Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 942: Here, this is your backup data

"Pre .. Senior .. Can I ask curiously if you study the risk of soul .. I know that a family has a soul body. If there is a risk, then ... no discount."

Feng Xingchi hesitated for a moment, and said a long sentence that he and Zhitian had summed up, because they had heard a person next to this young leader before, talking about the legend about the soul palace.

"Huh, do you want to receive a reward?"

Wang Hao hasn't spoken yet, but Fang Bing's face shows a touch of excitement. Soul Hall is now in his hands. He has extraordinary enthusiasm for the Soul Hall, and has got several souls arranged by Wang Hao. Arrest the squad.

Now I have a business trip. When I heard Feng Xingchi's words, I felt that what I said before had effect.

"Look at this weapon, it can exert the peak attack power of the three realms, and it is once a second ... if you think of it, if you have ten such weapons, who can block them in the world of Tianyan."

After Fang Bing finished speaking, he took a slight meal and once again took out a weapon and shook it in his hand. His way of thinking was very simple, that is, to mobilize other people in Tianyan World to help him find his soul. , And as long as he is responsible for dispatching the soul arrest team.

These rewards are naturally supported by Wang Hao.

Feng Xingchi originally opened his mouth to Wang Hao, but after Fang Bing opened his eyes, he couldn't help locking his eyes in the other's hands, with a look of greed in his face. arms.

It was also the ray of light that ignited the war between the forces and the casual repairs, the power, he had seen it.

As for why we know that people are naturally in front of us, in order to provide them with clues to their souls, the power of propaganda weapons is not spared, saying that they have leaked their mouths.

Wang Hao also looked at Fang Bing with a helpless look on his face, but for Fang Bing's power management, he really had an extraordinary talent. Just look at Fang Bing's strength to know.

Soul Hall ... The name Wang Hao already knows the origin, no wonder it feels familiar.

After Wang Hao thought of Fang Bing's dedication to the growth of power, he felt a little speechless in his heart.

The term Soul Palace is not a very hot novel by Earth Star China.

The Soul Hall is one of the biggest villains.

After knowing the name, Wang Hao was completely at a loss. He was also afraid of the appearance of a protagonist like Xiao Yan in Tianyan World, and he might hang the Soul Hall by then.

But now that everything is a foregone conclusion, looking at Fang Bing's excitement, Wang Hao did not say much, and he is ready to wipe his **** for Fang Bing.

"I really want to have it, but I need to know that you are studying the soul and whether there is any damage to the soul itself before I can provide clues."

Feng Xingchi hesitated for a moment and thought about the situation between himself and Emperor Zhitian. If Emperor Zhitian does not leave the depth of his mind, it means that he has a sword that may fall at any time.

"I can promise you that if you provide me with the soul you provide, there will be no damage and even great benefits."

Wang Hao looked at Feng Xingchi's gaze, slightly stunned. He instantly figured out the key to some problems. It is very likely that the other party's family has such a soul, or that the Emperor Zhitian is in the other party. In the body.

Thinking of himself, he knows very little about the soul. If there is a soul now that he can study, even if the progress is slower, to ensure its safety, he is willing.

At this moment, Wang Hao can think a lot and made a decision. The most important thing now is how to achieve a zero breakthrough.

"Ask what benefits." The emperor Zhitian exuded a trace of interest, and at the same time, because of Wang Hao's words, silently relieved.

He knew that it was impossible for him to hide again, because the limit had been reached, but the abnormalities in front of him seemed to have no limit, and the test equipment was still being updated every day.

This makes Chi Tian feel very tired, as long as he is sure that there is no danger. After all, he still believes in his judgment, that is, the person in front of him, who is a person who keeps his promise.

"When I finish my research, help him make a body, like me."

Wang Hao was slightly hesitant. He was still guessing which possibility was higher, but after hearing the other party's words.

He instantly determined one thing, that is, the spirit of Emperor Zhitian, with a possibility of 80% in the body of the person in front of him.

At the same time, he also said a word that made Zhi Tian stunned, and his heart was instantly burning.

Even if he had an urge to cry, he felt really tired.

Say early.

Chi Tian's heart was crying without tears, if the other party said earlier, maybe he didn't have to be so scared.

Thinking of giving him such a body after the end of the study, he would not spend all his energy ...

Can't you get out?

Zhitian looked at Wang Hao's serious face, and there was still some hesitation in his heart. Although he said that he was not wrong, he was not too daring to gamble. After all, this is his soul. If there is something wrong in the middle, The loss is so great that I dare not imagine it.

Perhaps, it is not impossible to die forever.

"Go out."

The Emperor Zhitian made a decision in his heart. He couldn't bear the temptation of the perverted body and believed his judgment.

In fact, Wang Hao also has his own thoughts, the act of taking over the first time for Tian Tian, ​​and the combination of Xiao Tian was taken to the world of Tian Yan, he knew that Xiao Tian ’s clone training talent is extremely abnormal, not to mention Xiao Heaven's cultivating talents, coupled with Ka Miu's eyes, he believed that not many souls would reject such a body.

And his most important purpose is to study the soul, not to kill the soul, which is also Wang Hao's changing thought in an instant.

If the emperor Zhitian is really willing to cooperate, I believe that his soul research will not be slower than the forced research.

At that moment, Wang Hao still weighed a lot, maybe the effect of temptation was better.

"Hello, I am Zhitian."

After the emperor Zhitian decided, he no longer hesitated, and immediately came out of Feng Xingchi's mind, and appeared in front of Wang Hao in a very formal appearance.

"I thought, you have to think about it again."

Wang Hao watched Zhitian's phantom appear again, and looked at it curiously. This really surprised him a bit. He thought that the soul has always been invisible and qualityless, but he didn't expect that Zhitian could actually shape the soul.

"Like my current situation, is it necessary to consider?"

Zhi Tian's phantom was helpless, and said with a bitter bitterness, he actually still had some worries, worrying that the other party would not keep what he said.

"Relax, since I said that, I will definitely guarantee your safety. This is your backup ... Soul memory data, you should be able to absorb it again."

Wang Hao also felt the worries in Zhitian's phantom ~ ~ thought for a moment, and said involuntarily, this part of the soul memory data, he has already studied thoroughly, and the structure is completely After studying it, he has backed up.

Even Wang Hao retains the original, and the data given is actually the backup data, because he also wants to see if this copy of the backup data will be rejected by the soul.

It can be said that Wang Hao's experiment on the soul has already begun.

Even just now, he almost leaked his mouth. Fortunately, he responded very quickly and received it back.

"Thank you."

Chi Tian looked at a large piece of brick in horror. This thing, he still had a fresh memory, but when he felt the invisible things coming out of it, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Right bet.

Zhi Tian felt the little piece of his soul missing, and came back again, his heart shouted excitedly, he felt that he was right, the other party is really a person who keeps his promise.


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