"Not right."

The more Wang Hao glanced at the situation in the palace, the tighter his brows grew, especially at the pillars, as if they were receiving some stimulation, and after slowly lighting up, he instantly became alert.

"Hero, what's wrong?"

Fang Bing was very curious on his face and looked around. He felt that all this was the same as usual, and there was no slight difference, nor did he find anything wrong.

"Not good ... Qin Hongxi is in danger, Ling Yan ... go to save him."

At this moment, Wang Hao found Qin Hongxi's high platform in an instant, and an extremely strange pattern appeared, which made his face change involuntarily.

When Ling Yan heard Wang Hao's moment, his figure moved, and instantly turned into a Changhong, flying toward Qin Hongxi who had already boarded the platform.

"Emperor Qin, you can go up, the large formation has been opened, you will soon have a long life, and the other party will die ..."

With a touch of enthusiasm in his eyes, the old man looked at Qin Hongxi who was walking towards the platform.

Qin Hao looked at the high platform that Qin Hongxi was about to board, his eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately took out a sharp object from the cuff and directly inserted it into the old man's heart without hesitation.


The old man seemed to have never thought that Qin Hao would actually sit and do this, and looked at Qin Hao with an unbelievable look.

"Old stuff, don't think I don't know your plan, you just want to immortalize yourself, you want to borrow my hand, you think I don't know that the center of the formation is not there at all, the real formation center is actually you Where the seat is. "

Qin Hao's eyes are gloomy. As an emperor, how could he not even have the most basic sense of vigilance. Although he did not know the specific actions of the other party, he knew that the other party must not be for him, but the old man for himself.

Almost in a flash, Qin Hao thought that he had figured out the other party's ideas. He paid great attention in the dark, and finally let him find some clues, so he thought it out.

"Sure enough, it is the ruthless emperor's family."

The old man seemed to be sighing, with a smile on his face, like relief, but there was a trace of weirdness in the sighing smile, which suddenly gave Qin Hao a bad hunch.

"Miss Ling, thank you."

Qin Hongxi burst into cold sweat. Since he felt that he had stepped onto the ladder of succession, he found that he seemed to be out of control at all, but was forced to absorb the platform.

If it wasn't for Ling Yan to arrive in time, he estimated that he really had a set, and Qin Hongxi's eyes turned to Qin Hao with a strong anger, and he looked at all of Qin Hao's actions.

"Father Emperor ... I think you should give me an explanation."

Qin Hongxi's gaze was radiant. In his eyes, the last trace of warmth had disappeared. Originally, he didn't have much affection for Qin Hao. Considering his mother's tragic death, for Qin Hao, there was not much father and son.

Now, he naturally sees that Qin Hao is the source of everything, or the hands behind the scenes.

"Explain ... I am the emperor, why explain to you ... hand in hand."

Qin Hao looked at the old man as if to admit his fate, accepted his death and slowly closed his eyes, and slammed the old man's body directly with one hand, thus letting himself sit on the old man's chair.

His eyes showed a scorching heat, he felt that his eternal life was coming, and his heart was in serious trouble, he could also eradicate it.

With the exit of Qin Hao's words, in a moment, many guards suddenly appeared in the entire palace. The gun shield was inserted in front, the bow and arrow were wound, and the center of the aim was the current prince, Qin Hongxi.

"what is happening..."

Qin Tiange and Qin Yu glanced at each other, and their faces were a little dumbfounded. Such a situation change made them both overwhelmed and their eyes showed a dull look.

However, they looked at Qin Hongxi's angry face, and there was a hint of pleasure in their unprovoked hearts. As the saying goes, what they can't get can't be obtained by other people, so their minds will be calm.

"Dare you ..."

In Qin Hongxi's eyes, there was a strong anger, glaring at the soldiers who came, and Qin Hongxi's words made these soldiers suddenly walk, and there was a look of fear in the face.

"Why don't you dare .. The prince committed the crime and was killed on the spot. The generals heard the orders and killed the anti-thief Qin Hongxi. The official was promoted to third level."

Qin Hao looked like this, his face sank slightly, and said with a majestic expression.

All these situations have changed so fast that everyone has not responded. Although things have changed a lot, the time of occurrence is almost instantaneous, from an original hello, me, hello everyone. Among them, instantly became daggers.

"I depend, Hao, this TM is going to be a change of Xuanwumen ... is this change too great?"

Fang Bing looked a little dull, and there was a look of unbelievable color on his face, which was also unresponsive.

"It's not that simple ... The trader behind this is not this Qin Hao, but someone else."

Wang Hao's eyes were thoughtful. Although this situation changed so much that he didn't react, he knew one thing, that's all. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ is not something that Qin Hao can arrange. .

But there are others. Wang Hao believes that the most likely person should be the old man, or the person behind the old man.

"You mean ... and behind the scenes."

Fang Bing looked a little dull, and there was a look of unbelievable color on his face. He had thought that everything in front of him was very wonderful, but he did not expect that there were even more wonderful things behind such a wonderful one.

Sure enough, life is more exciting than fiction .. Qin Hongxi is really the life of the protagonist, which can be met.

Fang Bing sighed with emotion. He felt that even if it was placed in the imaginary world of fiction, it was estimated to be difficult to see, but he did not expect to see such a wonderful scene here, and it was still a father and son fighting for the hero.

"Yes. And the greatest possibility is the old man."

Wang Hao pointed his finger, the old man who had fallen to the side, as if he had died, said speculatively.

"Isn't he dead?"

Fang Bing was dumbfounded, looking at the old man who had fallen to the ground a little puzzled, at this time the blood had shed all over the place.

"Not dead, this is estimated to be an old monster, the soul of the powerful emperor realm."

Zhi Tian didn't think much about it, but after hearing Wang Hao's analysis, he took a serious look at the old man and suddenly found something different.

That is, this old man, after careful observation by Zhi Tian, ​​he found that this old man was just like his previous thoughts, and was defeated by the emperor realm.

Zhi Tian's words also made Wang Hao nod in agreement. He had some research on the soul and also saw that the old man was somewhat different.

"The black hand shot behind the scenes."

Wang Hao felt the changes in the entire palace and watched the pillars slowly light up. He knew that the black hand behind the scene was about to show fangs.

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