Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 898: Under the sky, could it be king land

"You came."

Wang Hao used nerve manipulation to control this clone. He always felt a little unsmooth. This is not to say that he had a technical problem.

Because the Tianyan world is partitioned by the energy shield, the signal of the flagship and this clone is not well connected. After all, although the energy shield can transmit signals, it is not a wormhole after all, there is no way like the wormhole, there are not many The signal can be transmitted if it is lost.

The loophole of the energy shield is used to transmit the signal, which also causes Wang Hao to control the clone now. It always feels like playing a game with a bad network. There is a strong delay. Even sometimes, there are some Too much control.

"Senior, did you actually use the three days to recover your body?"

After Qin Hongxi got the confirmation, he looked at the indifferent expression on the other person's face, and inadvertently, he was so impressed by the dominance of the world that he couldn't believe it, because he hadn't experienced it before reshaping his body. , But he has read a lot of classics, naturally knowing the difficulty, rare and terrifying materials, those materials are not he can bear at all.

But in the scene before him, he felt his ideas were distorted, and the other party actually used the cheap materials he collected to recover his body.

This is a truly terrifying top strongman, the means is against the sky.

Qin Hongxi instantly judged that he felt that the person he was facing was not an ordinary Shang San Realm, and it was probably as much as he had guessed. This is the pinnacle of the Shang San Realm, the power of the Emperor Realm, and even Stronger than Emperor Realm.

After thinking about this, he looked at Wang Hao's gaze even more fanatically. After all, the stronger the opponent is, the more favorable it is for him. The most important thing is that he feels the horror in front of him, and he is quite good at speaking. .

"This is just a trivial matter. I need more time to recover. However, considering your situation, I will arrange for the generals to help you in these two days."

Wang Hao calmly manipulated the clone. This clone was designed according to the image of Qin Shihuang. The overall appearance was exceptionally majestic, even without any momentum, but placed in Qin Hongxi ’s eyes as if he were a natural king and the whole person. In every move, unusual domineering was revealed.

Even after Qin Hongxi heard what Wang Hao said, he didn't have any refutation or suggestion at all, because he felt that the other party's words existed as truth.

"Everything follows the arrangement of seniors."

Qin Hongxi didn't have any idea of ​​temptation. If he said he was still vigilant when he just harvested, but when he saw that the other party had actually used the garbage for two days to recover his body, that trace of vigilance As I have seen, heard, and unheard of, my doubts have vanished.

While Wang Hao looked at Qin Hongxi, he was relieved in his heart and everything went as he thought.

In fact, what he said was not a real recovery, but a plan to let Fang Bing go out to help each other, and he used this gap period to study the cultivation system of Tianyan World.

"That's OK, I will stay here for you for a while, arrange a room for me?"

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, at this time, although he had a brief understanding of the history of Tianyan World, it was still very unrealistic to really let him travel.

Because they knew that Tianyan World was not bound by the law at all, they might have walked out of each other's firepower mansion with their front foot, and they were wiped out in the wilderness in the back foot.

Therefore, this is also the result of Wang Hao's deliberations.

"Okay, senior, do you need to clean up these things?"

Qin Hongxi felt excited, and said quickly.

"No need to clean up, two days later, the person in there will come out to help you, if you don't understand anything, you can ask him."

Wang Hao shook his head slightly and gestured. Qin Hongxi took a serious look at the one-size metal box. There was a doubt on his face, as if he was thinking, is this metal box really someone? But all he saw was some green liquid flowing inside.

Didn't show any signs at all, but he didn't ask too much. Qin Hongxi didn't want to worry too much about this overlord-level big man to explain to himself.

For the next two days, Wang Hao did n’t go anywhere, so he stayed in the border town of Qin Kingdom, a small country on the planet of Yanyan, and rebuilt a set of Tianyan world through some improved robots. The signal tower stayed in Qin Hongxi's mansion and silently observed the capital city of Qin.

The capital city of Qin State is very large. According to Wang Hao ’s estimate, this capital city has an area of ​​at least 30 kilometers, and the architectural style is similar to that of ancient China. The construction of the entire capital city is square, let him There is a feeling of watching ancient Yanjing.

But the capital city in front of it is much more prosperous than the ancient Yanjing. There are people coming and going in the capital city, and there are also the voices of some small vendors.

"Sure enough it is the Gaowu planet ... even if it is just a small country, it has such a big capital."

Wang Hao's eyes showed a sense of emotion. Although he did not go out in these two days, he did not delay to understand the situation of Tianyan World. Using these two days, it was a complete insight into the customs of Tianyan World.

Qin Kingdom is only a small country that cannot be smaller among the eight Yanxing stars in the Tianyan world. It belongs to the border country on the edge, but it has such a scene.

This is not what shocked Wang Hao the most. What surprised him the most is that in this world, the country is not the strongest force, but the weakest existence.

Above the country, there are families and ancestors. For these large families or sects, the state is just a place to choose to cultivate genius.

"Hongxi ... Your country ... it really looks like no country."

Wang Hao shook his head. In these two days, he was also a country that had seen the world of Tianyan, and he was relatively familiar with Qin Hongxi. At this time, he looked at Qin Hongxi sitting in front of him, and he was also impressed.

Has no image of a country at all in his mind. Like China, he absolutely does not allow any forces to override the country and the nation.

But the world of Tianyan is different. The country is the lowest level of existence ~ ~ This makes Wang Hao, who grew up in China, feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

"If the state is in such a form, why should it exist ..."

Wang Hao gave a slight pause, as if with a touch of emotion, shook his head and sighed softly, then spoke again.

But Wang Hao's words made Qin Hongxi slightly stunned. These two days he was also a person who knew him, and he was very gentle on his performance, not as high as imagined.

"Senior ... How is your Great Qin Empire ..."

Qin Hongxi heard Wang Hao's words, hesitated a little obviously on his face, hesitated a little and then spoke again.

Wang Hao was slightly stunned and turned his head to take a serious look at Qin Hongxi, then looked at the intense curiosity that appeared on the other party's face.

Stood up involuntarily, looking at the rockery outside, the clear water was flowing, the lotus leaf was floating slightly, and some of the Qin Kingdom, which was a world of heaven, felt sad.

"Under the world, it is the king's land, the shore of the earth, the king's minister."

Wang Hao looked deeply at the pleasant scenery outside the pavilion, and said with a leisurely opening, this is the language of the Qin Dynasty of the Warring States and his most basic knowledge of the country.

After all, the country has always been in awe in his heart. The real country is to protect and protect the country and protect the people from the wind and rain.

"Under the world, it is the king's land, the shore of the earth, the king's minister."

Qin Hongxi was stunned. He repeated Wang Hao's words and muttered to himself. There was a shock in his face, just 16 words, but he showed the country's momentum to the fullest. He looked at the back of winning politics, revealing Only despise the domineering life.

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