"Haha .. It's really a chance. This kind of gifted person is absolutely a guarantee that ego God has once again set foot on the peak, and even further is possible."

The more emperor Zhi Tian looked at Wang Hao, the more satisfied he was, but it was his satisfaction that made him no longer check the talents of other people, but only looked at Wang Hao silently, because in his view, this person's talent was already a natural gift There is no one in the world ... how could someone surpass this person.

Therefore, in his view, the other talents are no longer necessary, but it is the attitude of Zhi Tian, ​​even if it is the clone Quan controlled by the Fang Bing standing next to Wang Hao, he did not go to check, and He came straight to Wang Hao.

And all this, Wang Hao obviously did not know.

After all, the appearance of the ghost image set by the emperor Zhitian not only attracted people with very clear purpose, such as Feng Xingchi and Ka Miao, but also attracted Wang Hao's eyes.

But when this attention was just transferred to the virtual shadow of Emperor Zhitian, Wang Hao was disturbed by an alarm sound.

"Warning, unknown virus attack .. Warning unknown virus attack."

Wang Hao watched dullly. At the first moment of the Dragon Brain alert, he was still reacting to whether his own vast research center was being stared at by unknown aliens, which triggered a virus attack, but when he reacted After coming over, he immediately knew that this vast research center, which was definitely not earth star, was attacked by a virus.

"Dragon Brain, where was the virus attacked."

Wang Hao couldn't believe it, but he couldn't believe it anymore, and he wouldn't think that Dragon Brain had made a misjudgment. He knew that there must have been an attack, but after checking it, he couldn't find where. Received any signs of attack.

"Alert, the clone has entered an unknown virus. The virus is trying to manipulate the clone, which has seriously damaged the interests of the vast research center. The antivirus program is prepared ... ready for antivirus."

And Wang Hao's nerve control directly fed back the results, but Wang Hao's eyes were slightly dull, and there was a look of unbelievable color on his face. He seriously listened to the feedback of Dragon Brain and once thought he had heard it wrong.

The clone is grabbing control? What kind of virus is this TM? Dare to grab his clone.

Wang Hao's heart came up with all kinds of thoughts. What made him speechless was that this unknown virus didn't know where it came out ...

"and many more..."

Suddenly Wang Hao's eyes lit up, and he thought of a possibility. Although it might not be too reliable, this is the tomb of the Emperor Realm Powerhouse, and the Emperor Realm Powerhouse has reached an extreme for the cultivation of the soul.

"It won't be ... the soul of the Emperor Realm Strong ... It's really possible. If it's the soul of the Emperor Realm Strong, then everything you've seen makes sense ..."

After thinking of this possibility, Wang Hao bowed his head and thought hard, thought about everything he saw, and thought of the bronze gate of the entrance to the tomb of the emperor's realm, as if to wait for more people to open it. The slowly opening rhythm of the gate.

His face is more and more excited, combined with the clone, the unknown virus is snatching the control of the clone, and a bold one is born in his heart, that is, the tomb of the emperor realm is not purely for the sake of It is inherited, but prepared for resurrection.

And now in the clone body, it is not a virus at all, but the soul of the powerful emperor of the emperor realm.

If you make such a guess, everything makes sense.

After this thought appeared in Wang Hao's heart, the more he thought, the more he felt that what he thought was not wrong. The excitement in his heart was simply to break through the sky. You know, he was so close to the soul for the first time.

"Xiaolong ... analyze this virus, don't rush to kill the virus first ... In addition, strengthen the protection of the Earth Star Research Center, don't let this 'virus' run away."

After Wang Hao figured out some joints, he immediately took measures, and excitedly commanded it, because he felt that when he was controlling the clone, there was a trace of stagnation.

"By the way, Xiaolong ... how about the attack power of this 'virus', it is possible to successfully seize control of the clone."

Wang Hao seemed to think of something, and there was a look of vigilance on his face. Although this unknown virus had already been preliminarily judged as a soul in his heart, he always acted carefully. If he could leave no flaws, he would never want to. Leave flaws.

"In the judgment of attack power, the threat index is five, and now I just entered the clone to seek control, but the actual effect is very weak. The core biochip in the clone brain has no effect at all, just because the brain The control of the ministry has caused a control signal to convey obstacles to the body, affecting the smoothness of Haoge's control ... "

The dragon brain's voice was calm, but he didn't know how, but Wang Hao heard a trace of disdain from the dragon's tone, as if the soul of this mighty emperor realm was a battle of five slags, and there was no fighting power at all The perfect score threat index is 100, but this soul has only a threat index of five.

But after he lowered his head and thought for a while, his face also showed a clear, his clone is not a pure human body, although the appearance does not seem to make a difference ~ www.readwn.com ~ even in the body There is no other difference in other parts.

But one of the biggest differences lies in the head, which is where the brain is. The cloned brain is a biological brain specifically studied by Wang Hao. Although there is not much difference in structure, it is deep in the brain However, there is something that the human brain does not have, that is the biochip.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of this biochip that this unknown soul cannot control the clone at all.

After understanding the specific situation, Wang Hao also let go of his heart, immediately commanded the dragon brain, and began to slowly analyze this virus that may be the soul of the emperor realm.

In all these communications, Wang Hao directly used neural control equipment to communicate directly with Dragon Brain, and Fang Bing did not know the specific situation.

"Hao brother ... what's wrong with you ... why don't you move."

Fang Bing originally wanted to pull Wang Hao together after watching the appearance of the ghost image, but he found Wang Hao standing in the same place. He was not surprised. After all, they controlled the clone and thought Wang Hao was The Earth Star Research Center handles some things, but after a while, he also found something that was not right.

"It's okay ... I'm killing the virus, wait a minute."

Wang Hao lowered his head, in stark contrast to the other people in the underground palace who were eager to look at.

Now he once again feels that the control fluency is extremely low, but it was because of the signal before, and this time because an outsider appeared in the brain, fighting for control, seriously affecting his control fluency , But there is no problem with the reply.

Antivirus ...

But Fang Bing's face was ignorant, and some did not understand what antivirus meant.

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