Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 904: Really come and go, and go and go

"The falling star Sect Master Mo Wu."

Qin Hongxi's eyes showed a color that he couldn't believe. He stared blankly at this suddenly appearing person. After a hard encounter with the swallowing beast, he turned around and left instantly, but as Qin's superior, how could he possibly I don't know the name of the Sovereign of the Falling Stars.

After growing up, the first time is to know who can provoke and who can't provoke. This is also the way of survival of the bottom country, and the Sovereign of the Falling Star is listed as the most unpromising person because it is not just above the Qin Kingdom. The ruler is a terrifying emperor.

"Who said that this swallowing beast is fake?"

Qin Hongxi turned to glance at the false guardian who swallowed the beast before. His eyes seemed to be asking each other, and also asking himself.

The guards looked at each other, and there was an unbelievable color on their faces. One of the guards swallowed secretly and hid behind others, but he seemed to have thought of everything, and his eyes fell uncontrollably. The two people in the previous position, at this time the two people's calm back, as if to say that this is a breeze.

"It's really a hurry to come and hurry."

Wang Hao looked at the person who appeared and sighed. After facing the Tianyan world for several times, he developed an energy monitoring device for him. He naturally detected a person close to him, as if he was in a palace. The energy fluctuation of the Lord is almost the same.

Originally worried about how to deal with this person for a while, but did not expect that this monster was like a spitting energy ball. It had such great power that it immediately destroyed the emperor's realm.

This made him happy, and the sudden change in the situation made him blurt out a slogan he often saw.

"God tm comes and goes in a hurry."

The people in the flagship looked at each other, looking at a serious Wang Hao speechlessly, Fang Bing said with admiration.

While Qin Hongxi watched the situation turn sharply down, and then looked at Mo Wu and Tian Tian Beast, who disappeared, he could not help but hesitated for a moment, and immediately walked towards where Wang Hao was.

"Teacher, are you okay."

Just as Wang Hao looked at the giant monster leaving, there was still speechless on his face. Qin Hongxi rushed over with people, after all, the swallowing beast left, and it is relatively safe here.

"It's okay, what the **** is this, the strength is quite strong."

Wang Hao looked at the leaving monster, shook his head gently, and said with some emotion, that the monster's strength could actually explode in the body under the energy hedge bomb without death.

It stands to reason that the body's defense should not be weaker? But he saw something completely out of the ordinary on this monster.

The world is really big.

Wang Hao also made a whisper in his heart. The monster in front of him completely refreshed his values ​​again.

"The stuff is pretty strong."

Qin Hongxi looked dumbfounded and gave Wang Hao a serious look, but he thought of the roar of the devastating beast with a trace of fear, and thought of Mo Wu, the falling star Sect Master who had been thrown away by vomiting blood under the contact, he suddenly discovered His teacher is more powerful than he estimated in his heart.

The same was true of the guards behind Qin Hongxi. Several loyal guards stared at Wang Hao dumbfounded. At this time, there were still some puzzles. The guards felt that the prince they were following would rise. This powerful terrorist is actually the teacher of the prince.

If Qin Hongxi can really seize the supreme imperial power of the Qin Kingdom, they are the most willing to see these defenders. After all, once they participate in the battle for the throne, it is not easy to withdraw, and other princes competing for the imperial power will inevitably have no grudge.

Once they failed, the end of these guardians was tragic, very few were included, and more of them were directly killed.

"Teacher called Tian Tian Beast, was out of trouble a thousand years ago, but the whereabouts of the besieged disappeared."

Qin Hongxi looked at Wang Hao still looking at the direction of the disappearance of the swallowing beast, even if he could no longer see the shadow of the swallowing beast, but his teacher's face still had a strong curiosity and could not help explaining.

"Swallow the beast? Tell me in detail."

Wang Hao was stunned, and there was a strong excitement in his heart, because his demand for this kind of beast swallow is really too great. If the swallow beast can open the wormhole in the body like this time, then for him, This is definitely a thing to be carried out.

"It's been too long, and I'm just a little bit impressed now. Specifically, I have to take a look in the royal arsenal."

Qin Hongxi looked at Wang Hao excitedly and said.

"Then let's talk again."

Wang Hao thought about it. There is such a big thing here. It is estimated that other people will come to pay attention soon. This time he is planted, feeling the more and more serious delays in his body. He is helpless.

The wormhole was opened, but it actually hit the monster's body, and it was connected to the flagship and the wormhole signal of the source star. Wang Hao was also helpless. He actually made a mobile inadvertently. signal source.

This made him have a very strong idea for the swallowing beast. If the swallowing beast can make a moving energy source in his body, can he grab the swallowing beast and then mass-produce it? Where will he need to open a wormhole?

When sailing to the Starry Sky, you can even directly take the swallowing beast as a mascot, and take it everywhere you go, and wherever the swallowing beast goes, there will be a signal from his wormhole.

However, when Wang Hao's mind turned, a lot of black spots appeared in the distance instantly, and he was approaching quickly.

"Yo, this is not my dear brother, it seems that your business ability is really not good. Look, after your workshop reaches my hands, the income has increased several times in an instant, and you, the economic source is cut off. Right? I heard that you cut a lot of family members. How about I support you? If you pass it out, a prince competing for the throne ca n’t afford the family members, and we have no face. "

When a group of people fell, a sudden yin-yang sound interrupted Wang Hao who was about to leave.

This voice made him look up at each other involuntarily, and saw two young men in Jinyi, followed by a large number of armed men, fully armed people, and the standard half-state, let Wang Hao instantly realize that this might Is one of the princes of Qin State.

Obviously, the other party is better than Qin Hongxi as a prince.

"Did you forget what I taught you? Shen Xin, laugh until the end."

Wang Hao said with a deep voice, holding down the words that were obviously being touched by the other party, and the somewhat abnormal Qin Hongxi was irritated, with a stern expression on his face.

"is teacher."

Qin Hongxi was stunned. He thought about Wang Hao's words in his heart. He had long been accustomed to what Wang Hao said, because the other party would sometimes come up with some very philosophical words that were meaningful and made him understand a lot.

This is also the reason why he had a strong respect for Wang Hao in just a few days.

Because he feels that in just a few days, he has learned more than he has in the past two decades, and has a very far-reaching influence, which is gradually affecting his mentality ~ ~ Who are you. "

Qin Yu looked at Qin Hongxi's failure to stand up. His eyes were stunned, and there was a look of surprise on his face. He turned his head and gave Wang Hao a serious look, his brow furrowed slightly.

He said that Qin Hongxi fell, because his brother is also one of the contenders for the throne. As the so-called peer is the enemy, as the younger brother of the contender for the throne, he knew that he could not have a good relationship with other contenders for the throne. Relationship.

Even if the relationship between the brothers is not very good, it will not be too close to another prince competing for the throne, unless the two brothers both declare that they will participate in the battle for the throne.

"Let's go."

Wang Hao glanced at Qin language, and he didn't say much, because he was thinking about the mobile signal source in his mind now, and he was planning how to capture this mobile signal source. Naturally, there was no idle time to bludge with the other party.


Qin Yu hasn't spoken yet, and the armored guards that followed him stood out from the crowd. If Qin Hongxi behaved like this, these guards would naturally not stand out like this. After all, even a weak prince is much higher than their status. In the Qin Kingdom, the indecent thoughts of the royal family have long been deeply rooted.

But what stands out is not the prince Qin Hongxi, but a person around Qin Hongxi, they naturally have no scruples, as long as they are not directly against the prince Qin Hongxi, a person who looks ordinary, they can naturally cope It ’s not unreasonable for them to do so, because their understanding of their masters obviously means that Qin Hongxi is in trouble: / 77940 /

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