Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 929: Seeing may not be true

"Master, do we want to enter."

A master of the Three Realms, frowning at the chaos in front of the bronze door, hesitated for a moment.

"Nonsense, sure to enter .. Who dares to stop us and kill him directly."

Feng Xingchi's face was a bit ugly, and there was a strong spirit in his words. The tomb of the emperor realm was originally discovered by him, but now it has become a shared thing.

This made him how to calm down. The anger in his heart had already tickled the siblings of the Ka family and the people inside the misty forest.

But he knew that when all this was not entangled, the most important thing now was to enter the bronze gate and fight for the inheritance of the powerful emperor.

"Haha ... this is what this seat wants, the more people enter, that means the greater the choice of this seat ... the emperor of the ego is about to see the sun again."

In the depths of the tomb of the Emperor Realm, beneath a tombstone, there was suddenly an excited laugh.

For all these confusions, there is no slight difference for Wang Hao, because after he entered, he had a strong excitement in his face and looked around with curiosity.

"Pure source jade ... virtual alchemy ... this is all the top material for making magic weapon ..."

After entering the bronze gate, many cultivators looked at the huge palace underground, where the golden light and the white light intermingled ... so that everyone was dumbfounded.

Even Feng Xingchi, who thought he had seen the world, looked at the scene in front of him, and looked at it blankly, completely speechless.

"This great emperor, really generous ... too rich?"

After Fang Bing entered, he stared blankly at the scene in front of him. There was a shock in his face and muttered to himself. The scene in front of him really shocked him.

When he was in the Earth Star Kingdom, he had read the news and said how many people were buried in the ancient tomb and how many gold and silver treasures there were.

But after taking a look at the tomb of Zhitian Emperor, he found that the tombs of Huaguo were all pediatrics. Compared with the tomb of Zhitian Emperor in front of him, he was completely innocent.

"What you see may not be true. If you look carefully, everything is just false."

When Wang Hao heard Fang Bing's words, he shook his head, and a look of curiosity appeared on his face. He looked around. This glorious, white and jade-like underground palace was almost no time, without revealing the sulking.

But after Wang Hao responded, he observed it carefully, but found something different.

"Boy, if you say it's virtual, it's virtual ... this is pure source jade ... virtual alchemy ..., developed, developed."

A person closer to Wang Hao, after showing excitement on his face, looked at the other side with disdain after hearing Wang Hao's words, then took out his weapon with excitement and wanted to smash it directly to the ground.

But at this moment someone suddenly opened his mouth with laughter, as if it was a newspaper.

"Haha ... this is pure source jade, virtual alchemy, how can you shake the top materials of a hardened weapon like a magic weapon with your broken weapons ..."

Another master, with a touch of ridicule, looked at the person who mocked Wang Hao before. He did not report the injustice for Wang Hao, but really mocked the person who wanted to use weapons to dig pure source jade and virtual alchemy. In his view, it is completely self-control.


But before this person finished speaking, Wang Hao was punched on the ground with a punch, and he was frightened, and there was a dull look on his face.

"Speaking, it may not be true ..."

Wang Hao shook his head, and the underhand punch was received, but a big hole was exposed on the ground, as if to prove what he said.

"Come on, let's move on."

Wang Hao glanced. He did n’t have much thought about the so-called refining materials. If everything in front of him was true, he would happily spend some energy to study it. The material, but through the broken eye on the clone, plus his analysis.

He has already determined that 90% of the so-called top materials of the refiner are all counterfeit products.

"Young Master, I will stop them."

One person next to Feng Xingchi, looking at Wang Hao's movement, wanted to start to stop the two, but was stopped by Feng Xingchi's hand.

"Leave them alone."

Feng Xingchi's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold light in his eyes. He thought that one of them was the one who took him away from the misty forest.

And looking at the position of the man he had seen before, he focused more on Wang Hao's body, because he could see at a glance that the two of them, led by Wang Hao.

The few intellects in his mind told him that the people in front of him must not be annoying.

"Genius .. It's a perfect genius .. I actually saw my formation, even found the weakness in the formation. I punched in the flaws of the formation. I had a special cultivation physique, and then cooperated with this. Eye after eye, it is definitely the talent of no ancient people before the world of Tianyan, it seems that the heavens are taking care of me .... The general trend of my ego is about to start ... "

The Emperor Zhitian in the deep of the tomb showed a strong excitement in his eyes. After thinking for a while, he thought for a moment, and he made a decision instantly. At the tombstone in the deep of the tomb, a thick black smoke suddenly appeared ~ Instantly became invisible and phaseless, dissipating in the darkness.

"Is this really true? ... I rely on .. I hurt my hand ..."

Others looked at Wang Hao in a relaxed manner, and there was a hint of curiosity on his face.

Some people have been shaking their hands, the ground is hard, and no traces are left, even the weapons, so hard that they took a breath.

Just as there were some grumpy people preparing to find Wang Hao in trouble, a majestic voice suddenly sounded throughout the huge underground palace, which suddenly attracted everyone else's attention.

"Er and others are all destined people. After passing the three tests, someone will get my inheritance ...."

A majestic voice rang out in a huge underground palace, which suddenly attracted everyone's eyes, and a ghost appeared in front of it, and it even said something that made everyone excited.

There is only one purpose for them to enter here, that is, they are looking for the inheritance of the Emperor Realm Powerhouse, and now the inheritance that they have in mind has appeared, making everyone excited.

And in the unknown corner of the underground palace, the invisible and quality Zhitian Emperor, after hearing this voice, did not have the slightest accident, because this is what he set earlier, after all, when laying here, He was also unsure how well he would recover by then.

Therefore, for security reasons, he set up a guardian verification process deliberately, just in case, when he is asleep, he can choose a suitable resurrected body for himself.

But now it is obviously no longer needed, and the Emperor Zhitian's recovery is much better than before.

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