"The tomb of the emperor's realm, you have a share, you are blocking the opportunity of others ... Damn ..."

At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly heard some familiar sounds. He thought about it for a moment and immediately knew who this man was. It was his younger brother, Ka Feng, who was soon separated from him.

"That is, you are completely blocking the chances of others, the inheritance of the powerful emperor, everyone can succeed."

"You family and forces clearly want to monopolize the tomb of the powerful emperor. We absolutely do not allow it, as long as we unite, we are not afraid of these forces at all."

Just after Wang Hao heard the words of Ka Feng exporting, similar sounds appeared in several other places, and the words of the tomb and opportunity of the Emperor Realm Powerhouse instantly ignited the eyes of ordinary practitioners.

Originally, they watched these forces unite together, and their hearts have shrunk. After all, knowing their own strength, they can't compete with these forces at all, let alone the combined forces.

Obviously, I just want to exclude myself from those who do loose training or some small forces. In the face of the strength of the big forces, some small forces are good, or loose training, there is not much way.

But as these few words appeared, the people present were instantly enlightened, yeah ... this is the tomb of the emperor realm, and the opportunity inside may be the best way to change their situation.

Besides, with so many people in the field, these forces are unlikely to be forced even if they want to press ...

Suddenly, there was a trace of agitation around the entire bronze giant gate. These few words made many small forces not very calm and talked about it.

After all, the law is not to blame, and all the people present have such a psychology, but Wang Hao understands in his heart, feeling that Sister Ka's brother still has some brains, and actually knows to pull everyone into the water.

This made Wang Haorao watch with interest and wanted to see the development of the next situation.

"Who ... who is talking, some kind of stand out ..."

The man who stood up just now stared, and a strong light appeared in his eyes. Suddenly, the voice of the entire discussion was suddenly suppressed, as if he did not dare to speak loudly.

But when this powerful person was looking for the sounds of the previous trouble-making, suddenly a light flashed in front of the bronze door, like a lightning, suddenly appeared, and went towards the person who spoke.

The speed was so fast that the extremely powerful person didn't react, only to see that a strong light appeared instantaneously and disappeared instantly.

"who is it...."

The extremely powerful person looked at his chest in disbelief. There was a fist-sized hole that directly penetrated the body. In his eyes, he could not believe that he would be killed in a flash.

He felt that his consciousness was getting worse and worse, his vision was becoming more and more blurred, and his body tilted slightly towards the sea of ​​sand.

"Five Brother ..."

"Five brothers."

A few hastily shouts, with a strong unbelievable tone, as if not believing that a sudden attack would directly kill their brothers in Yanyuan Realm.


After a few hurried voices reacted, a huge amount of hatred appeared on his face, and several sturdy cultivators were even more physically moved, killing them directly towards the area where the light shimmered just now.

And Ka Miao couldn't believe it, looking at the object in his hand.

"This is too powerful."

Ka Miao stared blankly at the object in her hand, her face was all inconceivable, although the master said that this object could issue the peak attack of the three realms, she originally thought that this was just a word, but there was no Thought, this is actually true.

"...so horrible..."

Ka Kuo's face also showed a strong disbelief, as if he hadn't thought about why such a terrifying power was emitted from this small object, and he killed a Yanyuan realm at once.

"Kill ... if you don't resist, you will definitely be killed by these great forces ..."

Ka Kuo was very shocked, but he did not forget what he had to do, that is, to create chaos. Now that he is a little neurotic, in his opinion, no matter how great the loss is, it cannot be compared with the tomb of the Emperor Realm.

Besides, these losses are not his own family's. He just promoted and disturbed the relationship. Looking at everything going as he expected, he was even more perfect than he thought. Naturally, he was not willing to let go of such a good opportunity. .



For a while, the bronze door was still slowly opening, but at a very slow speed. Feng Xingchi also looked at the scene of chaos in front of him. The situation was reversed so fast that he didn't have any at all. react to.


Feng Xingchi watched a group of Sanxiu rushing towards where he was, and he couldn't think about it anymore. His eyes flashed a bit coldly. After his ancestor Feng achieved the three realms, he really did not encounter any A force dared to charge the Feng Family.

What's more, a group of casual practitioners charged towards them, which, in Feng Xingchi's view, was a provocation against the Feng family and could not be tolerated.

"... Aren't people in Tianyan's world so irritable?"

If Feng Xingchi is unable to respond, then Wang Hao is completely ignorant. Although he is concerned about the next strategy of Sister Ka's brother, he did not expect it to be so simple and rough ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fired a laser gun and killed a person, actually stirred up a chaotic battle. In front of the bronze gate, the war broke out in an instant ...

This makes Wang Hao, who sees everything in his eyes, a little ignorant. He never thought that the situation would develop like this. He thought about it, the big forces found the black hand behind the scenes, and also thought that the sister Ka ’s brother would experience it after a while. Successfully achieve what you want.

But I never thought that it would be so easy to succeed ... Simple, let Wang Hao feel that the people in Tianyan World are stupid and do not want to use their brains.

"I rely on ... I deeply feel the superiority of my IQ."

Although Fang Bing didn't hear Ka Feng's voice, he also saw something that was not the same. Obviously someone was picking things, but he didn't expect that it was too easy to pick things up.

This makes him feel that his IQ has been hit by Wang Hao. At this moment, there is a feeling that everyone is drunk and I am awake alone.

"Okay .. Don't be intoxicated. The people of Tianyan World are stupid in practice, with developed limbs and simple mind."

Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing and shook his head helplessly. He felt that Tianyan World, as he said, had more practice, and he really didn't want to use his brain.

This also gave Wang Hao a sense of crisis in his heart. This is a warning. He does not want this kind of thing to happen in the vast research center and in the star country.

"Hao brother, what are we going to do ... continue to watch the show?"

Fang Bing watched the flames start instantly, the scope of the spread was huge, and he looked like a play.

"What's so beautiful about the play, we enter the tomb of the Emperor Realm."

Wang Hao glanced at the battle, and there was a word of silence on his face. After thinking for a while, he looked up at the bronze door, which had been opened a little, and it was obvious that he could enter. He could not help saying.

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