Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 933: Where did these perverts come from

"This woman ... the eyes are exactly the same as those three perverts, but unlike those three perverts, they have soul swings and that kid is not bad ..."

The Emperor Zhitian glanced at the people who participated in the trial. Almost all the people who came in entered the trial. After all, he also knew that these people came in for a chance.

However, the Emperor Zhitian, who was scared by Wang Hao, was obviously a lot more careful. He was really scared of the three identical people.

When he looked at two of the three perverts and entered the trial ground, his eyes were uncertain, and he kept at Ka Miu, Feng Xingchi, Wang Hao and Fang Bing, and non-stop Ling Yan was hovering in the battle to persuade, as if hesitating.

"Still don't bet, that woman, cultivation talent can be solved, but with such a pair of eyes, it is not a small help for me, and it seems that this talent has also appeared in the history of Tianyan World. Emperor Tianjiao, but later disappeared. "

After the emperor hesitated for a long time, as if he had made up his mind, he still decided not to gamble, because the three metamorphosis of practicing talent is exactly too strange.

At first he didn't pay attention, but now he put most of his attention on the body of the three people, he found bizarrely that there was no sign of soul activity in the bodies of the three people.

This is the place that makes him feel the most incredible.

As for gender, it is not a matter for him to consider at all. In his mind, Tianyan World is based on strength first. Without strength, any gender is useless.

"Who is that woman, has actually reached the third level of the trial, and go one step further, you can get the inheritance of the emperor."

As the emperor Zhitian's trial progressed, everyone looked at the woman walking in the front, with strong envy and jealousy in their eyes, and even more greedy greed in their eyes.

Because in their view, after the woman has really passed through the third floor, she will definitely get the inheritance of the emperor Tiantian, which means that she has no ties with the inheritance, but some people do not think so.

Because in their view, above this world, there is still respect by force. Since they have not received the approval of the Emperor Tiantian, they can directly **** directly from the inheritors.

Of course, this is some cultivator with a feverish mind, and many calm cultivators choose to wait and see after thinking for a while. None of these cultivators choose to quit.

Among a group of cultivators, Feng Xingchi looked ugly looking at Ka Miu walking in front of him, his eyes showing a powerful killing intent, as if he wanted to kill each other with his eyes.

Damn, I should have killed you earlier.

Feng Xingchi's gloomy eyes, with a trace of regret in his heart, did not directly kill Ka Miao. Before that, because he was greedy for the tomb of the emperor realm, he left the brother of Kashi, but he did not expect it. Unexpectedly, the misty forest was not expected.

It trapped him in the misty forest for one and a half months, allowing the Ka's sister to enter the tomb of the emperor realm.

In fact, in his heart, he has never been able to figure out how exactly this younger brother of the Kas entered the tomb of the Emperor Realm. What he did not even think of was that this talent of Kamo seemed to be stronger than him.

This is something he didn't anticipate at all, and it made some things unthinkable. If this cleverness is stronger than his talent, should it have been shown before?

Didn't you practice before?

Feng Xingchi had all the thoughts in his heart, but no one answered him. He could only chase each other hard, but the distance seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

He did not know that the gap between himself and Ka Miu was not a cultivation talent. The real difference was that Ka Miu had a pair of sharp and terrifying eyes, and he could see the formation and virtual reality of the misty forest.

Now it is even possible to see through some of the doorsteps of this trial, one is step by step and the other is directly looking at the essence through the phenomenon. This is the difference in essence.

But it was far from Feng Xingchi's blow, because he felt a sudden wind around him ...

Fuck .. how is this possible ...

Feng Xingchi's eyes suddenly glared out. If he was still unconvinced after watching Ka Miao, the two people suddenly appeared beside him, but let his eyes show a strong dullness.

He looked at the two young people who walked in the same way as if they were walking in the court, as if they were trying hard, but it was nothing to them ...

These two people are naturally Wang Hao and Fang Bing. For Ka Miao, Ka Miao may just use his eyes to see through this trial formation.

However, Wang Hao is different. Wang Hao has already practiced a long time ago. He also has an in-depth study of energy. With Wang Hao ’s binoculars called the Eye of Breaking Void, here in Wang Hao ’s eyes, it looks like a It's the same on the flat ground, it's nothing.

"What ... what do these people want to do ..."

The emperor Zhitian looked at the moving Wang Hao, and his face was also anxious. He was really a little afraid of Wang Hao now. Was he afraid of Wang Hao's cultivation behavior?

He was afraid of these people. He could not detect the details at all, nor did he know what was happening to the stranger's body so strangely.

Unknown, for the emperor Zhitian, is the most terrifying.

"No. You have to act quickly ..."

The emperor Zhitian thought for a moment, he felt he couldn't wait any longer, and now he entered the woman's body.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, and once again turned into an invisible light smoke, disappeared in the tombstone.

"Looking at the fluctuations, it seems that we are approaching towards us, ready."

Wang Hao held a 20cm hard disk in one hand ~ ~ held the instrument in one hand, and after seeing some feedback from the instrument, his eyes suddenly became excited.

"Okay, I'm always ready."

Fang Bing nodded with excitement. The Emperor Tiantian knew that he had a big head at first glance at the name. He was full of excitement for shooting such a strong man.

For Fang Bing, Wang Hao ’s instructions are to enforce standards, and he does n’t need to consider it himself, because he knows Wang Hao ’s character, and since the other party decides to do it, he will unconditionally support it, even if it is murder, he does not hesitate.

After all, Wang Hao's brain is much easier to use than his.

Compared with Wang Hao's excitement, Ka Miu's face was slightly stunned, and his face also showed a strong excitement.

Because in her mind, she heard a majestic voice, and at the same time, there was also an image. After comparing, she immediately found that this voice and image were the Emperor Zhitian who she saw.

What made her even more excited was the words in her mind.

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