"Brother Hao, you really gave him the previous soul memory data."

Fang Bing looked at the excited Zhitian and switched back to the vast island involuntarily. He said to Wang Hao, who was controlling the clone next to him.

"Yes, it's just a backup. I didn't expect that the data backed up can be absorbed by the soul."

After hearing Fang Bing's words, Wang Hao knew that he was talking to himself at the control center of the vast island of Dixing. He also withdrew from the control in due course and gave it to Dragon Brain, with an unbelievable opening on his face.

"Another person who was sold by you and still has to count you."

Fang Bing looked dumbfounded, and shook his head with a look of admiration. He served Wang Hao's operation. He sold Wang Ren to help him count the money.

"It's not that exaggerated. I have an idea now. I need to write it down urgently. You can help me look at Tianyan World."

Wang Hao flipped his mind. He doesn't have much thought and Fang Bing now, but is ready to record all his flashing thoughts now.

He used the backed-up soul memory data for Zhitian. Originally he just wanted to experiment. Wang Hao's backed-up soul memory data should be rejected by Zhitian's soul.

If once the phenomenon of exclusion occurs, he will give it back. But did not think of the spirit of Zhi Tian, ​​there is no phenomenon of exclusion.

This phenomenon made him think of many possibilities ... If the soul memory data can be copied, does it mean that in the future, you can use it in your brain instead of learning?

With an impulsive attempt, Wang Hao reminded him of many possible applications in the future, but all these premises require more in-depth research on the soul body.

After studying the soul memory, Wang Hao discovered that this is actually like a computer hard disk, just a thing carried by the memory, just like the interface of this hard disk matches the interface of the motherboard, then it can be connected.

According to Wang Hao's preliminary analysis, the soul body and soul memory are actually the relationship between the motherboard and the hard disk, but the more complex the soul, the more complex the interface required and the more diverse it is.


In the Misty Forest, after Wang Hao returned to this monitoring base with Chi Tian and Emperor Mad, he invested in crazy research, while other people, Wang Hao chose to let it go, and those people did not help him at all, and collected some After the data of Zhong Sanjing, he did not have too much embarrassment.

When Zhi Tian came to this misty forest base, his eyes were green, because there were talented and terrifying people walking inside. According to the headed people, these are clones.

A clone that can be made indefinitely, Zhitian has a clearer understanding of the Misty Forest. Now the Misty Forest has many limitations.

What's more, he now has a mentality that he doesn't want to run, he wants to stay here, because there are countless clones here, let him choose, even in the course of the experiment, he found that these clones did not win The slightest obstacle can enter it at any time.

Emperor Mania is not so lucky, even Zhi Tian is sympathetic at Emperor Mania, because Wang Hao draws blood and tests on Emperor Mania, and has some control methods, all experiments are in Emperor Mania Crazy body.

For example, some force fields that limit the body, and prison clothes that can't transfer the energy in the body. With such experiments, the emperor madness can no longer be mad in front of Wang Hao.

"Soul, really esoteric."

Wang Hao has to admire the profound level of the soul with his research, which is completely beyond his imagination. As he guessed, the soul is divided into noumenon and branch, and the study of the soul noumenon has not made much progress.

As for the soul support, the research progress is very fast, and the support for soul memory has been studied, and the support for muscle instinct is also available.

Although there are still many difficulties in studying the ontology of the soul, it is really too esoteric, but the breakthrough of the branch has made Wang Hao see many possibilities in the future, and the biggest change may be the learning process of man.

With the storage of the soul support, as long as it is suitable for docking in the soul body, it can completely dock a lot of knowledge into the soul support, and then piece together.

Of course, Wang Hao has not yet conducted experiments on the human body, because after studying, he knows that the spirit of Zhitian is much stronger than ordinary people.

This is a change brought about by cultivation, and they did not cultivate to the emperor realm, that is to say, the results of his experiment now are only aimed at the emperor realm cultivators.

"Now start looking for the specific location of the soul."

Wang Hao glanced at the research plan, his eyes flashed slightly, this is one thing he always wanted to know, that is, where is the soul, because before, he used a detection device to detect many human bodies, But I only know that the soul is in the brain, but I never know the specific location of the soul.

But this time it was different. He was going to take a special clone, let Zhitian enter this clone, formally merge with this clone, and start to lock the position of the soul.

This is just some research that he can only carry out at present. With regard to the study of the soul body, he can only find another soul body. After all, he has promised to obey the heavens and do not make dangerous experiments.

Now that he has agreed, Wang Hao will naturally do it. He can only wait for the soul temple controlled by the soldiers to gain something, and then consider forcibly opening the shell of the soul, and take a good look at what secrets are hidden in the soul body. ~ www.readwn.com ~ And now Wang Hao also features a goal. As Zhi Tian said, this is a cancer in the Tianyan world, a real Tianyan world that has no evil and does not die.

After Wang Hao checked all the memory storage of Zhitian, he knew that Zhitian did not lie. This is a real emperor realm who has no bottom line at all. There is no slight burden.

Therefore, after little progress in the research of the soul ontology, Wang Hao did not force it, and arranged for Fang Bing to go out and search for the Tian Yan world hidden behind the scenes, and the vicious emperor realm who had been pursued by the Tiangong.

"Chi Tian, ​​this is a clone made for you, go in and fuse, I want to collect some data."

With this clone, Wang Hao came to a wooden house and saw Chi Tian and Emperor Kuang who were chatting. He smiled slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

The awakening of the Emperor Zhitian is still very high, and he is also actively cooperating with his research here, and has not made trouble, making him look good for Zhitian.


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