt her inner curiosity. Although she knew that it was impossible to return the goods, it was necessary to know at least how strong the warships were.

She definitely believes that the performance is stronger than the battleships you buy now. After all, if it is not strong, how can you sell the old warships and choose new ones. This is simply impossible.

"The more ice, is there anything else?"

Wang Hao returned to the vast research center, a smile appeared on his face, he sold 500 warships for 800 warships, and 300 warships for the Yanhuang Alliance, all of which were converted into resources.

"Wang Hao, you're not kind. If you researched a new warship yourself, you would give us the old warship. Or, tell me about the performance of the new warship?"

After Yue Bing was connected, he also said directly, looking a little helpless.

"Uh, the performance is actually the same, but we think that in interstellar warfare, we still need a thicker warship. We changed the previous design concept and adopted a defensive supreme strategy, so we adopted a new warship design and prepared for transformation."

Wang Hao was stunned, guessing what he knew, knowing that he had arranged several new curvature warships to leave the earth star and enter space, and was discovered by the other party. Moreover, the large number of warship groups disappearing around the earth star obviously let the other party know I am selling my property.

However, as for the performance of the warship of curvature, Wang Hao is not prepared to leave in detail. After all, the other party does not seem to be the relationship between the Yanhuang Alliance and its own. The enemy, how could he tell each other the details of the curvature.

Wang Hao randomly found an excuse ~ www.readwn.com ~ and sent Yue Bing away, and he was prepared to enter the actual test of the warship of curvature.

"........ It's a loss, who believes this reason, thick ... Bah ..."

Qi Feiwu watched Wang Hao disappear in the screen, and there was a helpless expression on his face, and he could not help sighing.

"Due to any way, this battleship is much stronger than our own battleship. It's pretty good. I want to open some."

There was also a strong helplessness on Yue Bing's face. After being silent for a while, she said, she also knew that this time it was estimated to have suffered a loss, but is there any way to directly control the battleship to the earth star?

This is simply unrealistic. She does n’t think that there are only more than 400 warships on the earth star, and there is no ability to fight interstellar, because in her heart, the group of people flying directly in space gave He was too impressed.

"Forget it, forget it, and leave, the Earthman is too shrewd, I now understand it, from the beginning, when we mentioned the transaction, we have been led by the nose."

Qi Feiwu was also speechless, accepting this fact, he was really a blame, but he thought of the difficulty of the earth star, he knew it, the civilization of the earth star, it is really not very troublesome.

They hadn't had such a large site before, but in the manufacture of warships, they were ahead of them, making them have to come to purchase, and the negotiations had always been weak. The other person, who was called permission, took the nose.

After Wang Hao sent Viet Bing, he was not affected, and he was still testing the curvature starship.

"Start curvature drive."

Wang Hao said calmly that the neighboring Yang Lu also returned to the Haohan Research Center to help the research and development of the curvature starship.

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