Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 902: People who are brainwashed by Yanhuangism values

"Just find a place to blow up, want to open a wormhole, and actually get a monster out ..."

Wang Hao even felt far apart, he could feel the ground trembling slightly, which made his eyes sink uncontrollably, and there was suddenly a bad hunch in his heart.

Because he felt that the monsters in the mountain were not something he could contend with. He did not expect that his wormhole did not explode, but he exploded such a horrible monster.

He saw such a situation, the whole mountain was shaking, and the curiosity in his heart made Wang Hao stop.

"You go first."

Wang Hao turned his head and looked at Qin Hongxi and others. He didn't lose his mind. He was just a clone.

Although this is a carefully designed clone, in his mind, it is still just a clone, and it is no big deal if he dies.

Let's say that now that the equipment has been made, he wants to make clones again, which only takes a few days, and he doesn't care at all.

But Qin Hongxi is different. Once the other party dies, his carefully thought-out plan will fall into a passive position, which has a great influence on his plan.

"Teacher ..."

Qin Hongxi hesitated for a moment, looked at Wang Hao in his eyes, as if asking for proof.

But he was destined to be disappointed, Wang Hao's attention was not at all with him, but after a glance, he carefully looked at the changes in the mountain, and occasionally looked at the monitoring device in his hand.

"You leave first, this is not what you can cope with, this mountain is actually a monster, I will come to you later."

Wang Hao turned his head and said again that his eyes showed a strong light, his eyes were curious and even more intense.

"it is good."

Qin Hongxi's thoughts flashed in his mind. He thought that the teacher was only testing himself, but after observing it, he found that he really wanted to let himself go, rather than testing himself.

After a few days of getting along, Qin Hongxi could not understand the teacher in front of him, but in these few days, his respect for Wang Hao became deeper and deeper.

Faced with Wang Hao, who didn't seem to be kidding, he still obeyed, quickly greeted several loyal guards who came with him, and withdrew to the rear.

Wang Hao looked at the people who had left and nodded gently. His knowledge of Qin Hongxi took another layer, decisive and obedient.

Then he turned to look at the shaking mountain. At this time, a huge crack had appeared in the mountain. There was a creature appearing to break out of the shell from the inside, which made Wang Hao look at it dumbly. The hill, although it is said to be a hill, is at least nearly ten kilometers in size, but he did not expect that there was a huge monster inside.

"Baiqi, prepare for the most frequent energy hedge explosion, height 375, throw it all out."

Wang Hao looked at the monster that was about to break out of his shell, and he couldn't believe it because he saw the size of the monster's body, which was completely beyond his imagination.

It can even be said that it was completely just how old I was, just how big this blame was on me. However, shocked and shocked, Wang Hao still calmly dealt with it, with his character, letting him sit and die, it is impossible.


Bai Qi, controlled by the dragon brain, nodded his head gently with a movement that conformed to the logic of human behavior, and said with a deep voice.

Then took out a round ball with a shiny appearance from the bag. After a little calculation, the ball in his hand was thrown out.

While moving on this hill, Mo Wuxin in Luo Xingzong suddenly opened his eyes, and glanced at the direction that made him feel a little worried.

"Over there, there is a terrifying energy fluctuation, what is this ..." Mo Wu muttered to himself, he hesitated for a moment, his figure moved, and he immediately moved in the direction of energy fluctuation.

In the control center of the flagship of the vast fleet, what Wang Hao encountered was instantly known by Yang Lu and others.

They looked at the picture returned by the feedback, and there was a shock on their faces, because this monster that broke out of the mountain was really too big.

Is so big that they all doubt their lives.

"What the **** is this, too big."

Yang Lu couldn't believe it, rubbed his eyes, and watched the cracks from the mountain grow bigger and bigger, but the monster inside remained bottomless, as if it had broken out of the shell.

And other research assistants also looked at Leng Leng. Compared with the unbelievable Yang Lu and others in the vast fleet, Qin Hongxi and his few loyal guards showed their eyes in fear.

"Is this a thousand years ago ... the descendants of the swallowing lord of the world ..."

Qin Hongxi's eyes were dull, and he looked at the monster with a more and more plump image coming out of the mountain.

Has a huge head, but the ratio of body to head is very good, and the whole body is covered with dark scales.

At first glance, it was known that the scales had extremely strong defensive power, matched with sturdy limbs, and braved red eyes. This image is not beautiful, but it has unprecedented dominance.

But what scared him was not the domineering size of the other party, but the image of the other party, which was very similar to the monster he had seen in the collection of historical books in the royal family.

That is the descendant of the Lord who swallowed the sky ... A thousand years of turmoil existed in the entire Tianyan world, a real top emperor monster.

If that is all, he will not be so impressed, because in the historical records he saw, he mentioned that this monster is a descendant of the Lord who swallowed the sky.

Who is the Lord of Swallowing Heaven ... that is the Lord of Heavenly Swing, claiming to be the existence of the Lord of the World, even when the Lord of Heavenly Swing does not appear, the Lord of Swallowing Heaven reigns over the Corps of Alien Beasts, enslaves humans, and humans For food, humans at that time were like the food they were raised.

After the emergence of Lord Tianyan, he fought with humanity and fought against the Lord of Swallow for a few rounds, regardless of victory or defeat, and finally used human wisdom to successfully defeat the Lord of Swallow. After that, the Lord of Swallow disappeared without a trace.

Has created a situation where people are now dominant, and the situation is completely reversed.

But a thousand years ago, there suddenly appeared an identical with the Lord of Heaven Swallowing ~ ~ but the body was much smaller, which made the powerful people at that time agree that this is the descendant of the Lord Swallowing Heaven.

This monster, known as the Devouring Heavenly Beast, also indirectly proves that the Lord Swallowing Heaven is powerful, and its growth rate is extremely abnormal. From the original state of Yanyuan when it first appeared, the state along the way is as fast as there is no bottleneck. After attracting the attention of the Tiangong, the Swallowing Beast has already grown into the Emperor Realm, and its strength is even against the sky.

But under the madness of the Tiangong, the Swallowing Beast suffered extremely severe trauma and escaped. Since then, in the Tianyan world, the trace of the Swallowing Beast has been lost.

Many strong men said that Tian Tian Beast left Tianyan World and went to the starry sky like the Lord of Tian Tian, ​​but Qin Hongxi did not expect that the Tian Tian Beast suspected to be thousands of years ago was actually near the capital of Qin Kingdom. Turned into a mountain.

"How is this good."

Qin Hongxi's face showed a hint of anxiety. After Wang Hao's guidance and teaching, he valued his own people, and he had already unknowingly changed.

Perhaps what Wang Hao said was too beautiful and too real, which convinced him from Yan Yan's socialist values.

Looks forward to Qin's development on the road of Yanhuang socialism.

Because of this, the change in Qin Hongxi's mentality caused him to worry about the people of Qin State.

If Wang Hao knew Qin Hongxi's thoughts, he would laugh out loud, which shows that his brainwashing plan was very successful.

Walking out of the socialist value in the world of Tianyan, for Wang Hao, this is a challenge that I want to try, and it is now the first step.

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