"Senior, you have a destiny with me and you can get my heritage."

After the emperor Zhitian entered Ka Miu's mind, after some thought, he decided to appease the other party first. As an emperor-level strongman, he knew very well that he would directly attack the soul.

There is still a certain risk. After all, this is the opponent ’s territory. It has long been deeply rooted, and the attack is not impossible, but the attack on the control will cause him to lose some.

"You are the emperor Zhitian ..."

After hearing the majestic words in his mind, Ka Miao couldn't help blurting out, and there was a hint of excitement in his face, because the tomb of the emperor realm, the family perished, and members died.

All these losses are too great. Under such losses, if you can't get the inheritance of the emperor realm, it will be a loss in vain.

This is the reason for the excitement in Ka Miu's heart.

"It is me ... may I worship me as a teacher. Under my guidance, cultivating to the upper three realms is not a dream, stepping on the realm of the emperor, immortality is immortal, and it is not a lie."

The emperor Zhitian felt that this was the correct way to open it. As before, when he entered, he said that he was a virus, and said that he wanted to kill the virus. Especially when he was facing a body without a soul, he could not grab control. It makes him lose confidence the most.

"I am willing to ... please worship me."

After hearing the words of the emperor Chi Tian, ​​Ka Miao no matter where he was, he bent his knees directly, knelt to the ground without hesitation, and looked at the godly kowtow.

The emperor Zhitian looked at Ka Miu, and there was a trace of hesitation in his heart, as if there was a kind of intolerance, but when he thought of this body's eyes, his eyes showed a firm determination.

It seems that he hasn't been born for a long time, and his decisive self has become somewhat sentimental.

After the emperor Zhitian hesitated, his mentality immediately became firm. Just as his mind once again recovered his firmness, he suddenly shouted and made him startled.

"Fang Bing ... in that direction, about ten meters away from us."

Wang Hao looked at the data fluctuations in the instrument with strong excitement. Before that, he discovered his instrument, which could have probed the virus, after the virus moved.

In an instant, it could not be located, which made Wang Hao's heart slightly anxious, thinking that the virus ran again, and there was such a change.

When he saw feedback from the monitoring instrument again, he shouted in excitement.

"Hao .. Are you sure."

Fang Bing glanced at the direction that Wang Hao was pointing, and then glanced at Wang Hao with his head down, his face showing a hint of hesitation, he could not help but confirm it.

"Okay, right there, you go directly to try it, I want to continue monitoring, don't let it run again."

Wang Hao said without looking up, and stared at him deadly, because he knew that the virus could not be found by his naked eyes.

It is only possible to use the instrument, which is why Wang Hao is nervously staring at the monitoring instrument. ,

"Virus ... take me a flying dragon."

After receiving confirmation from Wang Hao, Fang Bing no longer hesitated, flew out without hesitation, and went straight towards Ka Miao. The speed was so fast that Ka Miao did not respond.

After he watched ten meters, only Ka Miu thought of Wang Hao's saying that the virus was most likely the soul, and obviously it was a premeditated resurrection. Like in the novel, he wanted to regain his life.

Therefore, when he saw Ka Miu, Fang Bing immediately thought of this possibility. He dispatched without hesitation, holding the hard disk in his hand, and shot it without hesitation.

Of course, he also controlled the strength, because before he came, Wang Hao trained him assault, he knew the strength of this hard disk.

Ka Miao ’s sudden attack on Fang Bing was still a bit ignorant, and it was because her strength was the fivefold of the Qiqi Realm. Facing the Fang Bing in Yanyuan Realm, at such a short distance, she suddenly showed her attack intention.

Ka Miu didn't respond at all, just stared at Fang Bing. In a flash, she suddenly felt a slight pain in her head.

"How is it possible ... that he might attack my soul directly, and my soul is missing a part ..."

Compared to Ka Miao's foolish circle, the emperor Zhitian did not believe it, shouting directly in his mind.

The whole soul couldn't help but hit a spirit. He never thought that a Yanyuan realm could attack the soul directly.

This is unimaginable in the Emperor Realm. The soul is invisible and immaterial. Even if the Emperor Realm is strong, he can discover the existence of the soul, but there is no means to attack the soul.

Even if you attack with your strongest energy, you can't hurt your soul. As a great emperor of the emperor level, how can the emperor Tiantian not understand this truth.

But now it is different, even a Yanyuan realm can directly attack his soul, which makes him dare to believe.


The emperor Zhitian felt that he was about to be attacked again. He flashed a body without hesitation, and left Kamiu ’s brain directly. Facing these two abnormal talents, the unknown existence of abnormal eyes, he really counselled Now he just wanted these two plagues to leave as soon as possible, or let him go.

"Fang Bing, he ran, ran deep, and chased ..."

Wang Hao looked at the feedback from the monitoring instrument and suddenly increased in a moment, his eyes were uncontrollably, but he did not affect his actions. He spoke without hesitation and reminded Fang Bing.

After seeing the virus's monitoring feedback and returning to normal in an instant, he suddenly felt a little loose in his heart, looked up involuntarily, and suddenly found some blood stains in his forehead.

"Fang Bing .. that virus has run away, don't hit her again."

There was also Fang Bing, who once again picked up the hard disk and raised his hand. In Wang Hao's heart, 10,000 grass and mud horses flashed suddenly ... He responded keenly and instantly realized the situation in front of him.

It must be that the virus entered the human body again as before, which made his detection effect much weaker. Now that the virus has returned to the human body, it has returned to normal again.


Ka Miao hasn't recovered yet, and his eyes are still dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the opponent and once again sucked at himself without knowing to dodge, but was silently hit again.

"Uh ... sorry, I didn't fight you ..."

Fang Bing glanced at Jia Miu, and there was a look of embarrassment on his face, especially when he looked at the two people's big bags on the other's head, which were bleeding, his embarrassment in his heart was stronger.

"You chase ..."

Wang Hao looked at Fang Bing silently. He finally knew. Why did Fang Bing deliberately ask himself again to confirm whether to confirm.

He had never thought of ~ www.readwn.com ~ that the virus suspected of being a soul was actually in Ka Miu's body.

"Where does the emperor Zhitian run ... no matter how high your martial arts are, and you are afraid of a kitchen knife, you will be a cow, and you will fall down with a brick ... don't run."

Fang Bing faced Ka Miao's eyes and felt ashamed.

In order to cover up the shame in his heart, he yelled out just to cover up his embarrassment.

Wang Hao shook his head silently, watching Fang Bing chasing him in ... He also looked at Ka Miu with a rather embarrassed look.

"Sorry, we are chasing a virus, and we will give you the inheritance of the emperor Zhitian, which is a compensation."

Wang Hao said to Ka Miao and followed him, because Fang Bing could not hit the virus without him reporting the position, and after seeing the virus being hit by Fang Bing, he immediately left Ka Miao's body .

He knew that his ideas were still effective.


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