"The curvature drive has been started, and in the formation of the gravitational field, 1% ... 2% ... 5% ... 15% ... 45% ... 85% ... the construction of the gravitational field is completed."

With Wang Hao's words, Dragon Brain immediately controlled the experiment, the curvature of the warship in front of the gravity device, the hollow in the middle, began to emit a faint light.

Both Yang Lu, who knows the technology, and Fang Bing, who does not know the technology, looked at this gravitational field with intense tension.

"Start to start the starship engine and go to the world of Tianyan with all your strength."

Wang Hao saw that the curvature drive had been fully activated, and a smile appeared on his face, and he said.

Regarding this warship of curvature, he has already done a lot of research and sorting for Dragon Brain. This time, Wang Hao is not preparing to take the experiment slowly. Fly to Tianyan World.

"The effect of the gravitational field is good, and the speed is increasing. In terms of overall speed, it is 5.7 times the peak speed of the previous battleship."

Dragon Brain fed back the curvature warship data in real time, which made Wang Hao nodded involuntarily.

"Next, to produce two hundred warships with curvature, and to study the curvature driver in full force, it is far from reaching the limit of warships with curvature."

In Wang Hao's eyes, there was a hint of thought, and there was a hint of fanaticism and curvature drive on his face, which made him guess that his second eighth-level skill might be the machine.

The focus of the breakthrough is the curvature drive, which can break through a seven-level limit, just like the blood he unintentionally created. If his idea is successful, then he has a second eighth-level skill.

Afterwards, Wang Hao sank into the research, and the Earth Star was still advancing according to the previous course of action.

However, Wang Hao did not study for long. About half a year or so, he had to come out, because he got a bad news, that is, Ling Zhan and Ling Clan lost contact.

This made Wang Hao no research at all.

"No news yet?"

Wang Hao's eyes spoke with a strong worry.

"No, but before disappearing, the Ling clan sent a message back that they met a meteorite group, and this meteorite group is very large and can only pass through. But it seems that there is unknown magnetic interference, which will affect communication. Half The month has passed, and I have not yet contacted. "

Dragon Brain shook his head. He originally thought that he did not need to report to Wang Hao, but the time for losing contact was getting longer and longer, which made him have to report to Wang Hao. After all, Wang Hao had already told him.


Wang Hao sat there, thinking, but he did not come up with an effective way. After all, Ling Zhan and Ling Clan with Zhan Clan had been out for half a year. In this half year, even in the universe, even with the present The curvature of the warship speed, at least need to go for three months.

"Ling Zhan, there is a magnetic field in this place. Our signal can't go out, we have to go out as soon as possible, otherwise the teacher will worry about us."

The Ling tribe glanced at the display in the mech, and there was an urgent color on their face. After entering the unknown meteorite group, they thought they could go out quickly, but they did not expect that this meteorite group was huge.

"it is good."

Ling Zhan's eyes showed a touch of light, and he knew the situation, which made him a little anxious, but at this time, he suddenly heard the sound of the alarm from Tianhao's optimized mecha and immediately made him stunned.

"Alert, there are circumstances."

Ling Zhan's eyes showed a hint of fineness, because he found that there were many red dots with life characteristics in the distance. Counting them, at least hundreds, and approaching at a very fast speed, which made him look instantly. Dignified.

"Protoss ... kill."

When Ling Zhan was on guard, he suddenly saw the person behind the meteorite, sharp eyes, and instantly saw these four-meter-high humanoid life, with long horns, which made him instantly match the gods in his heart. hook.

In Ling Ling ’s heart, the Protoss was his biggest enemy, so when he saw the Protoss, he immediately used the energy monitoring device in the mech and found that the opponent ’s strength was not strong, so he launched without hesitation. Attacking, although he is belligerent, it does not mean that he has no brains.


After seeing the Protoss, the Ling clan watched the opponent flying towards them at a very fast speed. They also shouted instantly. The armor on their right hand suddenly fell off and turned into a firearm.

After holding his hand, he kept firing, and countless lasers turned into a sharp arrow, piercing the darkness in the universe.

The same is true of the clones of Ling Zhan and other war tribes. They both took out a laser gun. Although their individual strength is extremely powerful, in their hearts, they will not only rely on their own individual strength, but also Using tools.

At this instant, Zhan, Ling Zhan, and the more than 50 Zong clones led by Ling Zhan, immediately engaged with the Protoss.

After seeing Ling Zhan and the Ling Zu led by the Zhan Clan, the Protoss was obviously stumped. After all, the Protoss also saw at a glance that the other party could also rely on simple assistance to fly through the universe, which gave the Protos a discovery A kind of feeling.

He came out looking for a team that had lost contact before, but after a long search, he did not find any trace of the lost team.

"Which branch of the Protoss ..."

The Protoss is obviously a leader, and after seeing Ling Zhan and Ling Clan ~ www.readwn.com ~ is also hesitant, asking inquiries, but he was greeted by countless lasers, which made him hit a few The gun was pierced through the body.


The leader of the Protoss, when he encountered an attack, instantly roared, but when he spoke, he turned to look at his team, he suddenly found a difference, the other side seemed to understand the weakness of the Protoss. .

The vast majority of attacks are directed towards the head of the Protoss.

"Who the **** are you ..."

The leader of the Protoss, with a strong unbelievable gaze, because he found that the other party directly pulled out the alloy spear after a wave of laser opening, and directly started the melee, and the horror is that there is only one point for the other party to attack That is the head of the Protoss. Seriously ... the source of life for the Protoss.

This made him instantly aware that the other party knew the weakness of the Protoss, especially the behavior of the other party's death hand as soon as they saw him, which made him a little scared. As if this were his own dead enemy, even a natural enemy.

What makes him feel incredible is that the strength of the opponent seems to be still above the Protoss.


Ling Zhan's eyes were red, because the clone he brought out was not without casualties. On the contrary, the casualties were not small. In the face of his enemy, he knew that there would be casualties, but such casualties, still let He was violent and even had a feeling of surpassing himself.

Let him feel that his body is full of infinite power, and the Ling clan has a similar feeling. Ling Zhan and the Ling clan are just like the two killing gods, killing the **** clan crazy, the **** clan is getting less and less, and The same is true of the Zan Clone.

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