There are many others who have the same thoughts as Wang Hao. They want to take advantage of other practitioners in the battle to enter the bronze gate and get the chance of inheriting the emperor realm.

"Kamio, the layout is good ..."

Wang Hao looked at some familiar people and met in front of the bronze gate, with a smile on his face.

"Ah ... master ... you too ..."

After hearing some familiar voices, Ka Miao couldn't help tightening her voice, turned her head to look at Wang Hao, and there was a complex color on her face. Even her hand holding the laser gun could not help but tighten.

"We also go in .. However, you can rest assured that our purpose is not the same as yours. Inheriting us has no idea, you are whatever you want."

Wang Hao glanced at Ka Miu ’s expression and instantly knew what the other party was thinking, but his face was plain. Although the inheritance of the Emperor Realm Strongman was very attractive to him, it was not that he came here The main purpose.

There is only one main purpose for him to come here, that is, to study the bones of a powerful emperor, to see if he can find some signs of the existence of the soul, because he has found that with the current development research pattern, the soul has become Wang Hao continued to study the resistance.

The project that replaces soul research should only be regarded as artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence has a lot of disadvantages. Like Dragon Brain, after such a long period of training, it has not yet produced feelings and is limited by the computing system. If the mechanism is not large enough, the ability of artificial intelligence is not much better than humans.

To put it another way, DragonBrain has powerful intelligent computing and can perform a set degree, but all of this is built on the vast research center. The huge computing center, but with the expansion of Wang Hao, computing The center area is getting bigger and bigger, and it has been expanded to the extreme.

If you only use DragonBrain to control everything, then you only need to continue to build the computing center. The only difference is that DragonBrain is increasingly demanding the size of the computing center.

This is why Wang Hao wants to find another way to see if he can find some principles about the soul in the tomb of the Emperor Realm.

"That master, we have advanced."

Ka Miao gave Wang Hao a serious look, looked at the Ka clan chief Kakuo, and after a few exchanges, nodded gently and said.

"it is good."

Wang Hao nodded gently, and his face was still casual. He looked naturally at the eye contact between Ka Miu and Ka Kuo, but since the other party did n’t introduce it, he did n’t need to tangle. After all, the other party did n’t have any For him, the strength is just like that. If the other side does not say, he has no desire to understand.

Even if the other party said, he has no interest in understanding and is not helpful to his research.

For Wang Hao, Ka Kuo really could n’t see through it, and it was precisely because he could n’t see the two people in front of him that he let Ka Miao not do excessive behavior. The power of the laser gun he had seen so close The distance, under a shot, is estimated to be only a way to death.

But looking at the calmness in Wang Hao's face, and the deep disregard, he looked at the bronze door with curiosity, as if they were not seen in the eyes of the other party, all of which made Kaku really unable to make up his mind. .

"The patriarch, why not kill those two, so that there will be less competition ..."

Ka Miao actually understood the patriarch ’s decision, but other people did not understand it, because in their view, they possessed such a powerful weapon that they did n’t need to be empty.

"Shut up, this weapon was given to Ka Miu by the other party ... Go ... we hurried in."

Ka Kuo glanced at other people angrily. How could he not understand that the more people killed, the less competition, but in the face of Wang Hao, he really couldn't afford the courage, although he said that he had more contact with Wang Hao Less, but in the face of Wang Hao's gentle paper-like attitude, he really dared not provoke, nor did he want to provoke such a completely ignorant person.

"Hao brother, these are white-eyed wolves. The people are unpredictable. You helped the other party, but the other party actually wanted to mess with us."

Fang Bing is not stupid now. Looking at Ka Miu's back, his face showed a slight disdain. The other party's performance, he also saw something, but it was just not as clear and thorough as Wang Hao saw.

"There is no help, it's just in exchange for their own interests. You have also experienced the benefits of breaking the virtual eye. I used the other person's eyes to copy out the broken virtual eyes, and I protected the other for a while and compensated A laser weapon with a positioning, it's just the two clear ... I don't exist, I helped the white-eyed wolf. "

After hearing Fang Bing ’s words, Wang Hao shook his head. In his view, he was not regarded as helping each other, but only an exchange of interests. Although this exchange was decided by him in one direction, he originally Feeling a little owed to Ka Miao, this is why he kindly reminded the other party before.

But now some of Cao Mi's actions have made Wang Hao's deficit disappear.

Wang Hao didn't think much about ~ but wanted to prepare to go in and study the Tomb of the Emperor Realm.

Just when Wang Hao was about to step out again, he suddenly shouted and shocked Wang Hao.

"Bold ... I'll wait to enter."

Wang Hao turned his head and glanced, and saw a member of a big force in the distance, as if he had found himself and others, accompanied by a loud drink, his figure came toward Wang Hao quickly.


Wang Hao glanced at the person who was coming quickly, spit out two words, and walked into the opened bronze door without hesitation.

For Wang Hao, this person's big drink can't affect him at all. If the other party dares to go further, he will definitely give the other party a good look.

Just when the master of the big power wanted to take further action, a huge wave of shouting and killing sounded. It scared him all.

"Kill ... the inheritance of the powerful emperor ..."

The eyes of the casual practitioners are burning, and they always have their own attachment to the tomb of the Emperor Realm. They were originally born with bad and talents. They have a more extraordinary attachment to the Tomb of the Emperor Realm.

Along with the shouting from the heart of Sanxu, the whole war situation was in a turmoil for a moment. Sanxu and some small forces watched that someone had entered the tomb of the Emperor Realm Powerful.

And those who blocked the big forces before, even watching someone enter the tomb of the emperor realm, one by one, not willing to fall behind, gave up their opponents who fought for a long time, and quickly flew directly into the already opened bronze gate .

In a moment, the chaotic battlefield was more chaotically concentrated to a point, that is, where the bronze gate is, just like an hourglass, the bronze gate is the smallest level of the hourglass, where all major forces and masters show their magical powers. , Just to be able to enter the bronze door.

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