Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 906: No experience of cultivation at all

"Still not found?"

Qin Tiange's brow furrowed and looked at Qin language, looking a little ugly.

"No, according to my current understanding, the two people, just as they just appeared, did not find the roots of the two people at all."

Qin Yu shook his head, and there was a look of doubt on his face. At this time, he still had an arrogant outside, but said with a serious opening.

"Continue to investigate, I will go and meet them for a while."

Qin Tiange was silent for a while, as if he had made up his mind, the change of Qin's language, he didn't put it in his heart, this was a common thing.

The other party's arrogance outside is actually just a disguise. If you are really serious and observe Qin Yu for a long time, you will find that Qin Yu's arrogant behavior is actually only the target he chose.

And these goals are simply impossible to have a big impact on themselves.

"it is good."

Qin Yu nodded gently, he had his own wisdom, knowing how to hide his ability under the sharp edge of Qin Tiange, so he was just a dude, but in the dark, he was Qin Tiange ’s intelligence official.

Established an intelligence organization dedicated to serving Qin Tiange.

Who the **** are you ...

Qin Tiange murmured and looked out of the window. He didn't take Qin Hongxi in his eyes, and Qin Hongxi did not have enough strength to let him see Qin Hongxi, but now two people suddenly appeared.

Especially one of them made him a little imperceptible, and made him a little puzzled. After he thought about it, he had a decision in his heart. He decided to go to Qin Hongxi and get to know it in person.

Knowing that he is known to each other, this is how Qin Tiange does things. Because of this, Qin Tiange is favored by many ministers.

Qin Tiange put his younger brother in control of the intelligence organization, and also let him know the other princes competing for the throne, and even the forces behind him, but now Qin Hongxi is suddenly surrounded by two mysterious figures.

Unable to investigate clearly, he was really upset.

In the mansion of Qin Hongxi, Wang Hao was completely unaware that he had become a thorn in Qin Tiange's heart. In these days, he can say that Tian Tian is studying the way of cultivation, targeting the physique of Yanhuang people, really Not to mention, let him find a new way.

"Sure enough, it is really poor and rich."

After Wang Hao practiced a lot, his face expressed emotion. He found that the clone's body cultivation speed was not slow, but this was far from the limit of cultivation. If you add some external force, the cultivation speed of the clone can still be Raise again.

These external forces are naturally celestial treasures, but even if there is no celestial treasures, the cultivation speed of clones is really not slow. He also knows why Xiao Tian will be taken away.

Although there are many other clones in the clone data in the vast center, the most cloned nature is Xiao Tian ’s clone. The ability that was originally shown is the speed of cultivation.

But when the clone really arrived in the world of Tianyan, Wang Hao discovered that the clone based on Xiao Tian was terrifying at the speed of cultivation, and the reference object was naturally the guard in the Qin Hongxi mansion.

Especially the few people who went out with Qin Hongxi and Wang Hao, after they came back, they were simply respectful, and Wang Hao had something to ask. Naturally, he answered everything and let Wang Hao understand the practice of this world. system.

The next three realms are divided into a self-cultivation realm, a Zhuangyuan realm, and a qi realm. Take the self-cultivation realm as an example. Most of these guardians are self-cultivation realms, but the realm level is not the same. Some self-cultivation realms The environment is the nine-fold cultivation practice, and some are the eight-fold cultivation practice.

And from the beginning of cultivation, an ordinary cultivator, to cultivate to the ninth level of cultivation, it takes at least five to ten years, but Wang Hao now controls the clone.

After practicing for an hour, he reached the first floor of the Slim State, and reached the second floor of the Slim State within a few hours. In a day, he has reached the triple level of the Slim State.

And now a few days have passed, and it has actually reached the fifth level of cultivation, and it may break through the sixth level of cultivation at any time.

The speed of cultivation made Wang Hao think at first that there was a problem with the exercises he studied. How did he feel that cultivation was so easy? He read many classics and said that cultivation is difficult, but after cultivation.

He has no experience of the difficulty of cultivation at all. The speed of cultivation makes him feel the difficulty of cultivation in the realm at all.

Wang Hao has such an experience ... Perhaps he is a very special one in his own right, because after studying the clones in Tianyan World, and even manipulating clone cultivation, his body has not seen the strength of growth for a long time. Actually quickly improved.

Has even broken through the strength of the Seventh Heaven Constant Realm he formulated, and reached a new realm, but this realm, Wang Hao is not eager to be inserted into the cultivation system he formulated.

Because he also knew that the emergence of this state was entirely due to his own learning system, which allowed him to break through without obstacles after spending time.

And because of the collision between Tianyan World's cultivation system and Wang Hao's thoughts ~ ~ also made Wang Hao really think about the division of the realm of the realm of cultivation, if we take the winning political clone or his own If you look at the realm of strength.

The original realm is completely unrealistic, and Wang Hao has begun to reformulate a new realm division in response to what Tianyan World has seen and heard.

"Teacher ..."

Ling Yan skillfully walked out of a training mess. In Tianyan World, a world of martial arts, after she knew it, there was a strong urge to challenge Tianyan World. In order to give yourself pressure to practice.


Wang Hao watched Ling Yan come out, a smile appeared on his face, and nodded gently. Ling Yan ’s frosty face, especially the excitement in Ling Yan ’s eyes, and his full of fighting spirit, he knew Ling Yan was attracted by the practitioners of Tianyan World.

This clone completely made with Ling Yan ’s genes as a model is also a new attempt by him. He wanted to see if this clone of Ling Yan, under Ling Yan ’s own control, would it interact with Ling Yan? I, like myself, can improve my strength through battles.

If it can be improved in this way, it means that Ling Yan will become an extremely terrifying existence. In a world of personal martial arts like Tianyan World, Ling Yan's strength may be extremely fast.

However, Wang Hao is not optimistic about this attempt, because Ling Yan's method of improvement is really weird. The body's genes are not much different from those of other people.

Therefore, this is just an attempt by Wang Hao, and also prepared a clone based on Xiao Tian for Ling Yan.

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