Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 952: Am I a beggar ascending the throne?

"It's that simple? You don't have to sacrifice heaven and ancestors, pray for the good weather for all the people, and pray for the country and the people to be safe for Sheji?"

Wang Hao looked at Qin Hongxi blankly, but after watching it for a while, he gave up, because he looked at each other's expressions, he knew that these might not really be.

He was powerless to spit it out. If he knew that the process was so simple, he didn't need to look squarely at it, and even he didn't need to come in person.


Wang Hao was distressed in his heart. He couldn't agree with what Qin Hongxi said. This kind of ending is really too simple.

"Teacher ... we don't have these processes ... Teacher, can you tell us about your succession process?"

Qin Hongxi was a little ashamed by his teacher's eyes and lowered his head involuntarily, but he was very curious in his heart, curious about the succession process of his teacher Yanhuang.

He knew that his teacher was the master of a country, and now it is passed on.

"The detailed explanation is too complicated, let me briefly tell you about it, roughly divided into several steps."

Wang Hao looked at Qin Hongxi's curiosity, as well as Perseverance and Emperor Madness, also showing curiosity, thinking for a moment and then said.

He did n’t know the detailed explanation, but it was too complicated to explain. Today ’s emperor, queen ’s position, minister ’s position, and veteran minister ’s position, it ’s too complicated to explain, and it ’s not necessary. .

Therefore, Wang Hao decided to keep everything simple, just a little introduction.

"Like our Yanhuang people, basically the process of each dynasty is roughly similar, the overall difference is not big, the first is to choose the emperor's lucky day, the succession ceremony, on the day of the succession ceremony, amnesty in the world, except Some who cannot be forgiven, others are free.

Subsequently, the edict was enshrined, the crown prince robed himself, took over the jade seal, and started with the jade seal in his hand. The internal attendant helped to climb up to the rooftop of the festival to accept the pilgrimage of the hundred officials.

Then came the sacrifice of the heavens, as I said before, praying for good weather for all people and blessing the country Qin Min'an for the community, this is the nearly unified process of all the Yan and Huang dynasties. "

Wang Hao introduced the process of enthronement as simple as possible, but as simple as possible in his eyes, but in Qin Hongxi's heart, it made a huge wave. The more he listened, the more he could feel his country and his teacher Huge gap in the country.

A succession ceremony can actually be like this ... Qin Hongxi had a strong yearning in his heart. After hearing his teacher's words, he thought that such a ceremony was the real succession ceremony.

Looking back at his succession ceremony, he always feels inexplicably sad. What his own ceremony can only be regarded as the establishment of the Caotai team. Compared with what his teacher said, it is completely the difference between the king and the beggar.

And Zhitian and Emperor Kuang set off a huge turbulent wave in their hearts. After glancing at each other, there was a strong shock in their eyes, and their hearts became more and more firm.

From a glimpse, you can see the overall situation. In the succession to the throne in the world of Tianyan, in any Yanxing, in fact, as Qin Hongxi said, there is not much difference.

However, when they heard Wang Hao's brief introduction, they had a clear understanding of the Yanhuang people. Looking at the words described in them, they can witness the domineering of the Yanhuang people in the starry sky.

A successor to the throne, actually want to congratulate the Quartet ....

Chi Tian and Emperor Kuang's hearts echoed the word Sifang to congratulate, this is the true overlord race in the starry sky.

All four parties in the starry sky must congratulate, and one can imagine that this race is terrifying.

"Teacher ... Yan Yan and Huang people are really too strong ... It is worthy .... The four sides are up and down, the ancient and the modern are the universe, the universe is wild, the world is yellow."

Qin Hongxi thought of a sentence he heard from his teacher before, listening to the process his teacher said, and inexplicably sighed in his heart, the universe formed by time and space, although he did not really see the vastness of the universe, but from the teacher There are many strong pictures ...

The Yanhuang tribe is the real overlord ... even if he is his teacher, a powerful sovereign, he is only one of the Yanhuang tribes. One can imagine the strength of the Yanhuang tribes.

With Qin Hongxi's words, Zhitian and Emperor looked at each other with a look of horror. How could their wisdom not hear the meaning of this word, but after hearing this meaning, their minds could not help Shuddered.

The terrifying Yanhuang tribe ... the real starry overlord.

There is no doubt in Zhitian's heart, because the strength displayed by Wang Hao is really terrifying. He believes that the Yanhuang people behind him are even more terrifying.

I actually beheaded such a horrible ethnic person.

Emperor Kuang felt a little fear in his heart. Fortunately, he was able to resolve himself and the other party. Otherwise, he estimated that his soul had already become a research object.

Qin Hongxi didn't feel deeply about Zhitian and Emperor's madness. Although he also felt that his teacher was so powerful and terrifying, after all his knowledge limited his imagination.

Now he knew that his succession process could not be changed, so after seeing his teacher's elegant clothes before, he moved.

However, he later learned from Wang Hao's introduction at, but he knew that a royal robe was added, which made him have an idea.

"Teacher, what is the yellow robe plus body, can I wear the yellow robe."

Qin Hongxi's eyes were filled with regret, and there was a trace of pity. Look at his teacher's description. This is the real succession ceremony, but he knows that other circumstances, he thinks it is difficult to change.

However, his succession ceremony did not have uniform requirements for clothing, which also made him think, other things can not be changed, then he can only take a look at this imperial robe to add, what is it, can he Wearing a yellow robe to ascend the throne can be regarded as a touch.

"Yellow robe is also called dragon robe in our Yanhuang clan. It is actually a homonym with the emperor's emperor. It is also the costume that our emperor must wear when he ascends the throne."

Wang Hao looked at Qin Hongxi with an eager look. After he pondered for a while, he introduced the meaning of the yellow robe to add body, which also made Qin Hongxi's eyes more and more burning.

"Teacher .. Can I wear this?"

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Qin Hongxi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he looked at Wang Hao radiantly and asked urgently.

"Yes, but wait a minute, it takes about a quarter of an hour to make, can you wait?"

Wang Hao looked at the sky outside the window, turned his head to look at Qin Hongxi seriously, and estimated the time of the ceremony. Although he said it was urgent, he looked at Qin Hongxi's eager look.

After all, this is like an ordinary person, eager to look at the outside world, is a matter of course.

"Yes, you have to wait."

There was excitement in Qin Hongxi's eyes, not to mention one quarter of an hour, or two quarters of an hour. He had to wait. He couldn't change the process, but changing his apparel for enthronement had no problem at all.

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