
After Qin Hongxi was silent for a while, his eyes became firmer when he looked at his back, but when he spoke, he suddenly didn't know how to say anything.

"Say something straight, don't need to be outside."

Wang Hao turned to look at the hesitation on Qin Hongxi's face. He smiled slightly. In fact, he also knew about Qin Hongxi and knew some of the other party's past, which made him feel sympathetic to the other.

This is a person who is really forced by life, a person who dares to fight against fate, may not consider thoughtfulness in the middle, or does not consider his own strength.

"Please accept me as a disciple."

Qin Hongxi hesitated for a moment, and suddenly knelt on the ground with both knees, and looked at Wang Hao with a strong and determined look.

This made Wang Hao irritated, he did not expect Qin Hongxi to make such a surprise.

"What do you want me to teach you."

Wang Hao looked at Qin Hongxi's expression and said seriously.

"The Way of Running the Country."

Qin Hongxi's eyes were firm. After hearing the sixteen words, he had a string in his heart, as if touched by the sixteen words, which made his mind seem to be purified, maybe he did not find it himself.

His own idea of ​​the throne has changed greatly. What he blurted out is the way of governance of the country. That is to say, Qin Hongxi already believes that it is not difficult for him to become an emperor.

The premise is that the Lord of the Great Qin Empire in front of him can help himself.

"You are far enough in mind, you are still just a lost prince, let me teach you how to govern the country, the heart is indeed big, get up."

Wang Hao also had some emotions in his heart. What Qin Hongxi said was actually not what he thought of. Just now he was still thinking about how to deal with the other party if he asks him to teach himself.

Did not expect that the other party actually wanted to learn the way of governing the country, which gave him a thought.

He ca n’t teach the method of cultivation, but he can completely teach the way of ruling the country. Think about the crystallization of thousands of years of civilization in China. Although the time of civilization is ten thousand miles worse than that of the Tianyan world, However, after understanding, Wang Hao knew that in the way of governing the country, China's 5,000-year civilization completely dumped hundreds of streets in the Tianyan world.

"Please seniors to teach me."

Qin Hongxi didn't get up, but deeply licked his head and made a bang with the ground.

"Get up, call me a teacher in the future."

Wang Hao said angrily, the feeling that Tianyan World gave him was still too chaotic. The world form that the strong respected, the strong did not put the lives of ordinary cultivators in his heart at all, killing casually, life Passing away, sometimes the cause may just be unhappy.

He has long lost sight of it. This is also the reason why he promised Qin Hongxi to take the throne. Now that the other party worships himself as a teacher, he can completely train Qin Hongxi in the direction he wants.


Qin Hongxi's body twitched, and there was a strong color of excitement on his face. He felt that this was the most important path he had taken. Now he came to his mind. Wang Chen's Qin Kingdom.

"You go to the secret room to see, counting time, my general is about to wake up, you brought him over in the past."

Wang Hao smiled slightly on his face, and after feeling the feedback of the data, he knew that the killing of Baiqi clone was completed. With reference to many documents, he added many of his understandings of Baiqi and created the clone Baiqi. .

Like the clone that I am currently controlling, if the clone of winning politics is just with the majesty and domineering of the world, the white clone is the murderousness that has been revealed all the time.

And these murderous compositions are actually generated by Wang Hao based on psychological cues. The longer he looks at the Baiqi clone, the more he will feel the strong "killer" contained in Baiqi's body.

Qin Hongxi's words to Wang Hao naturally followed his advice. After he quickly retreated, he immediately came to his room and entered the secret room.

And when he looked at the person who suddenly appeared in his secret room, his body shivered involuntarily and looked at the other person with a trace of horror. He somehow felt that the person in front of him always gave him a strong sense of danger.

"You are the protagonist arranged to pick me up?"

Fang Bing was awkwardly manipulating Baiqi's clones, but the previous humans and the like were already aware of it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, the teacher arranged for me to come, please follow me."

Qin Hongxi always felt very uncomfortable talking to the other party, but he was also uncomfortable and could not explain why. After taking a serious look at the other party, compared with the ordinary five views, he showed a strong momentum, this momentum, As if the other party could not control, with a strong murderous.

Even he has a feeling that the other party is actually his own enemy, who wanted to kill him, but this idea was suppressed by him all the time, but he was trying to calmly walk ahead.


Fang Bing was still a little bit uncomfortable with the way of speaking in ancient times. He always felt a little awkward, but thinking that this was actually just acting, he slowly adapted.

"When you come, you have to take a rest next to it. There will be a lot of places where you can go out."

Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing, and naturally knew some of the other party ’s thoughts. Naturally, he did not prepare too much contact to avoid showing his feet. Instead, he casually sent Fang Bing away. Don't you like getting along with people? "

Qin Hongxi didn't know what to call Baiqi. He thought he had heard the teacher say that this was his general, and he hesitated and said.

"Do you know what my title is, my general?"

Wang Hao said slightly, looking at Qin Hongxi's expression, he knew that his design of Baiqi was still very successful.

"Teacher, what is it?"

Qin Hongxi blurted out with a strong curiosity, but the teacher's words made him stunned.

"Kill the **** white."

Wang Hao said calmly, the name of the Great Qin Empire Baiqi, it can be said that in Qin State, it is the child's words, in Qin State, the appearance of Bai Qi represents where the killing is.

Kill god

Qin Hongxi was stunned. After hearing this, there was a scene of contact with Bai Qi in his mind. He suddenly found that he was a little cold behind his back.

Did he imagine the difficulty of getting along, isn't it because of the strangeness of the other party? But after the teacher's reminder at this time, I suddenly found that this strange momentum is not murderous.

A murderous accumulation of countless murders, which made him stare at his teacher.

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