Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 853: Your name is easy to use

"Boss, this can't be accepted ..."

McCann looked at the boss at his base after receiving Nord, and his face was anxious. His boss had not seen the horror of the Yan and Huang clan, but he saw the past.

If once this Nord is received, does it mean that you are standing against the hostility of the Yanhuang Clan?

"McKen, Nord's strength is about to break through the Tianheng level. Now that the other party is willing to lean over, we will have four Tianheng realms once they break through, which is a great improvement to the base's strength. This is The three bosses said. "

Ying Ping looked at McCann and said in silence, McCann was also the old man in the base, but he was attracted to the top three heavens in the base and discussed the resolution together.

He couldn't refute this ... Besides, although he heard McCann said, the horror of the Yan and Huang clan, but after all, he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. So many spiritual levels.

"That's the Yanhuang clan, head, you haven't seen it, but I have seen the horror of the Yanhuang clan ..."

McCann was still a little unwilling. When he came back with people, he talked about the horror of the Yan and Huang tribes, but some high-level people in the base, like a joke, made him feel helpless.

"We will arrange people to have a good communication with the Yanhuang people."

Ying Ping shook his head gently, interrupted McCann ’s words, and thought for a while, in fact, his heart was also very contradictory. He believed in McCann ’s words, but he had another idea in his heart, which was not like it at all. McCann said the same, so horrible.

"It's not good .. it's not good .. I suddenly went out for five or sixty thousand spirit levels when I went out."

While Yingping was soothing McCann, a panicked voice suddenly passed in, making him frown slightly.

"Look at what you are scared of. What five or sixty thousand spirits?"

Ying Ping's face suddenly showed strong anger, and he looked at the person who came in. His eyes were like electricity, and there was no reaction for a moment.

"Outside ... outside ... came five or sixty thousand spirit level."

The man came in, with a panic, a short tone, and said nervously.

"It must be from the Yanhuang people ... it's finished ..."

McCann also showed a smear of defeat on his face. He was sure that this was definitely the army of the Yan and Huang tribes.

"Go out and see."

Ying Ping glanced at the man, and his eyes showed strong unbelief. This was the spirit, and it was fifty thousand or sixty thousand, but McCann's words made him stunned, and he said a heavy voice suddenly.

But when he came out and looked at the distance, there were tens of thousands of people standing in the sky, most of them were wearing metal armor and could not see their faces clearly, but the dozens of people who started were wearing armor , But you can see the face.

After looking at these tens of thousands of people standing in the sky, Ying Ping didn't believe it anymore, and his feet were slightly soft.

But even hearing McCann's fears, he shuddered even more.

"God ... is the shameless Commander Fang ..."

McCann had a strong terror in his voice, and now it seemed that Wu You's words were ringing in his ears.

This is to dismantle the commander of the Yunwu base without a word, especially after Wu You said his experience, McCann's feeling for Commander Fang, the first one is shameless ...

In order to find an excuse to fight Wu You, the Fang Commander can actually drop his face completely and fall directly from the sky, in order to kill Wu You.

"Who is this Commander Fang ..."

Ying Ping looked at the tens of thousands of people standing in the distance outside, and then looked at McCann. Now it ’s his turn to disbelieve McCann. The Yan and Huang tribes are indeed as McCann said, and there is nothing to say. Moisture.

There are so many spiritual levels.

"This Commander Fang is a very strong person, and he will even do whatever he can to achieve his purpose. The Yunwu Base was ordered to be demolished by this Commander Fang. In particular, this Commander Fang actually fell two kilometers apart when he confronted the Alliance of Us. The earth. "

There was cold sweat on McCann's forehead, and he explained the commander's past.

"Why did he deliberately fall to the ground?"

Ying Ping's face was a little dazed. He hadn't reacted yet. This logic should be problematic. The deliberate fall was a ghost. But after hearing McCann's explanation, his face changed slightly.

"The commander of Yanhuang Base is actually a person named Wang Hao, and this commander Fang is also subject to this commander Wang Hao. Wu You and Wang Hao can say a few words, but Commander Fang wants to kill Wu You. People, deliberately falling just to make an excuse. "

Listening to McCann ’s explanation, Yingping immediately understood. He looked at the man in the army, headed by him, with a slight fear. Sure enough, this man did nothing to achieve his goal.

Even if you do n’t have a face, you need to find an excuse to kill the enemy to deal with the boss ’s blame.

"Then how did Yannuo get this Yanhuang base?"

Ying Ping looked at the Yanhuang Army with a look of horror, his face showed a puzzling look. In his opinion, the base of Noode was very far away from the Yanhuang base. It should not be possible to match the Yanhuang base?

"Nuo De, a zombie king was found at that time, but this zombie king was besieged by the people at Yanhuang base, and at that time, Nuo was able to kill several people at Yanhuang base, and it seemed to be an important person.

The result attracted a female lunatic at Yanhuang Base, who madly pursued Nord ... There was no large-scale siege before. Now it seems that Yanhuang Base has been able to draw his hand in the war with Yuanyuan, Some people were transferred out. "

McCann seemed to have thought of something, and instead of waiting for Yingping to speak, he spoke again.

"This Yanhuang base, I said before that at least there are more than 200,000 spirit level, this is only a small part of it."

McCann said without hesitation, because he looked at Ying Ping and knew he wanted to ask.

"200,000 .. Hualing ..."

Ying Ping's face was instantly dull, muttering to himself, glancing at the tens of thousands of people standing outside the base, the powerful breath fluctuated, and he believed this time.

I don't believe it, even if it's just tens of thousands of spirit levels in front of me, for any base, it's a nuclear weapon level.

However, Ying Ping and McCann didn't notice any conversation. Four people stood in the distance. After hearing McCann's words, they looked at the army outside the base again. Complex color.

"Two hundred thousand spirits ..."

Among these four people, one of them was Noord, and the other three people glanced at each other, their eyes showing gloomy colors, and they all looked at Noord.

"Nord, you didn't say this before. Our previous agreement was nullified."

One of them seemed to be the leader of the three people, and after speaking, he said without hesitation.

"We have reached a consensus. Do you want to tear up the agreement?"

Nord was a little panicked. Recently, he was really fed up. The horrible female madman struggled with himself every day. He did n’t know why. It was too easy to find him because he was very difficult to find him. The Yanhuang tribe is now more like a mountain, pressing on his heart.

Only then did he have the idea of ​​surrendering to others so that he could survive better, but he didn't want to die.

But while Nord was talking, the three looked at each other again, and the understanding between the three broke out at this moment.

"Do it yourself."

The three screamed together, and Nord was facing three real heavens, not to mention the triple brothers, the tacit understanding was even more powerful, and the combined fighting power of the three was far more than the ordinary Tianhengjing is stronger.

In the face of such offensive, Nord had no ability to resist at all. It can be said that he was captured in an instant. Although Nord was cunning and very vigilant, but their three heavens were naturally not vegetarian. Things may be more than Nuo.

"you guys..."

Nord was taken down instantly, making him look angry. He had noticed that he was not right, but he did not expect that the other three were so decisive that he shot in a flash.

And he also knew the other party's three plans, which was to hand over to Yanhuang Base.

"Finally left, it seems like McCann said that the Yanhuang Base is not guilty, and he still speaks very well."

After watching Yi Nuo hand over, the Yanhuang base army outside the base quickly left, and his face was relieved.

"Yeah .. Fortunately, your boss responded quickly. You **** Nuo De and handed it over."

The expression of Yu Erru's enemy is also slightly relaxed.

Wang Hao left the base of the three Yu family brothers with the experiment he wanted, but this time he found another thing.

"Fang Bing, I found that your name is really easy to use, I decided to continue to expand your name."

Wang Hao looked at Nord, who was tied up, with a smile on his face. He found that Fang Bing's clone name was really easy to use.

As soon as Fang Bing's clone came out, he shouted Commander Fang one by one with fear, and even Nord got to the door, which made him think about it and thought about the joints.

"Hao Brother, what do you want to do."

Fang Bing instantly became alert and looked at Wang Hao, his entire body collapsed.

"It's okay ~ ~ Just next time, there is a role like a wicked person. I found that going out with your name is absolutely more effective."

Wang Hao laughed, and Nuo De was caught back, then he was practicing this research, and he can continue to progress.

After talking, Wang Hao did not care about the hard-working Fang Bing, but thought silently in his mind about the arrangement of things.

The research of the flagship is definitely untrustworthy, and the research of cultivation can also be started at the same time. After all, so many researchers or research assistants are enough to support his multi-directional research.

After Wang Hao returned to Yanhuang Base with Nord, he did not talk to Nord, but directly threw Nord into a specific large metal iron box. Monitor various types of data.

However, unlike the ordinary electromagnetic field, this electromagnetic field is similar to the nature of a cage and has a strong resistance.

"Ling Yan, you took Huang Yan to start practicing this research. After the flagship research is completed, I will study Tianhengjing together."

Wang Hao thought about it, made arrangements for Ling Yan, and made arrangements for Nuo De. After carrying out research arrangements for this cultivation, he did not care anymore, but returned to the vast island of consciousness.

I started to study the flagship of Haohan Island. Time is passing by Wang Hao's research, but in the distant Meiwen Alliance, something big happened.

Compared with the earth star, the Maywin Alliance has a much wider star field and has 34 administrative stars, but with the invasion of the source beast, the impact on the entire alliance can be said to be great.

Countless source beasts, from the star field of the Mayvin Alliance, several wormholes appeared, just like dividing the battlefield, the entire Mayvin League was divided by several wormholes, and the source beasts that appeared continuously Several battlefields.

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