Dragon brain took over just a moment, Wang Hao knew Fang Bing's character long ago, and naturally knew that the other party could not always control Bai Qi's clone, so he prepared Dragon brain before.

Even, he not only allowed Dragon Brain to imitate Bai Qi's human design, he also set up many ancient celebrities, such as winning politics, and Wang Hao also allowed Dragon Brain to simulate human design, when he was not free, Just give it to Dragon Brain to control.

Because this time, Wang Hao felt that the clone of Shengzheng and Baiqi appeared, let him see a possibility, or a beautiful idea, that is to revive these celebrities, think about the confrontation between Xiang Yu and Lu Bu, think about The appearance of Liu Bang and Liu Bei, he was a little **** in his heart.

Although Wang Hao also knows that this is just a beautiful illusion, these clones have no soul, but for him, this illusion is achievable, even in the future, after he has new research on the soul Perhaps these ancient arrogances are the moment of real resurrection.

"Princess, the installation is complete."

Baiqi ... that is the dragon brain now, the tone is very cold.

Qin Hongxi's eyes were slightly stunned. He felt that the killing spirit in front of him had changed. The overall temperament, talking and talking became more chilly, and made him stand still, let him feel that the teacher in front of him, As if evolved.

"It really is a terrifying star power ... Actually so common, just a few days, it is like evolution."

Qin Hongxi has a strong emotion in his heart. He now listens to his teacher's explanation, and according to the teacher's words, the killing in front of him is not a body at all, but a doppelganger from scratch.

But now, he looked at the murderous **** in front of him. In just a few days, the whole person had evolved, which made him have to sigh that his teacher's staff is also a terrible strongman.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there are obvious changes so quickly.

Actually, there is no way for Wang Hao to explain this way, because the clones of Yingzheng and Baiqi have just appeared, and there is no slight cultivation base in the body, and there is no proper practice cultivation.

'S normal explanation is obviously not very reasonable, so Wang Hao chose a half-true and half-false explanation. The avatar is naturally an avatar, but the strength of the body is a side soldier who is even worse than Qin Hongxi.

Fortunately, Qin Hongxi witnessed the remodeling of his body, and he was convinced of Wang Hao's words.

"Enter the countdown."

Wang Hao nodded softly, and there was a look of excitement on his face. The white clone in front of him, after being handed over to Dragon Brain to control, did not have the kind of awkward feeling when getting along with Fang Bing. Instead, he felt The person in front of him is just like the real Bai Qi.

He is now bothered by the delay of control, and if this time, the wormhole is really open, it will also allow him to complete the layout of the world of Tianyan faster.

"Ten ... nine ... eight ... three ... two ... one, burst."

Bai Qi's tone is cold and even reveals strong killing intentions. Of course, these killing intentions are actually created by Dragon Brain itself. After all, Dragon Brain is not a Fang Bing. In terms of ability, Fang Bing is compared with Dragon Brain. , Completely one by one, without any comparability.

Uses a variety of factors, environment, tone, body movements, with Bai Qi's murderous design physique, under the influence of various factors.

Baiqi at this time seems to be like Baiqi in a peak period, the killing **** Baiqi who killed 400,000 soldiers in the pit.

Even when Wang Hao looked at Bai Qi at this time, he would have an illusion that Bai Qi in front of him was really the same.

Qin Hongxi's feelings about Bai Qi's changes are the most intuitive. He now feels that the killing **** Bai Qi is truly awakened.

But Qin Hongxi hadn't had much time to think about it, and suddenly felt the energy in this piece suddenly went violent. With a loud noise, he stared blankly at the scene in front of him. At this time, the whole mountain seemed to have been flattened ... Bumpy.

Is not just as simple as the flattened mountain. He stood on another mountain and took a serious look. The top of the whole mountain was cut a lot.

And at the center, there was a huge pit.

Puzzled him that a **** pool appeared at the bottom of the deep pit.

However, looking at such power, he was shocked and very shocked. Such strength, even in the presence of the Three Realms, could not achieve such terrifying strength.

Even the existence of the Three Realms is at best only the strength of the individual.

Fortunately in his heart, he just listened to the teacher's words, and stayed away, otherwise he would have been horrified that he had already lost his bones?

Qin Hongxi turned to look at his teacher. At this time, his face was calm, as if he had not been intimidated by the terrifying destructive power in front of him. Obviously, he had known such destructive power for a long time, which made him think carefully. At a low point ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the strength he possesses is not what he can imagine.

But when he glanced at the flattened mountain, he suddenly felt something was not right, but he didn't want to understand.

And Qin Hongxi ’s guard looked blankly at Wang Hao and Bai Qi, and looked at Wang Hao and Bai Qi, with a strong fear, they had never seen a bomb or something, and naturally thought It is the strength of the other party.

After all, Qin Hongxi ’s personal guards do n’t think that a round ball about two fists in size can have such strong power. Now they think about it seriously, they do n’t seem to offend each other, which makes them feel Quiet.

Compared to Qin Hongxi's sluggishness, the guards were afraid that Wang Hao was frowning, because he found an unusual phenomenon, the power of the energy hedge bomb, he was not surprised.

Leveling a mountain, this is still a slightly weakened energy hedge bomb. Think about the energy hedge bomb. Although the peak power is not as good as a laser weapon, it really needs to be calculated. The energy hedge bomb is more powerful than a laser cannon. It's just half a layer weak.

After Wang Hao discovered something unusual, he picked up something like a compass again. After glancing at it, his heart suddenly burst out because he discovered the unusual root.

"True tm ..."

With a hurry, Wang Hao could n’t help but scold his mother because he discovered that this pool water was not **** at all. After using the monitoring device, he suddenly found that there was a monster hidden in the mountain, a monster of enormous size , Is exuding that life fluctuations and energy fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger.

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