Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 953: Tiger venom also eats

"Hongxi hasn't come yet."

Qin Hao's eyes showed a gloomy color. He had prepared for a long time for today's arrival. It can be said that he could not sleep a bit since last night.

"Looking back to the emperor, the prince is on the way, and the time should be coming."

The guard next to him said quickly that when Qin Hongxi was talking, he still showed a touch of worship.

The adoring color of the bodyguard was seen by Qin Hao, and his face was more gloomy. He naturally knew that Qin Hongxi did not abide by the time, but that he was too excited.

"Don't worry, he can't live tomorrow."

When Qin Hao waved his guard back, the old man standing next to Qin Hao opened his eyes without saying anything with a touch of emotion.

"All this, we need to rely on our seniors."

Qin Hao nodded gently, his eyes showing excitement. He believed that after today, he had control of Tian Qin Kingdom, and no one could threaten himself, not to mention, after today, he will become immortal.

Thinking of the word immortality, the excitement in Qin Hao's eyes was even hotter, and everyone could not escape the idea of ​​immortality, not to mention the emperor of a country. While excited, a gloomy flash in his eyes, Flashed away.


The old man turned his head lightly and looked at Qin Hao. He shook his head involuntarily, and he was a man blindfolded by immortality. Even if he was himself, he didn't know how long he had survived, and he didn't dare to think about immortality.

Instead, he came up with an extreme way to make up for the injury of time and the damage to his own soul.

I will give you another kind of immortality.

The old man smiled coldly, without opening his mouth, but closed his eyes again, and death is also a kind of eternal life. This is also after his plan is successful, Qin Hao will be sent to the West Heaven immediately.

The belief in this country is really pure, maybe it can completely restore my soul.

The old man thought of Qin's enthusiasm for Qin Hongxi, and he also had to admire that this prince, who had never met him, is indeed a generation of males, who can actually raise the respect of the people to such a degree.

This is how many years he has survived, how many forces have witnessed the ebb and flow, and even he has established several forces, and it is also huge, but it is the first time he has encountered such a fanatical national atmosphere.

"Something is not right."

After Wang Hao entered the imperial palace of Qin Kingdom, he instantly noticed something that was not quite right, but he couldn't tell, what was wrong, which made him look around curiously, when he saw the palace, There are so many pillars, not much different from what I saw in the capital.

This made him curious and turned his head to look at Qin Hongxi.

"Hongxi, has the pillar in the palace been there before?"

A dozen strong doubts appeared on Wang Hao's face. If he didn't see such a pillar in the palace, he might not have connected it with the pillars that had been established throughout the capital.

But after entering the palace, looking at these pillars with the same style as the outside world, he thought that Qin Guoguo had special architectural preferences.

"No ... that was established in recent years."

Qin Hongxi glanced at Wang Hao's eyes, shook his head and said, "These pillars, which were built in the past few years, are also a little confused about what his father and emperor really want to build these pillars."


Wang Hao glanced curiously, thought for a moment, and shook his head. Perhaps he was too sensitive and did not investigate further. Instead, after he led by Qin Hongxi, he came to a high platform in the palace. Qin Hongxi turned himself After the teacher was settled, he went to a high platform under the leadership of the waiter.

The arrival of Wang Hao also attracted the attention of many people, especially when he looked at Wang Hao, Qin Hongxi and other people's clothes, they were completely different from them. After a glance, they could no longer move away.

Especially the clothes of Qin Hongxi, with yellow as the background, and a long black creature curled around the whole body, and the head was suddenly on the chest.

"Tiange, this is Qin Hongxi's teacher. It seems that he is not much older than us, but the clothes are really beautiful."

Qin Tiange also looked at Wang Hao's arrival, and the person next to Qin Tiange, with some emotional openings, made him sigh slightly. Qin Hongxi showed unprecedented domineering. He knew many reasons because he had never seen him before. Costumes.

Although Qin Hongxi's teacher's clothing is not so domineering, in Qin Tiange's opinion, this is actually different from each other. If Qin Hongxi's clothing is domineering, then Wang Hao's clothing is completely elegant and completely different styles.


Qin Hao squinted at Qin Hongxi, and after looking at each other's clothes, his face was slightly stunned, and he instantly converged. A cold light appeared in his eyes. He felt that when Qin Hongxi appeared, he attracted everyone's eyes. .

This made his killing intention even stronger, but he did not show it, especially when watching Qin Hongxi did not bring his loyal guards ~ ~ His heart was slightly relaxed, and his face showed a hint of meaning A long smile.

"Announce the ceremony."

After Qin Hao said something, he didn't care about Qin Hongxi. In his mind, Qin Hongxi was already dead. If it wasn't for what his predecessors said, it is not appropriate to kill Qin Hongxi now. He now wants to kill him.

Even if the other party is his own prince, in the eyes of Qin Hao, a prince is nothing. There are so many princes, one is not more, one is less, but Qin Hongxi is very strong in his throne. Threats, which made him no worries.

"The succession ceremony begins now."

After a loud drink, the entire palace, plus the imperial city outside the palace, instantly seemed like a calm lake, thrown into a boulder, and the atmosphere instantly became very fanatical.

"Emperor Xi ... Emperor Xi ..."

"Long live Emperor Xi."

As the salute sounded, the Qin people outside the imperial palace even sounded a stern shout, but when this shout appeared, it made the current Emperor Qin Hao gloomy, and there was even some sadness in his heart. In this Qin Kingdom, the people actually knew only Emperor Xi, and only called Emperor Xi, not his authentic emperor.

This made the originally unbearable look instantly become firmer, and even the citizens in the imperial city were totally worth it even if they didn't want to.

And after the fanatic voice sounded, the old man's eyes showed a touch of joy, he just wanted this effect, what he said to Qin Hao in fact, it is actually 90% true, once false, it is really that he will Qin's national blood sacrifice, absorb the soul fragments.

And what is true is that the object of the service is not Qin Hao, but himself. After all, the old man also knows, as the master of a country, how can it be so fooling.

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