After arranging the new personnel, Wang Hao let Dragon Brain control the robots on the vast island to conduct a new large-scale research room with a brain wave monitoring device, which is so innocent. Defenses can not do without.

For safety, Wang Hao also implemented this matter, in order to prevent some interested people from inserting people in the vast research center he sees most.

After finishing all this, Wang Hao entered the control room. Of course, this time he specially brought Shi Wei, Shi Qiang, and Ling Yan.

Because this time he wants to do a big thing against the planet of the last days, that is, arresting Nood.

"Huge brother, everything is arranged."

Xiao Tian looked at Wang Hao after coming to the end of the planet, his face showed a hint of excitement, this time they were Yanhuang base, all the cutting-edge strength was dispatched, and all flying-level clones will participate in this battle.

"Okay, ten minutes later, we set off. This time, I must take Nuod back, let me study the composition of Tianhengjing."

Wang Hao nodded softly. This time, it was not without source to promote the teachers. Ling Yan has now reached the later stage of the sixth stage of the realm, and his promotion has been very slow. He wants to find a higher level of cultivation, and Nord has been It has been his goal since, but there was not much time before.

With the help of new recruits, Yang Lu began to improve the design of the flagship. The general design plan was already made by Wang Hao, so Yang Lu ’s design was not too difficult. In the design of the flagship, he now Without worrying too much, I plan to use this gap to study the cultivation system.

Nature's capture plan has been put on the agenda. Wang Hao has broken through the sixth level of the realm, that is, the spirit level. He wants to see how the realm of Noode is, is it aimed at his body has begun to transform, Or is it just pure psionic cultivation and accommodation.

"Recently, Yanhuang Base seems to be very peaceful."

Wu You's face has been depressed since the Yunwu base was demolished, but after the Yunwu base was demolished, his observations of the Yanhuang base not only did not decrease, but more.

He found that Yanhuang Base didn't make much movement, but just killed and killed Yuanyuan, forming a strange balance. Yuanyuan seemed to have no way to Yanhuang Base, and Yanhuang Base couldn't help Yuanyuan.

After all, the source beast is not just a gathering of sources, but also other sources come to help defense, but no matter how aggressive the source is, it is completely restricted by the Yanhuang base.

Facing a Yanhuang base that is powerful and arrogant, the source beast also seems to have fired, as if in the eyes of the source beast, Wu You feels that she no longer has a sense of presence, and the source beast's eyes only contain the Yanhuang base.

"It is estimated that he is dying with the source beast, it is inseparable ..."

Harris thought for a moment and said, but before he finished, he was interrupted by a horrified voice.

"No, boss. Many people flew over at Yanhuang Base ..."

While Wu You was talking with Harris, there was a frightened voice outside the door.

"A lot of people at Yanhuang Base? How many people are there?"

Harris was stunned, and said quickly, a complex expression appeared on his face, and he glanced at Wu Wu, and there was a trace of speculation in their eyes, but they were not sure.

"Two bosses, you go out and see. Some are unclear. There are too many people, but you can't count them. It seems they are all spirits ..."

The man who ran in quickly, with panic on his face, took a breath and said.


Wu You glanced at Harris with a bitter look on his face. He had already had a hint of speculation about Yanhuang Base. Facing such a powerful Yanhuang Base, one day, as soon as possible, his own base would definitely be Yanhuang Base. Annexation.

As the saying goes, on the side of the couch, how can one allow others to snore? Their base is right next to Yanhuang Base. It can be said that after the Yunwu Base was demolished, they always live in fear, lest one day, the army of Yanhuang Base will come.

But today, the army is coming ..., the two of them are inevitably bitter.

"what's going on?"

But when Wu You and Harris went out, they were suddenly shocked. After they came out, they saw dozens of people taking the lead and carrying tens of thousands of Yan and Huang fighters, especially these Yan and Huang fighters, standing in the empty space with their whole bodies.

The two looked at this situation, and there was a strong color of fear in their eyes. The calm of the Yanhuang base before, they had already analyzed it, may be the tranquility before the storm.

They thought that this time the army was here to solve them. The two looked at each other, and they were preparing to surrender and surrender to the Yanhuang base. After all, the gap between the two levels was too great. Who can resist such an offensive by the army, surrender is the best way they think, although not decent, but at least do not need to be enemies with Yanhuang base.

But Wu You and Harris had just prepared to fly out, and hadn't spoken yet, they suddenly felt stumped.

Looking at these dozens of leaders, especially those who are headed, Wu You and Harris only had a glance at them, and they were sweating coldly, because they looked at this person so familiar that they hated The commander-in-chief of the bones.

Thinking of the last time I faced this Fang driver, the other side's shamelessly touched the porcelain, in order to find an excuse to kill them. There was a frustration in the hearts of the two.

Facing the Yanhuang base, they would rather talk to Wang Hao than talk to this commander in chief.

"Hao .. you said, why do you like to use my vest."

Fang Bing looked helplessly. At this time, the face of the clone controlled by Wang Hao was really familiar to him, because this face was his own.

"Because your fighting power is not as strong as mine."

Wang Hao glanced at the clones controlled by Fang Bing and said, this time in order to prevent Nuo from escaping, it can be said that the first batch of clones at Yanhuang Base were all transferred out.

Although Wang Hao ’s combat power is not as strong as Ling Yanqiang, he is not weak. No one is his opponent except Ling Yan. In order to ensure foolproof, he naturally controls the strongest batch of clones, which is the earliest produced. All of those batches have now reached the mid-to-late stage of the spirit level, but the number is not much, and Fang Bing's clone is one of them.

In fact, Wang Hao did not choose it specifically, but randomly selected one of the first batches of clones produced, but did not expect it to be Fang Bing.

"My reputation ... it seems to be corrupted again ..."

Fang Bing said helplessly, but he saw the expressions of Wu You and Harris.

"Your reputation, not my defeat, is entirely your own. What other reputation is worthy of my defeat?"

Wang Hao thought of what Fang Bing had done before, and he still thought it was a bit speechless, especially now looking at Wu You and Harris in the distant base, the other party saw the Fang Bing clone he controlled. ~ ~ That hell, and a watchful expression.

He was very helpless in his heart. What Fang Bing did in the first place was really not kind. If he encountered someone like Fang Bing, he would have the same idea as Wu You and Harris.

It is shameless.

"That was a real accident ... I didn't mean it at all. At that time, you just pitted me and demolished the cloud base. I am not afraid of being embarrassed when I met you?"

Fang Bing's face showed embarrassment, and he also knew that the last time he had misunderstood Wu You and Harris.

Even when he thought about the last thing himself, his complexion turned slightly red, showing a strong frustration.

"Do you feel more embarrassed when you meet now?" Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing angrily, a little speechless. Then he looked down at the instrument and his eyes lit up.

"There is a response, over there."

Wang Hao did not wait for Fang Bing to answer, but said with some excitement that this instrument was specially developed by him for Nord, which could detect the bioelectricity fluctuation of Nord within a certain range.

As for why it is necessary to develop such an instrument, it has to mention the cunning degree of Nuo De, which makes Ling Yan crazy.

Ling Yan was looking for Nuode completely, wasting time, so when I heard Ling Yan complaining that Nuode was really cunning, she proposed an idea to track people.

Wang Hao thought about it and thought of the unique bioelectricity fluctuations for each person. After collecting the bioelectricity fluctuations of Nord, he made such a device.

Of course, the monitoring of bioelectricity is extremely difficult. The monitoring range of this device is not large. It just turns the previous haystack into a fishing boat. So when he saw the fluctuations in this instrument, Wang Hao was also excited and finally responded. .

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