Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 970: It's really just handy

"Yes, the group of warships has started, coming towards the earth star."

Ye Lao's expression was solemn, and his tone was heavy.

"Contact Wang Hao immediately."

Tao Hongguo's face was also heavy, and he quickly said that the arrival of these enemy battle groups made all of them nervous.

"I went to him, he was in Yanjing, and it was better to talk to him in person."

Ye Lao also reacted. The warship group, which they tried in China, did not fight at all. This is also the reason for giving up the mechanical planet. Purely relying on their strength, it is difficult to defend against this battleship group. Haohan Research Center, that is, Wang Hao has no way.

"Then you go quickly, I stare here."

Tao Hongguo nodded gently, a dignified expression on his face.

And Wang Hao at the Yunlong Hotel, after receiving a call from Ye Lao, was also somewhat surprised.

"Wang Hao, where are you, I'll come to you."

Ye Lao's rapid opening made Wang Hao's heart slightly stunned.

"I'm in Yunlong Hotel, private room number three, come here, we just started eating, you should be able to catch up."

Facing Ye Lao's hurried words, Wang Hao said that although he knew what might have happened, he obviously didn't refuse to see the other party just want to talk to him in person, and even made a big joke.

"Eat ... Huang Hai, I do n’t eat people. I ’m just Zhang Xin ’s brother, not your father-in-law. Why are you so restrained, you have to let go like Qi Ling."

Wang Hao shook his head and looked at the restrained look of Huang Hai. He could not help persuading him. The character of Huang Hai, he investigated, there was no problem, but after watching Huang Hai not as good as a little girl like Qi Ling, she suddenly had some thoughts .

How can I compare with Qi Ling, Qi Ling doesn't know who you are, I know ...

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Huang Hai just nodded, and there was a look of helplessness on his face. He really envied Qi Ling, the so-called ignorant person was fearless, and Qi Ling behaved this way.

"what's the situation."

Manager Zhang of Yunlong Hotel showed a look of surprise on her face. She watched a few planes appear outside and directly landed in the open space, and all of them came down with full-scale armed soldiers, protecting a 50-year-old The old man came down from the plane.

"what's going on."

Gao Yun and the other two girlfriends watched dumbfounded. Although she said that she had no face to stay in the Yellow Sea, she wanted to stay and see the next development and let her give up. She was a little unwilling.

However, when she saw so many fighter planes outside the Yunlong Hotel, she was also stunned and somewhat puzzled.

"Hello ... please .... what can I do for you?"

Manager Zhang of Yunlong Hotel felt his teeth were trembling, but he still forced himself to come up.

"Excuse me, where is the third private room, please take me over."

Ye Lao glanced at it, and he didn't find out, which was the third private room, so he looked at Manager Zhang and said.

"You come with me."

Manager Zhang looked at the old man and the soldiers armed behind him, and immediately led the way.

"No. 3 private room, isn't that the private room of the Yellow Sea? Good thing ... it must be a crime."

Gao Yun originally wanted to leave after eating, but after seeing such a scene, she suddenly didn't want to leave and wanted to stay here to see the excitement.

Manager Zhang felt the majesty behind him, and he dared not talk along the way. He just took it silently. Even when he arrived at the door of the third room, he deliberately gave way, because he felt that the person in the third room was also guilty. .

However, the old man's words made him dispel this idea.

"You stay outside. Don't let people come in without permission. Xiao Zhou followed me in."

Ye Lao said something, knocked on the door, and after getting a response, walked into the third room.

"Lao Ye, I said you were so rushed, what the **** is there, what can't be said on the phone, but since you're here ... waiter, add two more pairs of tableware."

Wang Hao was also a little puzzled, looking at Ye Lao who had come in and asked.

But Manager Zhang standing outside the door, after hearing a word from inside, suddenly stumbled, and there was a little speechlessness in my heart, elder brother, what time was this, but now it's overturned outside, the restaurant is surrounded by the army, you Actually still have a leisurely meal.

"Wang Hao, something went wrong ... something big happened, that fleet group moved, hurry up with me and go to the headquarters ..."

Ye Lao looked eager, he came to pull Wang Hao, because the fleet came towards the earth star, so he could only count on Wang Hao, so he wanted to come and pull Wang Hao directly.

"Moved ... let me see."

Wang Hao's eyes were stunned. He knew Ye Lao was so anxious, there must be something, but he didn't expect that the fleet that had hit the mechanical planet moved. The direction of the movement was actually toward the earth star, which made him He couldn't help but look tight.

I pressed the watch on my right bowl. This watch instantly deformed and folds out constantly, becoming a board the size of a mouse pad .... At the same time, the environment suddenly changed throughout the room It became like the whole starry sky, with a lot of stars.

Under the starry sky pattern, everyone saw a very large fleet in the distance.

"Who is your brother ... how do you feel ..."

Qi Ling was deeply shocked by the sudden scene, because under the vast starry sky around her, and the huge fleet, she had a feeling of being there. At this moment, she also knew Zhang Nan ’s Brother, is not an ordinary person.

Huang Hai saw the scene in front of him. Although he was not as shocked as Qi Lingxun, he did not have much psychological preparation. He also looked at it with shock. He even had an idea of ​​touching the starry sky above the dining table.

"I told you ... my brother is a legend. Think about my brother's name again."

Zhang Nan whispered that he had hinted at Qi Ling before, but looking at Qi Ling's dumbfounded look, he was also helpless.

"Wang Hao ... Legend ... It's him ..."

Qi Ling was speechless and looked at Zhang Nan. She also remembered who Wang Hao was, because she had also heard Wang Hao introduce herself before, but she did n’t think about it, but Zhang Nan ’s words now made her After reacting, his expression changed instantly, and it seemed that Huang Hai became restrained.

She thought of her previous behavior, and finally knew why Huang Hai, the prospective brother-in-law, was in such a state. Obviously, Huang Hai, the prospective brother-in-law, knew the situation, but she did not know it, which made her irritated and gloomy. Nan, Zhang Nan was also wronged.

"Why didn't you say ... I was so rude."

Qi Ling did not hesitate to twist hard at Zhang Nan's waist. Zhang Nan's face was distorted, but it was strongly controlled.

"I said, you don't use your mind ... how can you blame me ..."

Zhang Nan said with some injustice, but looking at Qi Ling staring at his eyes, he couldn't speak immediately.

"It's really moving ... It's estimated that the earth star was found."

Wang Hao's eyes flashed slightly, looking at the fleet slowly emerging among the vast stars.

"What are you ... what technology should you place without satellites or something?"

Ye Lao was slightly stunned, looking at this starry sky ~ ~ there was a trace of shock on his face, but compared with other people, it was much better, and immediately thought of a problem, that is, Wang Hao did not seem to have Install satellites over there.

But Wang Hao's next sentence made Ye Lao look blank and looked at Wang Hao silently.

"That ... hacked your satellites ... it's really just ok, so that my device can restore the scene."

Wang Hao said embarrassedly, looking at Ye Lao's reaction, he emphasized that he really just went smoothly, and had no other operations.

"Is China's defense system so weak?"

Ye Lao said a little speechless, but Wang Hao hadn't spoken yet, but Dragon Brain spoke, that is, the voice of the little girl.

"Very weak ... I have more than thirty methods that can prevent black from entering in 0.1 second, and three thousand methods to enter black within one second. To sum up, it is two words ... very weak , Even without defense. "

After Wang Hao heard Dragon Brain ’s words, there was an urge to cover his forehead. He looked at Ye Lao and another secretary Zhou ’s face. Although he knew that Dragon Brain was black, it might be true, but he felt like Dragon Brain ’s expression. Too straightforward.


Ye Lao was indeed shocked, but when he looked at Long Nao ’s body around three years old, he was instantly stunned. He thought of the coldness just now, and he did n’t have the slightest doubt.

Why Wang Hao is all around.

Ye Lao made a whisper in his heart, and his eyes turned towards Dragon's Brain, and he also became scorching. He wondered if he could find a chance, and talked to Wang Hao, borrowing the little girl in front of him, he would be fooling by then. , Let the evil little girl play for China.

8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college

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