Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 905: Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Wang Hao glanced, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and looked at the armored guards who were coming to him. Although his face was plain, his mood was not very good.

He just wants to go back early now, make a few devices, search for the beast that has become a mobile signal source in his eyes, but the people in front of him are looking for trouble for no reason.

After the baptism of the universe, after the war between the source star and the source beast, and even after experiencing the universe war in the Meiwen Alliance, Wang Hao is no longer the character of the earth.

He knows that under such a big era as the interstellar, the more indecisive, the more there is no guarantee for his own interests.

Because the other party will not make concessions because of your retreat, just like before.

Qin Hongxi's several loyal guards were all right. They all looked at the armor brought by Qin Yu with a look of anticipation, as if expecting the opponent's shot.

However, Qin Hongxi's eyes fell on a young man with a dignified face, Qin Tiange, this brother of Qin language, is also a powerful contender for the throne, and he is also a talented cultivator.

Qin Tiange can be said to be the most powerful one among the contenders for the throne this time. The natal power is the largest family in Qin Kingdom, and it is also a genius who is a genius and an inner disciple of Luo Xingzong.

Coupled with Qin Tiange's own talents, many important officials of Qin State are Qin Tiange's supporters. Facing Qin Tiange's strength, Qin Hongxi's heart has long been no desire for the throne, because Qin Tiange's conditions and strengths in all aspects , Made him daunted.

But it is different now.

After Qin Hongxi glanced at Qin Tiange, he turned to Wang Hao. He had a strong confidence in his heart. As long as he had the support of his teacher, Qin Tiange was nothing.

Next to himself, but a real starry overlord, a ruler across several worlds.


Qin Tiange, who stood beside Qin Yu, glanced at everyone's eyes, especially looking at the other person's face with calm, calm eyes, as if he understood something in his heart, and raised his hand to stop the movement of Jiashi, but seriously He glanced at Wang Hao and Qin Hongxi again, wanting to see something.

After the two lingered for a long time, he withdrew his gaze. The relationship between the two, in the eyes of Qin Tiange, is really a bit weird. From the standpoint of Qin Hongxi and his eyes, the other party is actually centered on a person who has no cultivation .

There are weird.

As the most powerful contender for the throne, Qin Tiange is naturally not stupid and immediately reacted. Qin Hongxi in front of him and this person who does not have cultivation practices must have something weird.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, and don't ask me to sit down. You came here first, but you found out what happened here."

Qin Tiange took a deep look at Wang Hao. The original majestic face suddenly turned into a smiling face like a face change, and said in a very cordial way.

This made Wang Hao's eyes flash an accident, even speechless, the other party's expression reminded him of Hua Guochuan's face change, and the rapid change made him caught off guard.

Wang Hao shook his head involuntarily. He felt that the other party had been too hypocritical, even if he had not understood the relationship between Qin Hongxi and the other party before.

But he saw at a glance that the relationship between the two could not be described as good.

"We just played around here, not quite sure."

Qin Hongxi was obviously unable to adapt to the other party's changes, and shook his head gently.

"Hongxi, you talk slowly, I have something to do, go back first."

Wang Hao glanced at Qin Tiange and Qin Yu, who was standing next to him, shaking his head at the bottom of his heart. He had no idle time to talk to these people.

His time has always been very precious. On weekdays, he is either studying or thinking about the direction of the study. How can there be time to talk to these people.

Qin Tiange hasn't responded yet, but Qin Yu is stunned. He has never been treated in such a disregarded way, as if chatting with himself is their fault.

"you wanna die..."

Qin Tiange's words were just exported, and Qin Tiange was pressed down. At this time, Qin Tiange was looking at Wang Hao in amazement, with a deep confusion in his eyes, as if thinking about who the other party was.

Why there is no such a person in my heart.

The words of Qin language made Wang Hao look at Qin language indifferently, his eyes calm, and he did not speak. Although he was only the first time to see the performance, he knew that the other party was definitely not simple.

But Wang Hao didn't know that in his calm eyes, he showed a strong momentum, which made Qin Tiange and Qin Yu couldn't help.

This momentum, there is a kind of domineering contempt, as if looking at his own eyes, just like ants, and the other party is a high god, dominating their life and death.

They did not know why there was such an illusion. Even Qin Hongxi felt his teacher's momentum at this time, and a strong scorch flashed in his heart. This is his teacher, which is the momentum of the starry overlord.

Especially watching his teacher glance calmly, everyone seemed to dare not breathe, Qin Hongxi suddenly had a yearning in his heart, he also hoped that he would have such a day, one eye can make people unmatched Think about it.

Actually, Wang Hao was also surprised, but after thinking about it, he thought of some reasons. Although he said that he claimed to be Wang Hao, this clone was a winning clone, specially designed.

Originally had a strong psychological suggestion, but did not hide it. After he was stimulated by Qin's words, he unconsciously revealed his own momentum.

Wang Hao ’s status as a terrestrial star, the decisive killing cultivated in the Mayvin Alliance space battle, and the control temperament accumulated over the years.

In addition, Wang Hao looked at Qin Tiange and Qin Yu, and at a glance they could see the immature spirit remaining in them. Qin Tiange was better, although there were, but it did not seem obvious, but he did not hide it. Wang Hao's spicy eyes are natural. In Wang Hao's heart, these two people are like a child, and they do not put each other on a level.

Under such a synthesis, it shows such a terrifying momentum, which makes people's minds unmatched.


Qin Hongxi looked at Wang Hao's back, and instantly responded, said a word, and followed without hesitation. In his mind, the status of the two people in front of him was not as good as his teacher.


Qin Hongxi left quickly and immediately followed.

"About your economic benefits, I will arrange for someone to solve it for you."

Wang Hao looked at Qin Hongxi who followed him, and naturally knew what the other party said. This was because of his reasons, so Qin Hongxi collected materials and had to hand it over. He was still lamenting Qin Hongxi ’s courage, but now Qin Hongxi Actually cutting the house.

This is something Wang Hao didn't even think of ~ ~ Now that he knows it, he will naturally find a way to solve it for Qin Hongxi, but the other party is his own student.

"Teacher, I made you laugh."

Qin Hongxi bowed his head in shame, which was not something that could be seen.

"What a joke, it just so happens, I will arrange people to teach you some new knowledge. The direction of the subject is, on the importance of the economy to the country, this lesson can also be called lifeline."

Wang Hao smiled and shook his head gently. His teaching has always been not just theory, but practice of truth. Since Qin Hongxi has such a perseverance to the imperial power, it is natural to have some knowledge about the economy. Take economic regulation as the direction of the next step.

"Teacher, what is the economy?"

Qin Hongxi stepped in, his face showed strong curiosity, the word economy, he had never heard of it, and naturally there is no slightest concept.

"You can understand it as money, and the problems that can be solved with money are not problems, it is the economy. You understand it first. The specific meaning is not clear in a short time. I will arrange someone to train you then. "

Wang Hao shook his head. If the economic system was to be introduced, it was too huge. He casually found a paragraph on the Internet and said, the other still has some reason.

"Problems that can be solved with money are not called problems ..."

Qin Hongxi muttered to himself, although he really did not understand this sentence, because in the world of Tianyan, money has always been unable to solve the problem, but he always felt that this sentence has extremely far-reaching significance.

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